Chapter 14

Stay With Me

The first thing Baekhyun remembered when they got home nearly gave him a heart attack. Of course, with his luck, he'd forget about having to stay after school as punishment. He entered his room and threw himself down on the bed face first. Laying there for an eternity, he hoped he would somehow suffocate in his pillow and not have to ever go to school again. Or at least his first class, anyway.

But seriously, how could a teacher enjoy torturing students and still live with themself? Baekhyun knew she was just trying to enforce the rule, but come on, can't they just give the boy a break?

Nearing 7 o'clock, Baekhyun forced himself to get up and move over to the desk to start his homework. His first period teacher always gave out the most homework and Baekhyun was convinced there was not one good thing about that class. Maybe he should just drop the class altogether and get out with at least some sanity left.

Baekhyun dreadfully sorted through the work for each of his classes and sighed to himself. What can't the school year be easy? Everything was supposed to be great and not stressful, but so far it wasn't anything close. How ironic...

Was this how the whole school year would be?

Hours later and the boy was on the verge of tears. He wasn't even finished with one class's homework and he just wanted to sleep. To drift off and be alone for a few hours until the cycle had to start again. The weekend was all Baekhyun wanted, but the days before were passing way too slow.

He rested his head on the textbook in front of him and blankly stared at a side view of his alarm clock. 10:45 and Baekhyun's eyes were unwillingly closing. His vision blurred until everything was dark and sleep took over. So much for finishing any homework.

Baekhyun unconsciously half-smiled in his dreams and if anyone saw him they'd probably be cracking up. Anyone could guess the boy was dreaming and the drool dripping onto his textbook pages weren't helping.

Baekhyun sat under a tree. The shade was enough to block the warm-ish weather, but the breeze was still able to sweep through. Suddenly looking to his left, he noticed Chanyeol plopping down on the grass next to him, stretching his legs out in front of him and propping himself up with his hands on the ground behind him. After a few seconds of being startled, Baekhyun looked forward in silence and observed the sunset occurring in front of them. They could sit there in total silence and Baekhyun ould be perfectly okay with it. He didn't feel the need to speak at that moment; if anything, he didn't want anyone to speak at that moment. Sunsets were relaxing and brought peace.

"I heard what you said yesterday."

Baekhyun sighed and partially rolled his eyes at the obviousness, "I know." Both boys kept there gaze forward and watched the colors continue to gradually and almost unnoticably descend.

"Was it true?" Chanyeol had a hopeful tone in his voice and it was obvious he was anticipating the answer. Baekhyun paused a second or two longer than necessary.

"Yeah. I'm not taking it back."

Baekhyun could hear the trying-to-be-hidden smile in the boy's voice, "I-I see."

Baekhyun put on an indifferent face and stretched out his legs next to Chanyeol's. Friends could do this, right? He put his hands behind him similarly to Chanyeol and didn't shift his eyes from the sky in front of them. Baekhyun's legs didn't reach quite as far as Chanyeol's did, but that's one of the things he loved. All the little differences and quirks.

He tried counting his breathing to put his mind into something, anything. Anything to get his mind off of the situation he was in.

Chanyeol suddenly started moving around, startling Baekhyun in the slightest. Was he just going to leave? Instead of standing up and walking away, the boy scooted back until his legs were of equal length with Baekhyun's. Baekhyun was confused as to what he was even doing. Chanyeol started moving his foot back and forth, hitting his shoe against Baekhyun's.

He didn't bother looking at Chanyeol; it didn't exactly bother Baekhyun what he was doing, but he didn't feel at peace anymore, either. Small actions like this were what made Baekhyun dig even deeper.

"Hey, Baekhyun." Baekhyun was a little taken aback at the seriousness in Chanyeol's voice. He was so used to being called Baek that his actual name seemed out of place.

He continued without Baekhyun's response, "you shouldn't of ran away."

Baekhyun still didn't reply. He actually didn't really know what to say. It wasn't that he was surprised, or anything like that, he just couldn't form any words in his mind.

Seconds later, a question rose up automatically, "why not?"

It was now Chanyeol's turn to not reply, leaving Baekhyun suddenly curious as to why it was such a hard thing for him to say. He didn't urge him to answer right away, but he still expected one. For the first (or second) time, Baekhyun expectantly glanced back at Chanyeol, whose eyes shifted from the sunset over to Baekhyun. His expression slightly changed and he sat up. Baekhyun was becoming even more curious.

Baekhyun turned his body a little to face the boy more comfortably, trying his best to avoid showing any weaknesses. He had a short wall around him since yesterday, being more cautious and less extroverted than usual.

Chanyeol turned, too, and looked around to avoid what seemed to be nervousness. Baekhyun turned away a little, not wanting to seem as if what he said yesterday still had any role. Chanyeol's position remained and he spoke up again to get the boy's attention, "hey, Baek."

He didn't have the heart to ignore him, so he cautiously gave in and looked at Chanyeol out of the corner of his eye. Baekhyun turned his head a little more until he could see him straight forward. They way Chanyeol looked at him made his heart skip a beat and soon his eyes wore a desirable expression as the distance between them decreased. Placing his finger below Baekhyun's chin, he slowly propped his face at a more manageable angle and continued to come closer. Merely inches away from the boy's lips, Chanyeol lowly whispered, "this is why."

Baekhyun's eyes flew open as he suddenly awoke from his slumber on the desk and stumbled out of the chair, landing on the floor. What kind of dream was that?? Baekhyun was still breathing heavily and the room was getting warmer and he wasn't all that tired anymore...

Although, he couldn't help but be a little curious as to why that dream just happened. It had to mean something, didn't it? Once Baekhyun gained control of himself he decided to hell with homework and threw himself on the bed. This dream was going to drive him crazy, and one hell of a dream it was... It seemed so realistic it almost made Baekhyun cringe. He crawled under the covers and shut his eyes. Tomorrow was another day of school and he didn't need anymore troubles. Baekhyun tried to clear his mind and relax himself. He was not going to let this affect him.







A/N whhaaaaa I'm so sorry, it's been such a long time since I've last updated and this chapter is reeeeally short, I know, I apologize.

But while I was taking a break from this story, I finished another story! It's a Hunhan twoshot, to be exact, and let me just say that I love it so much and it was so fun to write and a lot of people really liked it, so I'm glad! Heres the link if you wanna read it: Simple Reasons (I really suggest you read it, a lot of people said they loved it and I'm even gonna be making a bonus for it (you'll understand by the ending) after posting this chapter since I got sooo many requests to make one.)

Thanks for reading and again, I'm sorry for the really short chapter! Next one will /hopefully/ be a lot better and longer.

Oh, and hoped you liked the little baekyeol scene there. Yeah, it was a dream heheh.. I'm having some writer's block for this story, so if you have any ideas feel free to let me know. I'd really appreciate it, and I'll give you some credit in the story, too! yep c;

Now, onto the bonus! /here I goooo~/

(wish me luck o_____o)


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Chapter 16: I really love this fanfic! When's the next update?~~~
Chapter 16: oh my
how could u write this while chapter on your phone?! I get so annoyed! LOL
this was great author-nim!! :)
wonder what will happen to the kitty ;___;
Chapter 15: oh my gawd.
Baekhyun be careful!
Silencerx #5
Chapter 14: Ohmy gooooooosssshhhhhhh, I think I'm in love~ Okay, first off, I'm really sorry for not commenting on the precious chapters. I found this story yesterday (AHEM. Because I read your amazing Hunhan 2 shot...cough* And had to see if you had any other amazing fics.) and I could not put it down. I took a break from reading for a while, but then my feels kinda took over and when I found this... I just power read it all in a sitting. 0.0 Ah gee. It's amazzzing! I especially love how the plot and the feelings in this are realistic- and not rushed or sloppy. It's really good. Like, when they do confess to each other... I think I might have a stoke...because how your building it up is soooo cute!!

Ohmygosh. And the mother. XD I seriously wish my mom was as beast as her. I can't even tell you how many times I've cracked up laughing because she was being awesome. Oh, and Sehun with the taco and penguin. Yeah, died there too. 'Just a little.' I convinced my sister to read that part, and she died as well. Lol. Ouuu, I also love how you depicted Luhans personality. Unlike most fics, he wasn't this fragile, soft character, which was a really good change for once. Kind of a relief, actually.

Well. I should stop rambling now... Thank you for making my day awesome, and I shall be anticipating the next chapter~ Flys away on magical unicorn* c:<
Chapter 14: LOOOL AWWE Baekhyun is too cute xD
hopefully they'll realize their feelings for each other sooon~~~ :3
Chapter 1: Friend, your fics are so great!!!! Why didn't this dang thing come in to my life a long time ago?? I love it already ^^
TheAlmightyJam #8
Chapter 13: Happy Birthday author-nim! I love reading your fics so please keep it up! Always stay healthy and don't strain yourself in updating. Health is always a priority! ;)
(yeah, im also very VERY excited for EXO's comeback *squeaaaaaal* >u<)
Chapter 13: Jin Bo is so creepy O.O
what is her problem?!
so.. she hates Chanyeol *obvi* but does she like Baekhyun? or does she hate him cuz she's talking like he's moving out of Korea again O.o
so weird LOL
thanks for updating author-nim! :)