
Blossoming Love

- Two -


"That's right Soojung, you heard me."

"Well then where is he." she replied rather unpatiently

"So you'll meet him?"

"Sure" Soojung felt nervous inside, not knowing what to expect.

"This is just great! Changmin and I's promise will finally be completed!" he explained with a smile on his face. Soojung just stared at him without any emotion, confused. Yunho scurried around the house and returned with two plane tickets. 

"Coincedentally, I ordered this yesterday," he suppresed a giggle "and it's to Korea. That's where you're better boyfriend will be"

"I....You've never even met him why should I go?"

"Well...his dad and I are like BESTIES" Soojung flinched at the sound of his dad using this word

"Anywayss...we promised each other that we would marry our children so we can finally become brothers!"

"NO. There is no way I'm going to marry someone I've never met."



Yunho hung his head low and walked away upset. Seeing this, Soojung felt bad, she never saw her father this upset in a while.

"Fine dad. I'll go."

"REALLY!? THANKS SOOJUNG. Don't worry you'll have fun" Yunho ran back to his room screaming with joy like a 1st grader. 

All alone, Soojung sighed. Worried. It's okay Soojung, it's for your dad! And if things don't work out, I'm sure he'll understand! She forced a smile onto her face, grabbed the tickets and started packing. 


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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 9: Love is everywhere
Chapter 9: Awwww so sweet~ hope there's a sequel for this story. Their life after married. It could be interesting right? Haha
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 9: Love it, so Much♥
Chapter 9: Aigoo..what a happy ending!!! *squeals*
shafira_bapbaby #5
Chapter 9: CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!! I wanna have a boyfriend like that >.<
LoveK-Pop4ever #6
Chapter 9: So cute ^^
Luv your stories
Chapter 7: Cutee~~~~~~~~
Chapter 7: Jelly myungie haahaahaa.. It's cute <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah myungsoo's jealous
fxkrystal_kpop123 #10
Chapter 7: hahaha how cool myungsoo I´m her boyfriend