Best Enemies

Dongwoo laid on his bed, idly touching his lips. He could still feel Niel's lips on his, just as warm and soft as he imagined that they'd be.

Why did he kiss me? He wondered. He's made it clear that he doesn't like me, so why..

With a disgusted sigh, he rolled over, deciding to forget about the kiss.


"You kissed him?"

"How many times are you going to ask me that?" Niel grumbled into his pillow. "Neh, I kissed Shin Dongwoo. Happy now?"

"Yes," Byunghyun answered gleefully. "That means I was right. You like him!"

"I don't like him." Niel protested weakly.

The redhead rolled his eyes. "So you kissed him to show your dislike of him. Brilliant plan, I always kiss the guys I don't like."

Another groan escaped the younger's lips. "Stop rubbing it in."

"Nope, I'm going to keep rubbing it in even after you get married to him."

"Married?!" Niel almost shot off the bed. "It was a kiss!"

"Exactly, but you know that American song, how does it go. 'Niel and Dongwoo kissing in a tree, next comes marriage.'"

A pillow hit him in the face. "That's not how it goes. And I'm not getting married, especially not to Shin Dongwoo."

"Well, that's a shame." A voice drawled from the dining room. "I'll have to tell him to return the ring he bought."

Both boys looked up, seeing Dongwoo's red-haired friend standing in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?" Niel demanded. He didn't receive an answer.

"Hey, Byunghyun hyung, can I talk to you really quick?"

"Neh." Byunghyun got up, following him into the hallway.

Niel sat on the bed in disbelief before burying his face in his remaining pillow.


"What did you need, Jinyoung?"

Jinyoung grinned and held up a key. "This is the key to Dongwoo hyungs room. Get Niel there in five minutes."

"You are brilliant," Byunghyun said with a grin. "I was just thinking about how to get them to talk."

"Then it's good that I got this key. I'm just glad Dongwoo is the only one in that section."

"So no one hears the screaming, I'm guessing."

"Exactly. So how will you get Niel there?"

"I'll blindfold him if I have to." Byunghyun said. "Either way, he'll be there."


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Ladyqueen #1
The end was really sweet and finally Niel gave in.
I'm very happy 'bout that ^^
I enjoyed reading this story :)
Ladyqueen #2
Chapter 4: Hey there!
I really like this story, and your writing stile is somehow cute and also cool.
And this is the first time, that I read something 'bout CNU and Niel, but they are SO cute together.
I also like about this story, that you can follow it really good and you can comprehend why the charaters are acging, like this.
Hope, that a new chapter soon comes up ;)