Chapter 8

Stay With Me

Baekhyun had about 5 minutes to find his first class before the tardy bell rang. Chanyeol had already gone off in the direction of his own, looking for his class as well.

This school was pretty strict about being on time... but then again, this was HYU; there was no room for slackers. Most colleges would just tell you to be at class around a certain time, but never really enforce it enough.

Han Young University was definitely not just any college. If there was one thing they really, really cared about... it was tardiness.



Baekhyun looked down at his schedule once more and tried to memorize the room number as he entered the psychology building.

"E-2... E-2..." He said quietly to himself, searching around for the correct door. Noticing the other rooms and their numbers, he guessed he was pretty close.

The large crowds of people within the building slowly disappeared as the 5 minutes rapidly started coming to an end. Baekhyun began to get a little anxious. Being one of the few people left, he fast-walked down the hallway he hoped was the right one. His eyes scanned the room numbers above each doorway. "E-8... E-7... E-6..."

Baekhyun smiled when he realized he was finally heading to the right place. He neared the second to last door: E-2. Probably half a second before his hands twisted the doorknob, the tardy bell rang. He mentally screamed and panicked, but slowly opened the door, not really sure what to expect.

The entire class turned their heads in Baekhyun's direction, including the teacher. She had an unreadable expression; one Baekhyun desperately hoped wasn't filled with anger or hate.

He looked around at the other students and only found one empty seat towards the left in the back... guessing he was the only one late.

Sighing, he inched towards the seat with all eyes following him. The professor scoffed and crossed her arms in front of her. "What do you think you're doing?"

Everyone stared at Baekhyun. He glanced at some students, putting the pieces together as they widened their eyes, communicating about the whole situation. Now he knew why everyone looked the way they did. They were probably all terrified of the professor. And Baekhyun being the new guy... didn't know anything about any of the teachers.

"U-Um.. I-I was going to-" Baekhyun stammered and pointed to the seat, still standing next to it.

She raised her eyebrows. "If you wanted to sit, you could of been on time."

Baekhyun couldn't respond and just stood there. What was he supposed to do? Sit? And he couldn't just stand there all period...

"I'm s-sorry, I got kind of... l-lost." Baekhyun looked down at his shoes.

The professor smirked. "Do you think that's my fault?

The class threw their attention back and forth between Baekhyun and the teacher, making sure to keep quiet.

Baekhyun didn't reply.

"What's your name?" She demanded.

He hesitated. "B-Byun Baekhyun."

"Well, Byun Baekhyun, go stand in the back. Save the seats for the responsible students."

And with that, Baekhyun had no other choice other than to obey the order. He mentally cursed himself and that one second that caused this.



His legs started getting uncomfortable, but he would have to keep it up for another 20 minutes. Baekhyun huffed and shifted his weight on each foot as he tried to keep up with what the professor was saying.

"Now, get ready to take notes." She said, setting up a powerpoint on the screen. Usually, on the first day of school teachers would just talk about class expectations or things that would be happening throughout the school year... but Baekhyun guessed she liked to get straight to business.

Baekhyun pulled out a fresh notebook and pen and began jotting down the words on the screen.

It lasted for about 10 minutes, leaving another 10 minutes until class ended.

After the powerpoint, the teacher walked back to her desk and sat down. She started doing something on the computer and ended up spending 5 minutes on the thing, leaving the class in their silence.

Baekhyun gave up and leaned against the wall behind him. It was either that or have paralyzed legs.

Everyone just sat in their own boredom... well, except for Baekhyun; he stood in his. But some were humming to themselves or while others looked like they were falling asleep... probably not quite used to waking up early, unlike during summer vacation.

The 5 minutes seemed like an eternity until the bell sounded and everybody jumped up with relief.

"Make sure you pick up your syllabus on the way out!" The professor yelled just before anyone left.

There was a box screwed into the wall that was filled with papers that they all guessed were the syllabus. Baekhyun let everyone get theirs first because they were all crowding around the box, and he did not want to be in the middle of that.

After everyone acquired the paper, Baekhyun finally got his. Right before he was about to exit the room, the professor called out from behind him.

"Stop right there, Byun Baekhyun." She said sternly.

Baekhyun stopped in his tracks and held his breath.

The professor wandered towards said boy and stopped when she leaned against the doorway, blocking any exit from Baekhyun, who just stood there in intimidating silence.

"Don't think you can get away with this so easily." She taunted. Baekhyun still remained mute and looked down at the floor.

The professor continued. "Maybe doing some after school work will teach you a lesson." Baekhyun looked up pleadingly with wide eyes.

"P-Professo-" He tried to reason with her.

"If you're going to waste my time, I can do the same to you." She interrupted, walking back to her desk. "Be here after your last class."

The tardy bell for the next class went off and Baekhyun thanked the heavens he didn't have his second class till later. He sighed and nodded downward. Taking the open doorway as permission to leave, he took his chance to escape before anymore issues came up.

Now all he had to do was make sure he wasn't late for his next class. Or forget about his new after school plans.

I guess I won't be walking home with Chanyeol today...


Baekhyun was free for the next hour, which meant he had nothing to do but wait. He walked out of the psychology building and looked around at the campus' environment. He never really got to get a good look at it all.

It was actually quite beautiful. Green grass laid everywhere, and colors of various flowers were spread along-side the concrete paths. There were perfect amounts of shade sprawled all over the campus from big trees with wooden benches underneath. This view was definitely worth the price... good thing Baekhyun got a scholarship.

Maybe he should have applied for one earlier...

The muffled sounds of other waiting students filled the air, but it sounded.. peaceful. Birds chirped and a soft breeze flew by every once in a while and Baekhyun thought this must be what Heaven feels like. It was just perfect, and he got to experience it firsthand! He floated to an empty bench and rested himself gladly on it, setting his backpack beside him with a smile across his face.

Baekhyun guessed Chanyeol had a class at this time, since he didn't see him outside. But the school was huge, so if he didn't, Baekhyun really had no clue where he could be.

Throwing all thoughts aside, and not caring about any of them (including Chanyeol), he took out his phone to keep track of time. He swore on his own life that he was not going to be late again.

With absolutely nothing to do, Baekhyun decided exploring a little wouldn't hurt. He didn't want to waste his time frolicking around so he told himself he would "give himself a tour" and "look for his classes".

He really meant it, though, and tried to find where his next class was located.

Baekhyun's next class was in the room Q-5, which he found out was all the way across campus.

He had 7 classes in total, which was a lot for a college student. The normal university student would have about 4 or 5 classes, and even that would be considered a handful. Baekhyun knew he needed at least 4 years at a university for him to make it. Only having 2 years of education left at an amazing school such as Han Young University, he was going to have to go above and beyond.

And Baekhyun was quite proud of himself.

Almost all of his classes were in the psychology building. All except for his next class, which wasn't anywhere near there.

He didn't mind having to walk such a long distance; it was sort of nice being able to observe everything and everyone. He noticed some people left school when they didn't have a class, probably going to return before their next one... it was college after all, stuff like that was allowed. You just had to be on time.

Baekhyun didn't know why he kept having to remind himself about all the college norms... he was a junior, after all. He spent his freshman and sophomore years at a community college for him to finally realize that being there would get him nowhere. Yeah, he got some basic classes out of the way, but he would have to really step up his game if he was to achieve his goal of being a psychologist.

A psychologist wasn't anything crazy or exciting like most jobs people dreamed about, but Baekhyun was interested in it. He thought it was cool to be able to look at the minds of people and what causes them to feel or act the way they do. Even if that sounded creepy... he still thought it was fascinating. He loved anything to do with the brain.

After HYU, he even got to go to medical school for 4 years! Baekhyun couldn't wait.



Baekhyun took his time and wandered around a little bit while continuing to search for his class. He let his surroundings soak in before remembering to check the time, stopping in his tracks and pulling out his phone. Ahhh... 9:50. Plenty of time.

There were 15 minutes to go before his class started, including the tardy bell. That meant class got out in ten minutes. Strolling along, he officially claimed HYU as paradise and brought out his class schedule for another look at when he did have classes. His eyes skimmed through the list.

The times for each class were:

1 8:15 - 9:05
2 10:05 - 10:55

3 11:00 - 11:50

4 11:55 - 12:45
5 1:45 - 2:35

6 2:40 - 3:30

7 3:35 - 4:25


Almost every student finished their classes for the day between 12 and 1. There were still quite a few students who didn't, though, considering the number of students that attended HYU. Most of the people who stayed longer were seniors; probably trying to finish up any required classes before graduating.

Baekhyun checked the time again and realized the bell would ring in 2 minutes, meaning he had less than 7 minutes to find his class.

"Q...Q...Q..." His eyes sought for a building with a giant "Q" plastered on the wall. He found what he was looking for and chose the walk down the left side of the building first. As he started heading towards the left, the bell rang and Baekhyun felt an overwhelming sense of panic take place as people gushed out of the classrooms, swiftly surrounding him in all directions.

He had to admit, he wasn't one of the tallest people there. Probably every male (and many females) beat him in height (and money, too).

You'd never realized how many people went to HYU until you were outdoors during passing period.

The gigantic crowd of people withered away, leaving Baekhyun frozen on the spot with a few minutes left to reach class. "C'mon, Q-5.." he panicked.

Baekhyun prayed he was on the correct side of the building. If not, he would have to literally run to the other side to find the classroom.

He sped past each door, eyeing the room numbers until he found the right one. With probably a minute left, he groaned in frustration and instantly just wanted to cry because his first day of school was starting out terribly.

"Q-9...Q-8...Q-7..." He read aloud as he went down the different doors.

Baekhyun approached the last door and knew at that moment his life was over.

"Q-6." He said distastefully. But this was no reason for him to not make it to class. Fire burned in his eyes and Baekhyun could of sworn he heard engines rumbling.

There were 30 seconds until the end of Baekhyun's life and the building seemed to grow longer and longer. He ran and dodged any people coming his way, probably leaving skid marks on the concrete.

He turned the corner and his life flashed before his eyes when he ran straight into another boy, giving him whiplash. Both of them fell over, with Baekhyun squishing the other boy underneath him.

The boy squirmed around and groaned in pain. Baekhyun quickly lifted himself up and dusted off him crinkled clothes. He noticed the boy still laying on the ground with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

Baekhyun completely forgot about the tardy bell and immediately directed his attention to the hurt boy on the ground. "A-Are you okay?!" He inquired.

The boy groaned in response and Baekhyun started helping him up.

"I'm really so-"

"MY SPINE!!" He dramatically yelled at a surprised Baekhyun. He was a little taken aback by this boy's sudden outburst.

And theres the tardy bell. Baekhyun gasped, ignoring him.

The boy raised his brow at Baekhyun's reaction.

"What? It's just the tardy bell..." He was suddenly calm, but still harsh, and Baekhyun looked at him.

Baekhyun started muttering insane words to himself, earning a confused stare from the other boy. Covering both sides of his face with his hands, Baekhyun dozed off into space and entered a state of paralysis, causing him to collapse in front of the now standing boy.

"My life is over..." he mumbled. The boy blinked and looked around to see if anyone else could see what was happening.

He scoffed and crossed his arms in front of him, bending over to get a closer look at Baekhyun.


No response.

"Hey, come on."

Just blank stares.

The boy waved a hand in front of Baekhyun's face and he didn't even blink.

"Dude, you're overreacting."



"Stop being so dramatic."

Baekhyun suddenly fell over and let out a loud whine, regardless of any weird stares or gossiping happening around him. He lied there and looked genuinely upset. The boy leaned down on his knees and shook Baekhyun's shoulder.

"Yo, get up." 

He looked at the boy with sad eyes and sat up on the ground, slumping his shoulders.

"C'mon, stand up."

Baekhyun looked at the ground.

"But I'm late." He muttered, almost inaudible. The boy laughed as he helped Baekhyun to his feet.

"I'm late too," he chuckled. "But my professor's really cool. He's not uptight about tardies and all that... even though he's supposed to be." The boy shrugged and Baekhyun nodded in understanding.

He looked at Baekhyun, who awkwardly returned it with weird and uncomfortable glances. "W-What?"

The boy looked forward and smiled. "Nothing." Baekhyun narrowed his eyes in confusion at his response.

"You can call me Luhan." Baekhyun looked at him out of curiosity. He had dark blond hair that swept across his forehead, kind of like Baekhyun's style, but he thought his probably didn't even look half as good as Luhan's did. Both boys were also similar in size, although Luhan seemed more petite and.. fragile. Like most freshmen.

"Oh, I'm.. Baekhyun." He replied.

Luhan nodded. "So what major are you, Baekhyun?" He questioned with interest.

"Uh, psychology."

The smaller boy gaped at Baekhyun with his mouth wide open. "Me too!"

Baekhyun smiled. At least he knew someone with similar interests as him.

"What class were you heading too?"

"Q-5...?" Baekhyun answered again.

Luhan took a step back, obviously filled with shock. He gasped loudly.

"ME TOO!!"

People were looking at them strangely, but Baekhyun was honestly happy that he wouldn't have to be alone for everything.


As Baekhyun followed Luhan to the correct classroom (slowly this time), he decided to be the first to start the conversation.

"So, Luhan. What year are you?"

The said boy narrowed his eyes towards Baekhyun.

"What year do you think I am?"

Baekhyun took a step back to examine him.

"Hmm... freshman?" He gave his honest answer, which left Luhan obviously offended.


Baekhyun nodded in agreement.

"A freshman? Me? You think I'm a freshman?" Luhan reassured, clearly in utter disbelief. Baekhyun nodded slowly.

"So I take it... you're not a-"

"I AM A SENIOR, NOT SOME.... PUNY FRESHMAN," he threw back angrily.

Baekhyun wasn't sure how he should feel about this guy... should he be scared? Luhan acted like he escaped from an asylum or something.

"Dude, I was jus-"




Luhan closed his eyes and breathed deeply.

"S-sorry. You just have no idea how many people say that. Literally everyone. And it's really annoying always being looked down on because they think im younger, or smaller than them. This is my 4th year at HYU and I thought I would at least look older but I guess not." He looked at the ground and frowned.

Baekhyun looked at him with sympathy. "I'm sorry. I didn't know how much it would affect you."

Luhan returned the look. "You're not going to make fun of me?"

"You seriously think I would be the one to make fun of you?" Baekhyun motioned to himself. "We're basically the same size." Luhan laughed.

Baekhyun decided to change the subject as they almost approached the classroom door. "I'm a junior, by the way. But this is my first year at HYU."

The boy nodded. "Ahhh, I see." He smiled at Baekhyun. "Well, welcome to Han Young University. Just know that things can get pretty crazy at this school."

Baekhyun furrowed his brow as they finally came to the door. "What do you mean?"

Luhan chuckled. "Oh, you'll see soon enough."

They opened the door to the classroom and both entered; one right after the other.







A/N Luhan is introduced yayyyyy.

So how is everyone? Did you like the chapter? It took me a few days to write it and I had to go back and edit some things to make it better. Hopefully it was worth it.

I've been sick these past few days so I have been sleeping a lot and staying home from school and more sleeping.

Also, about Baekhyun's schedule, I didn't want to go into detail about which specific classes he has, so I just put the times. And I'm not 100% sure about the schooling for psychologists, and I only looked into briefly. Please just leave it alone if it's wrong, I don't even know myself. Hopefully it's at least kinda similar... idk.

Baekyeol's first day of school will be drawn out over a few chapters... just to sort of introduce some things that will be in the story as well.

Thanks for reading, and if you actually read these author notes, thank you even more! I know how annoying these can kinda be.

So anyway, comment/subscribe/upvote!!!

Thank you! ^^

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Chapter 16: I really love this fanfic! When's the next update?~~~
Chapter 16: oh my
how could u write this while chapter on your phone?! I get so annoyed! LOL
this was great author-nim!! :)
wonder what will happen to the kitty ;___;
Chapter 15: oh my gawd.
Baekhyun be careful!
Silencerx #5
Chapter 14: Ohmy gooooooosssshhhhhhh, I think I'm in love~ Okay, first off, I'm really sorry for not commenting on the precious chapters. I found this story yesterday (AHEM. Because I read your amazing Hunhan 2 shot...cough* And had to see if you had any other amazing fics.) and I could not put it down. I took a break from reading for a while, but then my feels kinda took over and when I found this... I just power read it all in a sitting. 0.0 Ah gee. It's amazzzing! I especially love how the plot and the feelings in this are realistic- and not rushed or sloppy. It's really good. Like, when they do confess to each other... I think I might have a stoke...because how your building it up is soooo cute!!

Ohmygosh. And the mother. XD I seriously wish my mom was as beast as her. I can't even tell you how many times I've cracked up laughing because she was being awesome. Oh, and Sehun with the taco and penguin. Yeah, died there too. 'Just a little.' I convinced my sister to read that part, and she died as well. Lol. Ouuu, I also love how you depicted Luhans personality. Unlike most fics, he wasn't this fragile, soft character, which was a really good change for once. Kind of a relief, actually.

Well. I should stop rambling now... Thank you for making my day awesome, and I shall be anticipating the next chapter~ Flys away on magical unicorn* c:<
Chapter 14: LOOOL AWWE Baekhyun is too cute xD
hopefully they'll realize their feelings for each other sooon~~~ :3
Chapter 1: Friend, your fics are so great!!!! Why didn't this dang thing come in to my life a long time ago?? I love it already ^^
TheAlmightyJam #8
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday author-nim! I love reading your fics so please keep it up! Always stay healthy and don't strain yourself in updating. Health is always a priority! ;)
(yeah, im also very VERY excited for EXO's comeback *squeaaaaaal* >u<)
Chapter 13: Jin Bo is so creepy O.O
what is her problem?!
so.. she hates Chanyeol *obvi* but does she like Baekhyun? or does she hate him cuz she's talking like he's moving out of Korea again O.o
so weird LOL
thanks for updating author-nim! :)