Chapter 5

Stay With Me

It was the beginning of August and the withstanding heat wasn't the only thing worth dreading. School was starting next week and that meant no more sleeping in. No more staying up late. No more doing whatever they wanted, whenever.

It was especially hard on Chanyeol, though. Being the lazy, deep-sleeper he was. To him there was probably not one thing that existed that was worse than the beginning of school.

Waking up any time before 11 o'clock in the morning was definitely not his thing.

But Baekhyun was quite the opposite.  He actually enjoyed going to school. He was never the type of person that had tons of friends, or was even known by anybody for that matter. Baekhyun didn't mind though. He just enjoyed observing and just surrounding himself with the people around him.

You could say Baekhyun was kind of a loner, but he didn't feel lonely. Even though he would always sit by himself during lunch or break.

And honestly, he just kinda liked listening in on the conversations around him... as creepy and stalkerish as that sounds.



Baekhyun lied in bed, refusing to open his eyes just yet. He turned over so his back was facing the door and pulled the cozy blankets to just below his nose. Just a few more minutes.

Reality soon hit Baekhyun as the scent of bacon and pancakes entered his nose. Half of him was happy and excited to wake up to something as great as this. The other half just wanted to sleep until forever. Or at least noon.

He decided to throw his plan out the window and lift his eyelids, taking a peek at the digital clock in front of him. 9:45 am.

Baekhyun sighed and flipped back around to face the door before getting up to face the day. He stared at the door for a few minutes. Guess it's either now or never. He regretted throwing his blankets off when a sudden feeling of coldness rushed over his body, just like every other morning.

Breakfast was his only motivation.


"Hey, Baek." Baekhyun's mom glanced from her spot at the stove when she heard shuffling coming down the stairs.

"Hey." He mumbled in response, sitting down and letting his head rest on the table. He noticed Chanyeol wasn't here and guessed he was probably still asleep. Baekhyun's mother turned her attention back towards the stove and put a stack of pancakes onto a plate. Walking over to the table with a plate of food in each hand, Baekhyun instantly perked up.

"He still asleep?" Baekhyun yawned, eyes trained on the items in front of him.

His mom automatically knew who he was talking about. "Yeah. You should go wake him up before his food gets cold."

Baekhyun stuffed his mouth with a forkful of pancakes and bacon. "Do I have toooo? Why can't you do it.." She smirked.

"Because I'm making you do it. Now go or I'll make you wash the dishes instead." She threatened, not hearing the "you're so mean to me" Baekhyun murmured as he trudged up the stairs and to the door of the guest bedroom. He made a fist and slowly but surely knocked on the door.

Waiting for it to open, or at least any reply for that matter, Baekhyun grew more and more impatient. He knocked again only to receive the same response. He sighed and decided that if he wants something, he'll just have to do it himself.

Baekhyun cracked the door open enough for him to peep his head inside. Looking only for the owner of the room, he failed to spot any sign of civilization. How can someone live in this filth?

Baekhyun could of sworn there was not one spot of carpet visible.

He nearly made the worst decision of life when he reluctantly took a step on something other than the floor. Looking for the light switch, his hand roamed the wall until it came across what he was looking for. The room lit up and Baekhyun found a big lump on the bed which he guessed was his target.

Baekhyun tip-toed his way to the bed and forcefully threw himself down onto the edge of his bed, eyeing him to try and catch any reaction. He bounced a couple of times and paused before pulling the covers away from Chanyeol's face. The boy didn't stir.

"Hey," Baekhyun whispered, gently shaking a sleeping Chanyeol's shoulders. Still no response. He sure is one deep sleeper....

"Hey. Chanyeol," he said a little more forcibly this time. "Wake up. Your breakfast's probably cold by now." Nudging his ribs, the boy groaned in annoyance and moved away from the direction of the feeling, eyes still closed shut. Chanyeol furrowed his brow in his sleep.

Baekhyun was easily growing more impatient. Something he was definitely not unfamiliar with. He was never very patient or had a high tolerance to in the first place.

He thought of another idea and ripped the sheets from his body. "If you're not gonna wake up, I guess I'll have to make you," Baekhyun murmured to himself, glaring at the back of the sleeping boy's head. He stood up and inhaled deeply before slowly placing his feet on the nearest available half of Chanyeol's bed. Poking his back with his toe, he gave as a sort of "last warning".

He shifted back and forth with his feet on the mattress. He'll think twice about sleeping in. Baekhyun smirked at the thought.

Baekhyun positioned himself, ready to go. Okay....

Counting to three in his mind, on the last number he started jumping until someone fell off the side of the bed. And let's just say......

That person was not Chanyeol.

And to make matters worse, he didn't even stir the slightest bit.

It is now confirmed that Park Chanyeol is the most difficult person to wake.


Baekhyun couldn't care less that the other boy's breakfast was just sitting there, uneaten with probably no traces of warmth left. He was glad to be honest. He deserves to starve.

Failing his first (and probably not the last) mission of the day, Baekhyun slumped his shoulders and dragged himself down the stairs with a dead expression.

Returning to the kitchen, he noticed his mother's curious expression and answered what he knew was the following question.

"Let him starve to death. I hope he never wakes up." Baekhyun's mother raised her brow. She returned to washing the dishes, no questions asked. He sat back down in his seat to finish his meal, which wasn't as good as it was at first, Baekhyun thought.


It was now almost 1:00 pm and still no trace of a Park Chanyeol. The house was strangely quiet and Baekhyun was lying on the couch staring into nothing as boredom ate him alive. His mother was off at some "get-together" one of her old friends were having. She had offered for him to join her, but what could Baekhyun possibly enjoy with a bunch of middle-aged women? He couldn't think of a worse way to spend a perfectly fine Sunday.

So he lied there. And did absolutely nothing instead. But everybody was still asleep, right? Well, everybody as in one person. So he was basically alone. A smile crept upon Baekhyun's face. There was always one thing he loved to do whenever he was alone. Just him and nobody else was around. When Baekhyun was by himself... he would sing. He loved singing, in fact. He was just always too self-conscience to actually do it in front of other people. Even his mom.

She didn't even know anything about Baekhyun's surreptitious love for belting out a song at the top of his lungs.

Or how at ease he feels when the notes float along perfectly.

Or how satisfied he feels when he successfully hits the high notes.

Or just how plain happy he feels when the sound of his own voice reaches his ears.

And Baekhyun doesn't think he sounds too bad, to be honest. He's just too afraid of what others would think. Especially his classmates.

They had always known him as the weird loner who just stares at everyone. They knew him as just some pathetic creep. But Baekhyun always hid his emotions and kept them to himself. He actually didn't care most of the time when people would talk about him from a distance; only when they starting coming face to face with him was when he began to slowly wither away from the inside-out. Baekhyun slowly started to hate himself.

But singing... and listening to the soothing sound that could be produced by only him. A sound so beautiful that made Baekhyun just the slightest bit proud; made him love himself slowly, a little at a time. That's what kept him sane. And maybe even alive, as the bullying continued.

Singing was Baekhyun's escape. His way out.

Plus, he also just kinda thought it was fun, too...

And since his ears were the only ones aware and listening, he did the one thing he loves to do. Baekhyun smiled as he listened to the sweet melody come out of his own mouth. He closed his eyes and lost himself in his own singing, continuing to lie on the couch with his arms and hands rested naturally on his stomach.





Chanyeol has never woken up feeling as.... well, fully rested as he does now. He doesn't struggle to open his eyes as he turns his head up to glance at the clock on the nightstand. He gasped and sat up straight, wide eyed. 1:30 in the afternoon?!!! Good thing it was a Sunday. And still summer break.

Feeling energized, Chanyeol hopped out of bed and headed towards the door. To be honest, he wasn't as hungry as he thought he would be for sleeping in past lunch(!!!!!!!). And he was always pretty serious about his food, which made it a little surprising since he would always be more than happy to accept any opportunities to get his hands on something edible(again, !!!!!!!). He shook it off and twisted the doorknob only to be stopped in his tracks.

Chanyeol furrowed his brow, trying to comprehend what he was hearing right now. It sounded like..... singing? It was pretty good actually, Chanyeol thought. Really good. Amazing, actually.

He couldn't stop himself from following the voice, but gained enough control to stop at the top of the staircase just in time.

Wow. Just listening to it took Chanyeol's breath away. He decided to investigate.

Chanyeol took a silent step down, barely peeping down at the ground below him. His eyes searched in hopes of finding who or whatever was making that song. Taking another step down, he desperately tried to get a better look.

 All he could see was Baekhyun lying on the couch, eye closed and his mouth moving alone to the words of the song. Wait.... is that..... B-Baekhyun s-singing?! Chanyeol's eyes widened at that possibility, but really, there was not another person in this house. And the kitchen light was off, so nobody was in there, which meant...

He really could not believe this. Baekhyun could sing?

B-Baekhyun can... SING?

BAEKHYUN SINGS?! WHAT.....? Who knew..

Wow. Chanyeol didn't know why he was so surprised. But still, Baekhyun had never laid any hints or anything. He was actually, probably, the last person Chanyeol had expected to ever do something like this. Not like this was a bad thing or anything.

But then again, Chanyeol tends to overreact.

So instead of freaking out, he calmed himself and decided to get in closer for a front seat. He stepped inch by inch down each step and across the living room floor, trying almost impossibly hard to keep the decibels below.01. Not wanting to interrupt this beautiful moment, Chanyeol prayed the older boy would keep his eyes shut and never stop this. It sounded so perfect.

As if God had answered Chanyeol's prayers, Baekhyun did just that. And Chanyeol let this amazing moment soak in. He closed his eyes and let the boy's heavenly voice seep into his brain. Just until.....


Chanyeol cursed himself and his sensitive nose.

At that sound, Baekhyun's eyes instantly shot open and he sat up as silence filled the room. Chanyeol avoided the other's intense stare.

"You can continue..." Chanyeol suggested, motioning with his hand.

"W-Were you there the wh-whole time??" Chanyeol could sense the panic in Baekhyun's voice.

He chuckled. "No, not exactly." Baekhyun looked down to the floor. Silence continued to fill the house.

"You sound amazing." Chanyeol filled his words with adoration, adding a smile when the older glanced his way.

Baekhyun huffed. "Thanks, but I know you're just saying that to be nice." Chanyeol nearly dropped his jaw at his words.

"A-Are you serious? How can you say that? You have the voice of an angel!" Chanyeol was quietly yelling, determined to change the older boy's mind.

Baekhyun smiled and looked down, hiding the blush swept across his cheeks.

"I agree!"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun both look up towards the unfamiliar voice in their home. "You heard that right?" Chanyeol whispered to Baekhyun, making sure he wasn't imagining things. He nodded.

Suddenly, that strange blonde kid from days ago came storming out of the kitchen door, armed with a giant inflatable penguin under his right arm.

Baekhyun avoided the question of why he was in his house and just stared at him confusedly, as did Chanyeol.

"Uhhh..."Chanyeol started. The boy just stared back.

"I'm Sehun, if you didn't know."


"Umm okay.." Baekhyun replied, not knowing what else to do in a situation like this.

"And you are.....?" Sehun suggested for the conversation.

Chanyeol blinked. "Chanyeol."


"Okay. Bye then." He gave a short wave and paced out of the house and into the one across the street. The one the other, little boy came out of... maybe a younger brother or something?

And with that, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were both left dumbfounded once again.







A/N Sorry this update is late!!! I know I said I'll try to update every other day but I kEEP GETTING DISTRACTED AND OMG really i am sorry this chapter probably and if it does then i apologize i have not slept in almost 24 hours and i am beyond tired i just feel dead BUT PLEASE DONT HATE ME


my cells are just withering

i can feel myself fading away

but i cant sleep until 10pm because i have school tomorrow and if i go to sleep now ill be awake all night

so woohoo to school starting

more like boohoo

im sorry im probably really dumb right now

Anyways, please comment/subscribe/like!!! <3

(please excuse my dead pathetic self even though i just spent like two minutes trying to spell the word excuse)

(also, ***** means a switch in pov)

Thank you :)

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Chapter 16: I really love this fanfic! When's the next update?~~~
Chapter 16: oh my
how could u write this while chapter on your phone?! I get so annoyed! LOL
this was great author-nim!! :)
wonder what will happen to the kitty ;___;
Chapter 15: oh my gawd.
Baekhyun be careful!
Silencerx #5
Chapter 14: Ohmy gooooooosssshhhhhhh, I think I'm in love~ Okay, first off, I'm really sorry for not commenting on the precious chapters. I found this story yesterday (AHEM. Because I read your amazing Hunhan 2 shot...cough* And had to see if you had any other amazing fics.) and I could not put it down. I took a break from reading for a while, but then my feels kinda took over and when I found this... I just power read it all in a sitting. 0.0 Ah gee. It's amazzzing! I especially love how the plot and the feelings in this are realistic- and not rushed or sloppy. It's really good. Like, when they do confess to each other... I think I might have a stoke...because how your building it up is soooo cute!!

Ohmygosh. And the mother. XD I seriously wish my mom was as beast as her. I can't even tell you how many times I've cracked up laughing because she was being awesome. Oh, and Sehun with the taco and penguin. Yeah, died there too. 'Just a little.' I convinced my sister to read that part, and she died as well. Lol. Ouuu, I also love how you depicted Luhans personality. Unlike most fics, he wasn't this fragile, soft character, which was a really good change for once. Kind of a relief, actually.

Well. I should stop rambling now... Thank you for making my day awesome, and I shall be anticipating the next chapter~ Flys away on magical unicorn* c:<
Chapter 14: LOOOL AWWE Baekhyun is too cute xD
hopefully they'll realize their feelings for each other sooon~~~ :3
Chapter 1: Friend, your fics are so great!!!! Why didn't this dang thing come in to my life a long time ago?? I love it already ^^
TheAlmightyJam #8
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday author-nim! I love reading your fics so please keep it up! Always stay healthy and don't strain yourself in updating. Health is always a priority! ;)
(yeah, im also very VERY excited for EXO's comeback *squeaaaaaal* >u<)
Chapter 13: Jin Bo is so creepy O.O
what is her problem?!
so.. she hates Chanyeol *obvi* but does she like Baekhyun? or does she hate him cuz she's talking like he's moving out of Korea again O.o
so weird LOL
thanks for updating author-nim! :)