
Blossoming Love

- Six -


"What?! No!" the two screamed in unison

"So are you telling me your relationship today was just a fake?" Changmin questioned

"No, but we just met." Myungsoo muttered

"That's why you two are going to sleep together!"

With one gesture he pushed the couple up the stairs and into the room. Myungsoo was lucky he decided to clean his room that day or else who knows what Soojung would see...

After making sure Changmin had walked away, Soojung broke the silence.

"Hey you have an extra blanket and pillow?" Soojung asked. Myungsoo nodded and tossed her the two items. Catching the two items, she spreads the blanket on the ground and places the pillow on top.

"What are you doing?" Myungsoo questioned

"Sleeping on the floor tonight...duh."


Soojung looks around the room. "Well, this is your room isn't it? And your not gonna wanna sleep on the bed with me, am I right?"


"Go to sleep now honey." she as she turned off the lights.

Myungsoo kept tossing and turning. He felt bad that he let a girl sleep on the floor while he, the guy was on a bed comfortably.

"Would you quit moving?" Soojung stated.

Myungsoo sat up and sighed. He wrapped his arms around Soojung and picked her up bridal style.

"Yah! What are you doing?" 

"Your gonna sleep right here. Next to me. Got it?" 

Soojung got close to Myungsoo's ear and whispered, "I love you~" then giggled a little as she laid comfortably in bed

Myungsoo felt his face go red. He thought he was lucky the lights were off so you couldn't see that he was blushing. Although he didn't want to say it out loud, he admitted to himself that Soojung was really pretty and that what she whispered to him was a major turn on. 

Through the night, the two tossed and the large bed and slept peacefully. 


------    In the Morning    -------


Soojung was the first one to wake up.

She rubbed her eyes a bit and noticed the two arms wrapped around her. She held onto his hands for a moment and then let go immediately asking herself what she was doing. Carefully, Soojung tried to wiggle her way out from his arms without disturbing him.

Myungsoo moved a little and woke up, surprised to find his arms wrapped around Soojung. He smiled a little and hugged her tighter. Soojung turned around, Myungsoo closed his eyes and smiled slightly. 

Wanting to get out of bed, she turns completely so that she's facing Myungsoo.

Soojung suddenly remembers the comment Myungsoo made about him not liking her or something. (She doesn't remember it exactly since she's not the one to hold grudges)

Smiling, she kisses him on the lips causing Myungsoo to open his eyes immediately and blush. Ha! I made him blush...and wake up! Score! But he looks cute when he's blushing

At that point, Soojung realizes that she likes to be around him even if they've just met. Sure, they've argued a few times but she was sure it was going to get better. Is this what you call love at first sight? 

She stares into his dark eyes.

"Morning honey" he says thinking about the kiss she just gave him

"How was the kiss?" she asked playfully

"Good." he replied blushing again.

Myungsoo slowly got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

Soojung just sits there and smiles happily. She almost felt glad that she admitted she liked him. It felt like a secret had just been lifted off her chest or something. She didn't even understand what made her so happy about realizing she liked him. 

While brushing his teeth, Myungsoo also smiled stupidly when thinking about the kiss. Maybe I actually do like her... he shrugged it off. 

The funny thing is that the are lost in their own maze of feelings. They both don't know if the other person likes them back. Even if they didn't know that, they still felt happy. Their hearts fill with love as they think about the other person.




I seriously appreciate all of you people who subscribed, left a comment, or even bothered to read my story! You guys make my day! like i'll go on aff and its like you have new subscribers and im like OH GOODIE YAY!

oh and i also realized that a lot of you guys like changmin's character in this story. is he like the ideal dad now? but i did purposely make him that....strange? idk if he's even considered strange...

does that last paragraph thing even make sense? 

anyways leave me a comment below if you want to see something else happen in the story orrrrr if you'd like to make me a new poster. ive been looking around and i'll admit, some of them look pretty damn awesome. it just makes mine look horrible. ok whatever and thank you if youre actually reading this cuz this is just a bunch of mumbo jumbo. 

okay bye. ily guys

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 9: Love is everywhere
Chapter 9: Awwww so sweet~ hope there's a sequel for this story. Their life after married. It could be interesting right? Haha
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 9: Love it, so Much♥
Chapter 9: Aigoo..what a happy ending!!! *squeals*
shafira_bapbaby #5
Chapter 9: CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!! I wanna have a boyfriend like that >.<
LoveK-Pop4ever #6
Chapter 9: So cute ^^
Luv your stories
Chapter 7: Cutee~~~~~~~~
Chapter 7: Jelly myungie haahaahaa.. It's cute <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah myungsoo's jealous
fxkrystal_kpop123 #10
Chapter 7: hahaha how cool myungsoo I´m her boyfriend