Best Enemies

Niel slowly awoke, feeling incredibly warm. He grunted, trying to squirm away from the warmth behind him. Had Byunghyun joined him in bed again?

"Stop moving.." A voice whispered in his ear as an arm tightened around his waist.

The younger man stiffened as he slowly recognized the voice. What on earth was he doing in-? He stifled a groan as everything came rushing to him. Images of him and Dongwoo kissing filled his head.

"Stop thinking so much." A pair of warm lips touched his neck.

"D-Don't..." Niel half-moaned, pulling away from Dongwoo. He slipped out of the bed, bending down to detangle his shirt from the elders'.

"What are you doing?"

A glance back showed the brunette sitting up on the bed, an adorably confused expression on his face. "Going back to my room."


"Because that's where I belong." Niel finished picking up his clothes and started putting them on.

"I meant, why are you leaving?" Dongwoo asked him.

Niel looked at him regretfully. He was tempted to get back in the bed, let Dongwoo hold and kiss him until he fell asleep again. "Because you and I aren't meant to be together." He said finally. "It was a nice thought but we both know that I don't fit into your life any more than you fit into my life."

"Why, because I'm rich?"

"Because you've never had to work for what you wanted. I bet your parents bought you everything."

Dongwoo pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's always about money with you."

Niel flinched. "That's not true." He said weakly.

"For your information, Daniel, once I was old enough, I got a job. I do know what it's like to work for what I want." Dongwoo said.

Niel opened and closed his mouth, trying to think of something to say.

"Some people here would never consider you because of your scholarship status. But I thought you figured out by now that I'm not one of those people. I knew you had a scholarship long before I met you. It didn't matter to me then, it doesn't matter to me now."

Niel sighed, looking at the other man. "I'm sorry." He said simply, slipping his shoes on and walking out.



Dongwoo sat down at a table with Jinyoung, letting his forehead fall against the wooden surface.

Jinyoung sat down carefully, biting his lip. "You ok?"

"I should ask you the same thing." Dongwoo observed the redhead through his eyelashes. "What did Chansik do to you?"

Jinyoung made a face. "Don't ask. So what happened with you and Niel?"

"He left."


"He's convinced that we won't work out because I'm rich."

"Still? I thought you'd gotten over that."

"Apparently we haven't." Dongwoo muttered.

"Aish, that kid is stubborn."

"Neh.." Dongwoo looked up just in time to see a familiar figure walk in, his friend limping behind him. "What did Chansik do to you? You're both limping."

Jinyoung turned red and ducked his head. "Trust me, you don't want to know."

"Actually, I do. You're not talking about anymore."

"I spanked him." Chansik sat down next to Dongwoo.

Now it was the brunette's turn to turn red. "You're right, Jinyoung. I didn't want to know." He groaned.

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Ladyqueen #1
The end was really sweet and finally Niel gave in.
I'm very happy 'bout that ^^
I enjoyed reading this story :)
Ladyqueen #2
Chapter 4: Hey there!
I really like this story, and your writing stile is somehow cute and also cool.
And this is the first time, that I read something 'bout CNU and Niel, but they are SO cute together.
I also like about this story, that you can follow it really good and you can comprehend why the charaters are acging, like this.
Hope, that a new chapter soon comes up ;)