Best Enemies

Niel slammed the door and collapsed on his bed. Was Byunghyun right? He can't be right, he thought. I want to be in a relationship. Just with the right person and Dongwoo isn't the right person.

But if Byunghyun is right and he loves you, doesn't that make him the right person? A little voice whisperered.

"He doesn't love me," Niel said aloud. "Not after everything..."


Dongwoo stood outside Niel's door, hand raised as he prepared to knock. He was determined to make the younger admit his feelings for him.

You're mine, Niel, whether you like it or not.



Niel jumped and ended up falling on the floor when he heard the knock. "Come in," he grumbled, thinking it was Byunghyun.

The door opened, showing the last person he wanted to see.

The younger climbed back into his bed and buried himself under the blankets. "Go away."

"Not until we talk."

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Neh, there is. I'm in love with you, Ahn Daniel."

Niel bolted up, looking at Dongwoo with wide eyes. "What?"

"You heard me. I love everything about you. Your ridiculous purple hair, your stubbornness, your love of arguing with me, even how you can be cold sometimes."

"You can't.." The younger said, looking at Dongwoo. "You can't love me!"

"Why? Because you're a scholarship student? I told you that I don't care."

The younger looked down at his hands, clenching them into fists. "...waeyo..."

Dongwoo watched him silently.

Niel smiled up at his lover. "Hey, hyung. What did you have to tell me?"

Minsoo looked at him. "Stop telling people that I'm your boyfriend."

"What, waeyo?"

"Because I'm not your boyfriend. I wouldn't date a scholarship student."

"Waeyo?" Niel asked again. "Why are you different? Everyone cares that I'm a scholarship student, just not you. So, why?"

"I haven't always been rich." Dongwoo replied calmly. "I was a scholarship student until just before I came here. That was three years ago."

Niel stared at him. "You... were a scholarship student.."

"I know it's hard to believe but, yes I was."

"I don't believe you. You could be making it up."

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Dongwoo ran his fingers through his hair. "But aren't you getting tired of pushing people away?"

Niel shook his head. "I don't push people away." He said stubbornly.

Dongwoo arched his eyebrow, not saying anything.

"I-I don't." Niel protested weakly. He knew perfectly well that he did push people away. But they weren't worth being friends with if they let him do that. Right?

"Yes, you do." Dongwoo informed him. "And that's going to stop. At least for me. I won't let you push me away anymore, Niel. Not when I know you love me too."

Niel gaped at him. "Who do you think you are?"

"Your boyfriend."

"Wha-I'm not-I mean-huh?" Niel sputtered.

Dongwoo smirked at him, walking closer to the bed. "I know you love me, Niel. I don't know why you keep trying to push me away, but that will stop."

"But-you-stop!" The younger crawled backwards on his bed, trying to put as much distance between him and the brunette. He tried to think of reasons why it was a bad idea for them to date, but he was distracted by the older getting on the bed.

"Just say yes, Niel." Dongwoo said, moving closer.

"Yes, Niel." Niel repeated. "What am I saying yes to?"

"To being my boyfriend."

"But... we can't."

"Why? There aren't any rules against relationships, I love you, you love me. What's the problem?" The brunette cupped Niel's face, his thumbs brushing over his cheeks.

"I-I..." Niel couldn't think of anything except his lips on Dongwoo's. Finally he just gave up and closed the space between them.


Byunghyun eyed Niel and Dongwoo, looking as if he expected them to burst into flames.

"Stop staring." Niel snapped.

"Oh good, you're still yourself."

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be myself?"

"Because Dongwoo hyung is sitting next to you and you're not arguing with him."

"He's my boyfriend, he won't-mmph!"

Niel pulled his elbow back from where he'd driven it into Dongwoo's side. "Finish your lunch."

"And here I was hoping you wouldn't be so bossy anymore." Jinyoung commented, sitting next to Byunghyun. A thump on his other side announced that Chansik had come over too.

Niel eyed Jinyoung then looked at Dongwoo. "Bossy?"

"Neh," Jinyoung replied, ignoring the brunette glaring daggers at him. "Me and Dongwoo hyung-mmph!"

It was his turn to be shut up when Chansik stuffed a roll into his mouth. "So, Byunghyun, I hear you broke up with Heechul hyung?"

"Neh, we decided we were better off as friends." Byunghyun eyed the blond beside him. "Why do you ask?"

"Because Chansik wants to bring you into our relationship." Jinyoung had eaten the roll by then. "He likes you, Byunghyun~! That's not a good thing though. He won't let-"

"Jinyoung...!" Chansik looked ready to kill the redhead.

"And that's my cue to leave." Jinyoung hopped out of his seat and nearly ran out of the lunchroom, Chansik following him.

Byunghyun hesitated then followed both boys out of the room.

"Those three will be in the strangest relationship here." Niel commented.

"I hope Chansik knows what he's getting himself into. He's already got his hands full with Jin. If Byunghyun is anything like him.."

"Well, if anyone could handle him, it would be Chansik."

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Ladyqueen #1
The end was really sweet and finally Niel gave in.
I'm very happy 'bout that ^^
I enjoyed reading this story :)
Ladyqueen #2
Chapter 4: Hey there!
I really like this story, and your writing stile is somehow cute and also cool.
And this is the first time, that I read something 'bout CNU and Niel, but they are SO cute together.
I also like about this story, that you can follow it really good and you can comprehend why the charaters are acging, like this.
Hope, that a new chapter soon comes up ;)