Chapter 6

My Love For Him

Sehun's POV

      "Well then," Junsu said breaking the silence "Oppa has to go now Miyu." she let out a small whine then began pouting. "Oh quit being a baby, annyeong~" he chimed as he walked towards me, as he walked past me he leaned in close to my ear "if you ever hurt Miyu again, i swear i will kill you with my own hands, chop you into tiny bits, and use you as ferterlizer." He got into his car and drove off, his words still etched into my brain, echoing , sending shivers down my spine. 

"Miyu. . ." she walked past me, i let out a fustrated sigh and grabbed her by the arm pulling her back to face me. 

"Sehun i just wanna go home!-"

"Not until you tell me why you left me there!"

she let out a fustrated sigh and ruffled her hair, " Look , i had a long day. Can't we just talk about this tomorrow!?"


"Why are you being stubborn !?"

" i just wanna know why you left without telling me! Do you know how worried i was !? i ran all around the floors of the tower looking for you! i thought you got in kidnapped or something!"

"Well i didn't i'm here right!?"

"That doesn't explain to me why you left!"

"I WAS JEALOUS OKAY, GOD!" she stomped over to the swings and sat down, burying her face into her small hands. she kept letting out sighs of fustration and kept running her fingers through her hair. it took me a moment to have those words sink into my head, she was jealous? Of what? i walked over towards her, taing a seat right in front of her and waited till she looked up to me. 


" i don't know, maybe it was around the part where you said we were JUST friends and those snobby girls started clingy onto you like stary dogs."

"is this what it's all about?" she turned away and kept quiet, "Miyu, i was only protecting you," i said grabbing her hands, entwining it with mines.

Miyu's POV

      " i just didn't want you to get hurt, "

"I Know, i know." i said letting out another exhausted sigh "it's just hard, tell me something Sehun."


"why did you kiss,flirt,and did all those things to me? or is that what you do with other girls?" i said raising a brow.

"No it's not like that at all!"

"Prove it." he pulled me down from the swings and into his arms, my back facing his chest and i felt his breathe on the nape of my neck as he nuzzled his chin onto my shoulder. i gasped at the skin contact. "i like touching you, holding hands with you, laughing with you, even kissing you." he trailed his lips on my neck breathing on it sending goosebumps throughout my whole body. " i never had this feeling inside me before, the way you look at me and smile sends the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. My heart beats faster everytime your near me and i just get nervous all of a sudden."

"Yet you touch me without any hesistation." 

"it's a habit, i like skinship." he said turning my head to the side, capturing my lips. we were sitting in an awkward postion, at least i felt that way, but the uneasiness soon subsided and Sehun kept kissing me. i broke away first, no matter how much Sehun pulled me in closer wrapping himself around me, i still felt cold. "Kaja, we'll get sick." 

Sehun released me from his grip and helped me up, we walked hand and hand and sorta skipped back to the house. Once we stepped inside i immediatley let go of his hand and stood a good distance from him, 


"You still haven't asked me. . ."

"About. . .?"

"To be your girlfriend of course."

"but i thought you already knew . . . After i gave you all those hints and why i like y-you. . ." he walked towards me but i only took steps backwards. 


"Ya! Don't play with me!" he said pouting, puffing his cheeks up.

"Fine, i guess were not together then."  i began walking towards my room, when Sehun lifted me off the floor and threw me on the bed, getting on top of me, i began struggling underneath him, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Sehun, let go of me!" He nuzzled his face onto my neck as i felt his lips making contact with my skin, forcing me to let out a gasp. He took some of it into his mouth, biting and on it, trying to create a bruise that feels like it'll be as big as a baseball tomorrow. He began around my neck, finding the sensitive parts, he knew he had found them when little gasps escaped my mouth.

"Miyu, will you be my girlfriend?" he said placing his forehead against mines. i let out a tiny giggle, the mood felt so cheesy at the moment. "Of course."

As he flashed me his deadly smile, his eyes would smile along with it. cuasing me to fall even more for him. Soon after he finally got off of me, 

"I'm going to shower if you don't mind," he said already taking his clothes off. 

"W-what the hell Sehun!" i said covering my eyes, "What? it's not like this is your first time seeing me shirtless." 

"You could've at least warned me!" i said struggling to get out of bed with my hands still closed shut on my eyes. "Don't you dare move!" i tried walking out of the room out of memory. i tried walking out when the door had face palmed me, causing me to jolt back a little. 

"Ouchy. . ." i said rubbing my nose, Sehun ran over to me. 

"Dummy! are you okay, Lemme see!" 

"Put a shirt on!" i tried pushing him away when i missed snd touched his abs, we both looked at each other in shock. 

"Oh my God," i kept whispering to myself, as i walked out of the door. i heard Sehun laugh behind me as i ran out the door. i sat down on to the couch. 

"What a night . . . ."


SORRY it's a short chapter!! 


Look at Chanyeol , so Adorabs . <3

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 15: I love this story so much!!!

When it came to the funeral, I really thought that Miyu died! WOW - that was a twist ^^

I honestly don't like the parents, but then the comedy and love in this story fills wipes away those negativity away (i'm sorry if i don't make sense) hehehe~

Great job authornim :D :D
Mlou13 #2
Chapter 15: Those guys are so cheesy it's so KAWAII KAWAII K.A.W.A.I.I
heyyheyy83 #3
Chapter 15: This story was so amazing! The twist was so interesting too!!!! I loved all the stories you wrote! I'm looking forward for more!!!!!
Chapter 1: KAI'S PICTURE AT THE BOTTOM OF THE FIRST CHAPTER THO. /spazz attack/ /nosebleed/ /squeeeeeeel/
Chapter 15: I am at a loss for words i just read this story in under an hour and wow this is amazing! Perfect ending too! AMAZING
itskyle20 #6
wow this was anawesome thing