Best Enemies

"I don't see why I have to wear a blindfold just to meet your boyfriend." Niel grumbled as Byunghyun led him down a hallway.

"Heechul hyung is strange. He doesn't like people to know where he lives until he trusts them."

"I should've known you'd have a boyfriend who's as strange as you are."

"Yah, I'm not strange," Byunghyun scowled. "Besides, Heechul hyung is stranger."

"I find that very hard to believe." Niel replied.

The redhead stuck his tongue out at his friend, even though the other teen couldn't see. "I wonder how you'd look as a redhead."

"Don't you even dare," Niel warned him. "You've already dyed my hair purple. Not again."

"I was just wondering."

"Wonder about something else."

Byunghyun looked around as he turned a corner. Immediately he saw Jinyoung standing by a door and grinned. Found him.

"Are we almost there?"

"Neh, we're almost there," the older teen replied, leading Niel over to the door.

Jinyoung grinned and opened the door. Both teens put their hands on Niel's back and pushed, propelling the teen into Dongwoo's room. When he was in, Jinyoung shut the door and locked it.


Dongwoo didn't look up when his door opened, he knew Jinyoung had planned on visiting. He did, however, look up when he heard the door shut and lock. "Aish..."

A very familiar teen was feeling his way around the room. But why was he wearing a blindfold?

"Hyung?" Niel asked then scowled. "What am I doing?" He reached up, tearing the blindfold off. Immediately he regretted it. "Why are you here?" He growled at Dongwoo.

"I could ask you the same thing. I belong here, you don't."


"You're in my room, Daniel. But you might as well make yourself comfortable. We've been locked in."

Niel scowled and turned around, trying to open the door. To his chagrin, Dongwoo was right.

"Told you. Now sit down." Dongwoo motioned towards the chair at his desk as he grabbed a book and settled down on his bed. "Hope you have something to do."

Niel grabbed the chair and dragged it to the other side of the room, wanting to put as much distance as possible between himself and the brunette. "I don't."

"Too bad." Dongwoo tried to read his book even though he was all-too-aware of the other boy. His body was quite interested in repeating what had happened the other night. Finally, after reading the same page for the fifth time, he gave up and put it down. "Tell me why you don't like me."

"Waeyo, you heard everything the other day."

"I'm not stupid, I know that's not the only reason."

Niel looked around the room, anywhere but at the intriguing brunette. "I'm not telling." He growled.

"Why not."

Niel remained silent.

"Then I'll talk." Dongwoo screamed at himself to shut up, he knew exactly what he was about to share.

"A few months ago we got a new student. I was curious and hung around the front hall in hopes of seeing him. Finally he arrived. I thought he was the cutest thing I'd ever seen, short with curly brown hair, and big eyes."

Niel held his breath. He didn't want to listen in case he was talking about someone else, but still..

"Before I even got a chance to introduce myself to this boy, I started running into him and he'd speak so rudely to me. He doesn't like me and I don't even know why. Because I like him, despite the cold treatment I get from him."

Now Niel looked at him, his mouth dropping a little in surprise. "You like me?" he croaked, then made a face.

Dongwoo looked back at Niel steadily. "I do. Now tell me why you don't like me."

Niel looked away, his face turning red. "...I... You.... I wanted you to notice me. I knew you wouldn't look at me because I'm not rich. So that left being rude to you."

Suddenly Dongwoo was in front of him, tipping his chin up. "You wanted my attention," he said. "Why did you want it?"

Niel bit down on his lip. There was no way he was going to tell him why.

Dongwoo's attention was drawn by the movement. He ran his thumb over the younger's lips, feeling the softness against his skin. "Tell me."

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Ladyqueen #1
The end was really sweet and finally Niel gave in.
I'm very happy 'bout that ^^
I enjoyed reading this story :)
Ladyqueen #2
Chapter 4: Hey there!
I really like this story, and your writing stile is somehow cute and also cool.
And this is the first time, that I read something 'bout CNU and Niel, but they are SO cute together.
I also like about this story, that you can follow it really good and you can comprehend why the charaters are acging, like this.
Hope, that a new chapter soon comes up ;)