Best Enemies

"You are the most stubborn person I know." Byunghyun grumbled as he limped after Niel.

Niel glanced back at his friend. "It wouldn't work out..."

The redhead snorted. "Don't give me that, I saw the way you two were acting with each other. You love him, Niel."

"I'm not-!"

"Yes, you are. You're just scared that it could be the best relationship you've had."

"I'm not scared!" Niel said loudly, uncaring of the looks he was getting. "Me and Shin Dongwoo are too different to be together!"

"And what are those differences?" Byunghyun propped his chin on his hand. "Please tell me."

The younger glared at him. "He's rich-"

"Are you serious?" Byunghyun interrupted him. "He doesn't care about that so why do you?"

"Of course he doesn't care..." Niel mumbled. "They never care. Money doesn't matter to them."

"Niel, money does not matter, love does. You have a man who's in love with you and you're pushing him away because he has money? Do you know what I would do if I had that? He could be your true love and you wouldn't know it. Open your eyes and look. Really look."

"But... money..." Niel protested again. "I don't want to be looked down on or made fun of..."

"When has he done that?"

"Well, never... But that doesn't mean.."

"Stop it!" Byunghyun said loudly. "You're just making up excuses now! You love him, he loves you! That's what matters!"

Niel looked around a little, feeling an urge to crawl under the table. "Hyung..." He'd never seen Byunghyun like this before.

The redhead shook his head. "Every time someone shows an interest in you, you start picking away at him or her to find their flaws. Then you use it as an excuse to not get in a relationship with them. I don't know why you're so against getting into relationships but you need to get over it or you'll be alone for the rest of your life. Do you really want that?"

Niel didn't answer him, instead opting to get up and run out of the lunchroom.


"That was harsh."

Byunghyun didn't even look up. "He needed it..."

Heechul moved to sit in Niel's spot. "Neh, I agree. But was it necessary to do it here? You could have said all that without embarrassing him."

Byunghyun groaned softly. "Don't lecture me, hyung.. Please."

"Fine, but you should go talk to him. Nicely this time."

Byunghyun watched a tall brunette leave his seat and follow Niel out of the room. "I won't need to."

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Ladyqueen #1
The end was really sweet and finally Niel gave in.
I'm very happy 'bout that ^^
I enjoyed reading this story :)
Ladyqueen #2
Chapter 4: Hey there!
I really like this story, and your writing stile is somehow cute and also cool.
And this is the first time, that I read something 'bout CNU and Niel, but they are SO cute together.
I also like about this story, that you can follow it really good and you can comprehend why the charaters are acging, like this.
Hope, that a new chapter soon comes up ;)