
Blossoming Love


After a few moments, the two headed downstairs for breakfast. Changmin was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He lightened up as he saw the two walk down together.

"Soojung-ah! Myungsoo-ah! How was your sleep?" he asked with a sparkle in his eye

" was just fine, yours?" Soojung replied looking at Myungsoo knowing they were both thinking about the kiss.

"Did anything happen?" Changmin asked

Soojung shrugged. "Well Myungsoo here did snore an awful lot..."

"Yah!" Myungsoo screamed.

"Anything else?" 

The two looked at each other again. "Ummm...nope."

"Alright. Then you two eat this and I'll...I'll just go somewhere..." he replied disappointed. Myungsoo and Soojung smiled at each other and continued to eat their breakfast.

"So..." Myungsoo started

"What?" Soojung replied with food in . Myungsoo noticed the speck of waffle on her face and reached out to wipe it off. His hand touched her face and in one swift motion, his thumb pushed the piece right off. Soojung immediately blushed and hid her face. Myungsoo noticed her pink cheeks and smiled a bit knowing he had just made her blush

"What were you going to ask me?" Soojung said trying to recover from the awkwardness.

"Oh right....why did you kiss me this morning?"

Soojung chuckled. "Well I woke up and you had your two arms wrapped around me, and guess what. I couldn't move. So I just kissed you to wake you up." Truth is, Soojung felt the two arms tighten around her waist and she knew that he was already awake; she just did it on purpose to see his reaction.

"That's it?"

"Pretty much..."

"Oh. Cool." he said with a tint of disappointment in his voice.

"Shall we go out now?" Soojung asked acting like a gentleman and extending her hand.

Myungsoo eyed her skeptically and took her hand as they walked out the door.

Today, they decided to walk through town. Myungsoo and Soojung walked happily, ate a bunch of food, and barely had any arguments. But that was until Soojung saw another man in the distance. 

"Ah! Oppa!" she screamed and waved at the man across the road.

Myungsoo turned around to find a good looking guy with dark brown hair making his way towards Soojung. He had a wide smile on his face. Arriving, at their side of the street, Soojung embraced him in a hug. 

Myungsoo felt confused and angry. Who is this guy, why is he here, why is Soojung hugging him, has she ever hugged me before, her boyfriend?

"This is..." Myungsoo interrupted.

"Ah right. This is Choi Minho. We went to school together until he moved back to Korea. It's pretty interesting how we managed to meet here.."

"Hi I'm Choi Minho, Soojung's friend, you are..."

"Hi, I'm Kim Myungsoo, Soojung's boyfriend." he replied with confidence and a cold look in his eyes


sorry this was such a short chapter

Christmas is 4 days away! and im already on break :) yesterday was the day before break and today is the first day. a lot of schools near me dont get off til monday! hehehehehheheehhehe damn im happy. what do you want for christmas? i want many things but ik that im not gonna get them. for example, i wanna ride a llama to school, i also want to speak fluent korean so i dont hav to rely on the subtitles for a bunch of things. but yeah.... enjoy the story guys. bye

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soojungie94 #1
Chapter 9: Love is everywhere
Chapter 9: Awwww so sweet~ hope there's a sequel for this story. Their life after married. It could be interesting right? Haha
Nuclearx #3
Chapter 9: Love it, so Much♥
Chapter 9: Aigoo..what a happy ending!!! *squeals*
shafira_bapbaby #5
Chapter 9: CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KYAAAA!!! I wanna have a boyfriend like that >.<
LoveK-Pop4ever #6
Chapter 9: So cute ^^
Luv your stories
Chapter 7: Cutee~~~~~~~~
Chapter 7: Jelly myungie haahaahaa.. It's cute <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah myungsoo's jealous
fxkrystal_kpop123 #10
Chapter 7: hahaha how cool myungsoo I´m her boyfriend