
Love Again

Confusion. Confusion. Confusion. Is on Jiyong's mind. He can't help but having weird thoughts. He told him to stop he told him...and now Jiyong can't stop thinking of his husband. Not that he never thinks of him, but the man that he is currently sleeping next too...is currently feeding the loss of affection. 

Jiyong was suicidal and now he might go crazy because he can't have with the man right next to him. He can't just kiss him...because it's not his Seunghyun yet. It's just his body and a person who is currently occupying what is his. 

Jiyong turns again in the bed with a sigh. Hearing the other next to him move a bit too. "Can you not sleep?" says the deeper voice. Jiyong smiles in his sleep. "Sorry...didn't mean to wake you...I can sleep in the" "No sleep here..." says the calm but stern voice in the quiet. Jiyong is not sure if the man feels lonely due to being in a foreign world...or he truly likes to have Jiyong around. 

Still that is confusing. 

It all is. 

Jiyong turns back around in his towards the wall and tries to closes his eyes again. It's not too long until he finally sleeps. 


"Jiyong....Jiyong....no....I love you....no...." says a voice that is quiet...

Jiyong opens his eyes and he is in the place he doesn't want to be. There are people running every where making the younger look at the commotion.

There is a accident.

There are people screaming and there is lots of smoke. "IS HE STILL ALIVE!?" Jiyong runs over to the crushed up car that is not even recognizable. He looks through the glass...and soon finds it's him....."Oh my god..." Jiyong puts a hand over his mouth and steps back as his unconscious body is dragged out into the roads of Seoul. 

"HE'S ALIVE!!!" Jiyong watches as his body is put onto a stretcher and then taken away. The car is crushed and you can barley tell that two people where once in it...it's impossible. "Jiyong....Jiyong...." Jiyong hears a low and haunting voice. He looks around and all over the scene...but didn't think to look down until he runs into a body bloodying his white shoe. Jiyong looks down in horror. "Hyunnie...." 

The person on the ground is covered in blood. "Hyunnie!!?" Jiyong bends down and looks at the man. The man's eyes are red due to the collision. "Hyunnie!!!" Jiyong screams. Soon there are nurses and stretchers coming by. Then there are more people and more people pushing Jiyong away. All of a sudden there is a cliff and Jiyong is getting closer and closer to the edge. Seunghyun is so near...but yet so far away. Jiyong the screams out of his sleep. 

"SEUNGHYUN!!!!!!!!" Jiyong screams loudly as sweat pours down his face. He breathes heavily with his hand over his heart. 

The older has been watching Jiyong the past 20 minutes and couldn't help but be concerned. He was trying to nudge him awake but he didn't think that Jiyong would scream. "I'm right here...." says the older in a calming voice. "It was a dream...." says the older looking at the younger. 

Jiyong doesn't know what came over him but he pulls Seunghyun into a kiss. He kisses the lips passionately and he can't help but keep kissing the man. He felt that he lost him. He can't lose him; he loves him too much.  The younger continues to kiss the older and Seunghyun can't help but kiss back. 

The younger then suddenly stops and pulls away from the kiss. "Oh my God...." He places his hands over his lips to then look at the man in the dim room. "I'm sorry...." says the man into the dark eyes of confusion. 

Seunghyun then looks at the younger. "It's okay...I'm here..." He only wants to comfort him...

Jiyong looks at the man but then shakes his head away from his thoughts. "No....you are not...you are not him....I'm sorry I need to sleep somewhere else..." 

Jiyong then gets out of the bed but a hand stops him. "Just sleep here...you just had a bad dream." 

Jiyong shakes the hand off. "I'm sorry" 

/////////////////////Morning 11am/////////////////////

Jiyong rolls off the couch crashing to the floor. "Aiiiiish" says the man in pain. Dami laughs a bit sitting on the other side of the couch. "It's about time you woke up. 

Jiyong rubs his head and grumbles as he gets back on the sofa. Dami looks the man over. "Why are you here again?" 

"I just couldn't sleep...." 

"We all heard you scream his name last night...I wasn't sure if you were going to kill him or not...but we left you alone." 

"I just had a dream...a bad one..." 


"It's been the same dream the past three days. They are all the same scenario but it's the different ending every time. I just can't sleep..." 

"Maybe because you are always so damn stressed all the time...just rest why don't ya....you were in an accident too and you are not recovering..." 

"I'm fine." 

"No you are not..." 

Jiyong then huffs. "I need to get Seunghyun to therapy." He then goes down the hall to his guest bathroom. The man still doesn't feel comfortable using his own shared bathroom. Jiyong closes the door and looks at himself in the mirror. He takes a look at the bruises that are starting to lighten up to the scrapes on his arms that are hopefully not leaving a scar.

He turns on the sink and starts to wash his face and brush his teeth. It's a routine that never changes and Jiyong likes that...at least the bathroom is always stable. You brush your teeth, piss, and wash your hands...always the same. 

////////////////////1hour later/////////////////////

Seunghyun is now traveling to his therapy sessions because the equipment needed to start walking again is far to large to travel. Jiyong has Seunghyun in the car and the older is buckled in. It almost terrifies Jiyong to drive again but he needs to get over it or he will never drive again. 

The car starts and Seunghyun looks over with a smile to the younger. "Did you sleep okay?" It's the first words said since last night and there has been nothing but silence all morning.

Jiyong nods and puts the car in gear. "Ne..." He says as he slowly backs out the car. Seunghyun then sighs. "You haven't spoken to me all morning." 

"I'm sorry..." 

"That's all you say..." says the older with a frown. Jiyong then puts the car in drive keeping both hands on the wheel. He is not ready to talk yet...he is just not ready. He is confused and misses his husband more than ever and sometimes just  looking at this new Seunghyun infuriates him because it's not the man he married...

/////////////////Seoul Hospital Therapy room5//////////////////////

Gummy stretches Seunghyun's legs out slowly and the man is in a mound of sweat. Simple stretches are really a challenge for the man. "Okay one more time. "Streeeeetch....that's it...." 

Seunghyun does the best he can with his stretch and breathes out slowly. "Grrrrrrrr" growls the man as the pain starts to lace his face. Gummy then releases the leg. "Great...now we can stretch the other leg." 

Seunghyun then laughs. "Can we end this torcher...I think my other leg prefers to stay idle." 

Gummy laughs. "Nope can't do that. We need to get your muscles trained again for walking." She then looks over at Jiyong with a smile. "Jiyong shi?" 

"Ne?" says the younger coming over. "I will have you helping Seunghyun Shi for the next stretch." 


"Doing these stretches together keeps you to connected and it's encouraging." Gummy smiles. The stretch is nothing but bringing Seunghyun's knee to his chest....but it's not easy. 

The man is laying on his back on a tall table and Jiyong walks over to the man. He then looks at Gummy. "I don't think I will do this properly...." 

Seunghyun then smiles. "You won't hurt me...." 

Jiyong doesn't want to do this right now really for after what happened last night...but he still loves this man as he takes a hold of the long leg. Gummy smiles and then coaches Jiyong in the stretch of slowly bringing the leg up. The leg comes up a little faster than the other leg making Jiyong a little excited to see the progress. "That's it! Great!" He brings the knee to the chest with a grin and he can't help it. Seunghyun smiles into the coffee eyes and Jiyong averts his eyes and brings the leg back down. 

"Is that it?" says Jiyong looking at the therapist?

"Nope. He is going to stand a bit today. That's why we are stretching." 

Seunghyun then sits up a bit. "I'm standing?" 

"Ne. Since your upper body is strong enough we can put you by the walking bars." The table lowers and Gummy brings the wheel chair over to help the man into it. She then brings Seunghyun over to parallel bars that are used to help people to walk again. Seunghyun smiles. "Will I walk soon?" 

"Ne if you keep coming to me you will and of course the support of your husband." Gummy eyes Jiyong again. "Jiyong Shi come over again." 

Gummy then places the chair between the bars. "Okay Jiyong help Seunghyun to stand" She slowly stands the man up. "Okay stand in front of him Jiyong shi. Seunghyun if you fall there is love right in front of you." She grins looking at Jiyong.

Jiyong rolls his eyes. "Do I have to do this..." 

"It's important for you to do this together Jiyong Shi. This will get your husband walking. He needs you right now." 

Jiyong is being such a right now and he knows it. He just doesn't want to communicate with the man that is staring at him with that damn infectious smile. "Will you catch me if I fall?" says the older in a scared tone.

Jiyong then softens his gaze. "Of course I will pabo." The older grips the sides of the bars and tries to stand for as long as he can. Gummy grins. "Great!! Let's be crazy and try one step." Seunghyun looks at the woman. "Can I do that already?" 


Jiyong looks at Seunghyun with a smile. He is so proud of him for trying so hard all the thoughts of last night are out the window. "Come on Seunghyun." 

Seunghyun then grips the bars tightly. "I can at least try omph!" says the man falling into Jiyong's arms  making Jiyong laugh in a fit of laughter. "Aiiiiigo such a great try Hyunnie." says Jiyong totally in the moment. It's the first time Jiyong is hugging the man. It's not romantic but it's a start... Seunghyun then reaches out and grips the bars again. "I can do this!!" He yells and Jiyong lets go of the hug. "Take your time baby...." There goes another pet name. 

Seunghyun then breathes in again and tries to lift his leg. It lifts...but it doesn't move forward bringing the man into another hug this time he is frustrated. Gummy smiles at the man. "Do not be discouraged. This is only the beginning. Lifting your leg is such progress! That is it for today Seunghyun shi!" 

Jiyong releases the hug and helps his husband in his wheel chair. Gummy leaves the room leaving the two in there on their own. "I'm sorry..." says Seunghyun with his head low. Jiyong instantly feels guilty. "Why?....why are you sorry...." 

"You were angry earlier...I just wanted you to feel proud of me...to not be mad anymore...I'm sorry about last night...I'm sorry for kissing you....I'm" "Stop it..." says Jiyong looking at the older. "It's me who should be apologizing. I was just confused again and I had a really bad dream....a dream of me thinking that I lost everything..." 

"Me?...you mean me right because you kissed me as if it was the last." says the older touching his lips of the memory. 

"I....I just was just so scared...it won't happen again...." 

The older chuckles. "Don't worry...I understand." 

"I know that I can be a little...to much at times...but just know that I love you....I really do...." Jiyong then composes himself and goes behind the chair. Ready to go home?" says Jiyong moving towards the door. 

"Ne Yongie" 

Jiyong briefly pauses to the nickname. Only his Seunghyun knows that name. 

/////////////////////Bae's room////////////////////////

Jiyong hasn't been the best host since he has been pretty much focusing on him and his husband. He barely talks to his best friend. "So you feel that there is progress?" 

The man nods. "Ne. I believe there is because he is doing a lot more than what i have seen here...he might walk again..." Says Jiyong with a smile. 

"You didn't look so happy when you left here earlier." 

Jiyong nods. "Ne...just sometimes I forget...and I just do things that are mindless..." 

"What are you forgetting Jiyong?" says Bae with a laugh that gets Jiyong almost a little mad. "Hey hey don't get mad now. But listen man. He is your husband. That man in there is Seunghyun hyung. He is nothing different than the man you married...it's just that his memories are not there. You need to stop running away and treating him like a guest. He seems open. Love him like you say you do. Stop running away and treating him like your brother. He is your husband. You two ed remember?" 


"You get what I mean man? Just stop with this guest and get real." 

Bae is right. Jiyong hasn't been treating Seunghyun like a husband at all. How is the man going to get back his memories when he is treated like someone else. 

"I will try..." 

"Good. That's the Jiyong that I know." 

///////////////////////Later that night///////////////////////

Jiyong goes into his shared bedroom with a pillow in hand. He looks the bed over with a sigh. "Will you just get in bed..." says the older into his pillow.

"Was I too loud?" 


Jiyong then slowly gets into the bed trying to stay close to the edge. Seunghyun has other plans though as he rolls over a bit with a wince of pain. Jiyong freaks a bit. "Yah yah. Becareful!" says Jiyong in a loud whisper. 

"Just calm down...I got this." says the older as he adjust himself. "See I'm just fine." 

Jiyong turns and sees the man is very close. "Yah....where do I sleep? If I roll I will fall off the bed...." 

"No you won't....not if I'm holding you." 

"Eh?" says a confused Jiyong. "Seunghyun...." 

"You want this and you miss this. My body misses this...just let me do it...for the purpose of happiness." 

Jiyong can't help but laugh a bit. "For the purpose of what?" 

"Just do it...You say you love me right...then act like it." says the older as he pulls Jiyong gently into a cuddle. Jiyong is allowing this...Jiyong needs this. Maybe this is what he has been missing at night. Just the normality of what was before. They are close but bodies are not pressed together. It's just the draping of an arm around the smaller man. 



"I might need to roll you over a bit...you rolled a little too much...I think I really will fall haha" Jiyong can't believe that he is in this position and actually laughing. 

"Ne Yongie." 

Jiyong smiles to the name and helps to roll over his husband. Jiyong rolls the man over but ends up almost falling on top of him but his hands catch him just in time as the straddles the mans face. The older smiles a bit. "Oh Yongie. I didn't know you had this in you." says the man in a playful purr. 

"Yah..." says Jiyong a little embarrassed. The older chuckles a bit as Jiyong removes him self to lay next to the man. 

"Good night." 


Jiyong sleeps through the night for the first time in ages. Who knew all he had to do was lay next to the man he loves. 

He finally found meaning to his dream. Jiyong was so focused on himself and everything else in life that he was pushing away the one person he really needed. All he needed was to be closer and open to his husband. That's all he needs. 




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Chapter 8: This is so good. I freaking love this story <3
Rolan1878 #2
Chapter 8: i fell in love in this story, my heart fluttering as i read. thank you. vips are really talented
Wysmom #3
Chapter 8: I just reread this fiction. It was so long ago I read it. I love it author-nim.
Chapter 7: so the healing method was ? lol !!! :v
Dragon63 #5
Chapter 8: Awwwww that was really really sweet
God I thought that seunghyun was gonna be a b*tch forever and just forget ji but of course not!!!!!! Love is love
Thank you for sharing this amazing fanfic with us authornim~~~ I enjoyed it very much :D :D
dian_vio #6
Chapter 8: God... so in love with u author-nim ^^~
Chapter 8: Finally seunghyun got his memories back. Awwwww I love the chapter the whole story was amazing I'm glad that they stay together forever.
Chapter 8: This is very nice, I love it! <3
Chapter 8: I nearly bawled when I thought he wasn't going to get his memory back. Also, when he was going though his therapy and relearning how to walk, it reminded me of my second car accident and when I had to relearn how to do things. Excellent job!
Chapter 8: It was so cute :3