
Blossoming Love

- Eight - 


"Hi, I'm Kim Myungsoo, Soojung's boyfriend."

Soojung's eyes grew wide after hearing this. A smirk crept onto her face. What is this... she thought, Is Kim Myungsoo jealous? 

"My Soojung has a boyfriend? How could you forget about me!" Minho exclaimed with a surprised look on his face.

Myungsoo wrapped his arm around Soojung and pulled her closer. "No. This is MY Soojung. Isn't that right honey?" he asked in a tone that could give you diabetes from its sweetness. 

Still stunned, Soojung just nodded slowly. Minho watched Myungsoo, he was clearly ammused. 

"But Soojung just told me she loved me last night." Minho said secretly sending a wink Soojung's way. She understood it immediately and waited for Myungsoo's reaction. 

"BUT YOU KISSED ME THIS MORNING!" Myungsoo screamed bragging to Minho while feeling secretly annoyed at the way the other two were acting.

Soojung and Minho bursted into a fit of laughter. 

"What. It's true." Myungsoo responded bluntly.

Minho wrapped his arm around Soojung just to see Myungsoo's reaction one last time.

"Hey! Minho! She's MY girlfriend. Back off!!"

Soojung giggled and brushed off Minho's arm. "Aigoo, is MY Myungsoo jealous?" 

Myungsoo smirked hearing Soojung calling him hers. With that, he responded, "Yes, YOUR Myungsoo is a little jealous."

In one swift motion, Soojung's fingers interlocked with Myungsoo's. Holding his hand tightly as if she doesn't have the intention of ever letting go. Myungsoo blushed immediately while enjoying every moment of the hand holding. 

"This is Choi Minho. One of my best friends in school. Oh and I never told him I loved him. That was probably HIS GIRLFRIEND Sulli."

A sigh that was louder than it was meant to be escaped from Myungsoo's mouth.

"Yeah man. I would NEVER EVER date this dork." Minho said playfully while nudging Soojung's head backwards. 

"Yah! Who are you calling a dork!" Soojung said as she kicked Minho mercilessly. 

"Well, bye Jung. See ya around soon." Minho said as he turned to leave.

Soojung then turned to face Myungsoo who was smiling like an idiot everytime he thought about their interlocking fingers. She surpressed a giggle, gave him a hug and then crept to his ear where she whispered "I love you, you dumb ." By then, Myungsoo's face was almost radiating a red glow. As Soojung began to pull away from his embrace, he pulled her close once again and hugged her tighter. "I love you more, you even dumber ." 

Hearing this, she felt somewhat offended but loved at the same time. 

"Then shall we go eat now?" she said not hesitating to grab his hand. 

"We shall indeed." he replied giving her hand a squeeze. 

The two had a fantastic time at a cheap resteraunt. This lunch period consisted of many burps from Myungsoo, cheesy phrases exchanged between the two, feeding each other like those cheesy couples you'd see from time to time, giggles, and blushing faces. The two didn't argue as much this time and seemed like they were really in love. They forgot about the agreement between Yunho and Changmin, all they think about now is their never ending love for each other. 

Soojung and Myungsoo went home afterwards hand in hand as they walked throught the front door to see a Changmin reading in the living room.

"OOOOOO! What do we have here? You guys are really in love now aren't you...THIS IS PERFECT! I JUST HAVE TO GET YUNHO AND... OH GEEZ AM I EXCITED! YUNHO! GET YOUR DOWN HERE!" Changmin called with a dash of craziness in his words.

"What do you wa- Soojung-ah!" Yunho exclaimed

"Dad!!!!!!!!!" she squealed. Myungsoo stood there, surprised to meet the amazing and magnificent "Yunho" his dad has talked about for so long. 

After all the giggles and screams have finally subsided, the four of them sat down to discuss business. 

"As you two know, you two have been gathered to marry each other so Changmin and I can finally be the brothers we never were." Yunho stated blankly.

"What he means is that you're getting married next week." Changmin said. Soojung and Myungsoo just smiled, they were pretty glad that they could get married so soon, especially after the events that have happened today. 

"Actually I was gonna tell them a story first and then drop the bomb and be like BOOM your getting married but I guess that works too..." Yunho muttered to Changmin.

Both Myungsoo and Soojung felt glad that their dads could become "brothers". Ever since their mothers have died in a car accident, the two only have each other and the kids and have also been acting quite lonely. 

"Well anyways, anticipate the wedding and you are both dismissed." Yunho said acting all formal.


heyyy! ive been wanting to update but i didnt know what to write. so then i was just sitting here and boom! plus i also wanna end this cuz i want to start writing another fanfic. so ONE MORE CHAPTER! ok bye noww

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 9: Love is everywhere
Chapter 9: Awwww so sweet~ hope there's a sequel for this story. Their life after married. It could be interesting right? Haha
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 9: Love it, so Much♥
Chapter 9: Aigoo..what a happy ending!!! *squeals*
shafira_bapbaby #5
Chapter 9: CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!! I wanna have a boyfriend like that >.<
LoveK-Pop4ever #6
Chapter 9: So cute ^^
Luv your stories
Chapter 7: Cutee~~~~~~~~
Chapter 7: Jelly myungie haahaahaa.. It's cute <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah myungsoo's jealous
fxkrystal_kpop123 #10
Chapter 7: hahaha how cool myungsoo I´m her boyfriend