Part One: Is this a date?

I can't make you love me

"I'm...Its not important, just a list of art supplies" Kris said with a trembling voice. He closed his note pad and placed it a side.

"Do you want some, some chicken hyung?" Jongin said as he took one of the chicken drum sticks and tried to feed Kris.

"No. I can't...I don't like fried chicken. Its just not my style. What I mean to say oily food just causes my face to swell up, especially my cheeks." Kris looked into Jongin' eyes. Jongin pouted and gave a sad look to Kris. "Ok just this once" Kris opened his mouth and Jongin fed him.

"Hmm...Hmm very delicious, nice." Kris said as he chewed and swallowed. Jongin chuckled a bit. Kris turned red, he had never been fed by Jongin before. It was pretty cute. Jongin dived back into the chicken on the plate. Kyungsoo brought out three glasses and poured milk into them. Kris pulled one of the glasses filled with milk and strecthed his hand over the table to take a cookie.

He took the cookie and dunked it into the milk and took a large bit. D.O and Jongin stared in amazement. "Nice, you did a good job on these cookies" Kris gave a thumbs up.

He kept dunking the cookies into the milk. Jongin stared at Kris. "Hmm this is what I'm talking about." Kris said as he looked at the two boys.

Jongin gave an almost judging stare, Kris took a sip of the milk and wiped his mouth with his hand. "Is there something wrong Jongin" Kris searched for an answer in Jongin' face.

"Oh no nothing." Jongin looked away with a slight smerk on his face.
"Really Jongin, what's wrong?" Kris was confused now.

"It's just I didn't know a 23 year old liked dunking cookies in milk," Jongin laughed. "I've never heard any one ever complaining when Santa Claws does it." Kris got up from his seat with an angry look on his face. Jongin pulled Kris' arm, "I was just teasing hyung."

Kris took his note pad an pencil from the table and forced his arm free from Jongin. Jongin went back to eating, One of the chicken bones fell on the floor and Kris quickly bent over and placed it in his pants back pocket.

"Don't sweat it, I know you were joking." Kris smiled.

Before Kris could walk out of the kitchen door he called Jongin to come see him outside for a minute. Jongin looked around confused but didn't argue. When they stepped outside the kitchen door, kris leaned in close to Jongin while fidgeting with his hands. "Jongin, I was wondering if tomorrow evening after the dance practise, me and you could." Kris took a deep breath. "Could do what?" Jongin folded his arms.

Kris scratched his head an said:" Maybe go have some milk shakes and a bite to eat, I know this really cool new restaurant and they have the best milk shakes." Kris could feel his heart beating faster, he was scared he was going to be rejected.

"Ok" Jongin said.

"Then its a date...well not a date." Kris decided to keep his mouth shut before he said something even more stupid.

" I need to go now and pick up some of my art supplies."  Kris started walking away from Jongin with a gummy smile on his face. Jongin went back into the kitchen. "What was that about?" D.O looked at Jongin.

"Nothing, I really don't know." Jongin made his way to the living room. He found Luhan sitting on one the couch reading a magazine. Jongin set next to Luhan and let out a loud sigh, slouching on the couch with his feet a part. Luhan looked at him and then went back to reading. Jongin made another loud sigh. "Ok Jongin what's wrong?" Luhan placed his magazine on the coffee table and looked at Jongin.

"I don't know hyung. Its just Kris hyung has been acting strange towards me." Jongin look at Luhan.

"Strange how?" Luhan asked.

"He has been...flirting with me. He has been trying to do alot of nice things for me." Jongin looked down at his feet. Luhan got up from the couch and place his hand on Jongin' shoulder and said: "He just cares for you plus you too never get to interact, see this as a good thing. I'm going to take a nap. Don't worry Kris flirts with everyone." Luhan gave a thumbs up, Jongin ree back.

During the dance practise day everyone gave their best. After the practise was over. Kris  approached Jongin an gave him a bottle of water. "Thanks." Jongin looked up at Kris.

"So after the shower I guess I will meet you down stairs." Kris said as he tapped Jongin' shoulder and disappeared into the shower room.

After Jongin finished taking a shower an getting ready he was waiting for Kris down stairs. It seemed as if Kris was taking his own sweet time. After some time Kris showed up, looking bad with a leather jacket with a dragon printing on the back.

"Let's go." Kris said as he ushered Jongin out of the kitchen door. Kris insisted that they  walked to the restaurant, telling Jongin it wasn't that far. So they walked there. When they got there Kris pulled out a chair for Jongin, Jongin set down and Kris pushed the chair in gently.

Kris set down and both of them were given menus. "So Jongin what are you having?" Kris looked at Jongin who was fixed on the menu.

"I think I will have a chocolate milk shake."

"An a kids meal with a little toy that you can play with later." Kris grinned, Jongin made a loud noise. He was luaghing really hard.

"Clearly you don't know me hyung." Jongin said as he looked back at the menu.
"Then tell me more about yourself." Kris leaned back on his chair and folded his arms.

Before he could say anything the waiter appeared an asked them if they were ready to order. "Yes we are, I will have a chocolate flavoured milk shake to drink. Steak, a Sausage with large fried chips on the side." Jongin smiled at the waiter who was writing down the order.

"I will have a vanilla milk shake to drink, some soup with bacon on the side and brown bread." Kris gave his order.

Five minutes later the waiter appeared with the milk shakes and placed them infront of the boys. Jongin wasted no time and took a sip. "Hyung I don't know why you are doing this?" Jongin the cream off his lips.

"What do you mean Jongin?" Kris looked at Jongin with a question mark on his face.

"Why are you constantly eating things that have no life, no taste. Boring food." Jongin gave a smerk.

"Oh you think I'm boring, I will show you boring." Kris took out a straw and placed it into Jongin' milk shake and started sipping.

"Hold on hyung! Stop it!" Jongin laughed as he was trying to move his milk shake away from Kris. Kris  took out his straw and placed it into his own milk shake. "You almost finished my shake." Jongin looked at his shake and drank what was left of it directly from the cup, in fear that Kris would come back for another sip.

When he finished drinking, he was left with chocolate colored cream on his left cheek.
"Jongin you have something on your face." Kris made a gesture to try an show Jongin.

"Where?" He his lips in attempt to remove what ever was on his face. Kris looked down an started smiling. Then he moved his hand to jongin' face and gently slowly wiping his cheek.

"Its gone now." Kris hand was still touching Jongin' cheek, Jongin placed his hand over Kris'. Kris brought his face closer to Jongin'.

"Here is the steak, Sausage with large fried chips on the side.  Soup with bacon and bread on the side for the blonde gentle man."

Hi Guys, just wanted to wish you all a merry Christmas. Thanks for the support, would like to know what you all think of the part 1: "Is this a date", so far. Drop me a comment love hearing you views, with love Kuma Joey. XOXO ;)



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Chapter 16: this is heartbreaking...... i cant
Looking forward to updates ! :)
Chapter 17: Read this all night was too good to stop reading ^.^
Wow, I saw the last updated date for this fic was on 13 Apr 2014. N u wrote smthg abt MAMA 2014 with only 11 members without Kris. N I just shocked u know coz in reality Kris filed the lawsuit on May 2014. N I thought what u write really happen n it scares me out.
Chapter 16: I hope that you can possibly make a sequel * begging eyes*. I really like this story a lot and I ship KrisKai alot ! Fighting *_*
kyra81 #6
Chapter 16: Wow!! Unexpected ending... T_T but *sniff sniff * can you write a sequel??? #pleading eyes # Hwaiting!! >_<
Chapter 16: Oh no it ended. So bittersweet.
I hope when kris gets back they might form a relationship.
I loved this xD
Chapter 16: T_T so this is the end ...KrisKai I hope they can be more than friends in the future...