
My freedom is gone! [[***on hiatus, I don't know how long***]]

“Aish you stupid girl,” I heard a whine that was so familiar to me. I heard quick footsteps, almost like someone was pacing back and forth. All of the sudden a shock of pain surged through my head and I groaned. The pacing stopped. Everything was silent. I slowly opened my eyes and the harsh light blinded me.

I groaned again and tried to touch my head. “Hyomin,” I blinked and looked at the people in front of me. “Zico, ugh, what happened?” I asked and I heard a scoff. “SO YOU ASK FOR ZICO AND NOT YOUR BEST FRIEND?!” I shut my eyes and winced in pain. “Ah, ” I cursed under my breath and grabbed at my aching head. “Min- ugh whatever your name is- please be freaking quiet. She has a headache and your screaming will make it worse.” He whispered.

I heard Minhee groan. “She’s the stupid one here! Why would she let herself get freaking hurt?” She said, still shouting. “Minhee” I muttered and sat up. Her face immediately turned into a fake smile. “Ah this ” I heard Zico mutter after Minhee smiled at me. “Hey, Hyomin are you feeling okay?” I rolled my eyes and glared at her. “Get out. I’ll talk to you later. Zico’s right, my head does hurt so kindly stop being so loud or get out. Thanks” I muttered and lied back down.

Silence “I’m sorry, I just... How could this happen- and to you of all people!” I sighed and shook my head. “I don’t want to talk, it hurts” I moaned and she sighed. “Alright, I’m gonna go. Umma wants me to go Christmas shopping for her.” She said and kissed my cheek. “Bye Zico oppa!” He groaned. “I told you not to call me that” She just giggled and left.

“She’s not all that bad” I said, looking at Zico. “Are you kidding me? She’s obnoxious and-“ He quickly shut up as he noticed my glare. “She’s been there for me when no one else has so don’t talk unless you wanna get hit” He just raised his hands in defense. “Okay, okay sorry Miss I-don’t-want-to-talk. What up with that?” I shrugged.

“I didn’t want her here long. She’s a busy girl”

He just nodded and there was a knock on te door. I looked over and I saw the woman I never wanted to see again. My mother. "What are you doing here?" I asked in a harsh tone. "You're my daughter I-" "NO I'M NOT. GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE DOCTORS." She immediately clutched onto the flowers in her hand harder. "Honey-" "Get the out while I'm still giving you a chance." She just bowed her head down. "I'm leaving these here. Call me when you come to your senses." I immediately stood up.

"COME TO MY SENSES? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO RESPECT YOU AND LOVE YOU WHEN ALL YOU DID WAS HURT ME? GET OUT NOW!" I shouted and a nurse immediatly ran in. "Ma'am? Are you okay?" I was about to shout at her to take the woman out but Zico stood infront of me. "This woman is aggrivating and damaging the health of my friend here. If you could kindly her out, I'd be very thankful"

The nurse just looked at me then to the woman. "A-alright then. Ma'am please leave or else I'll be forced to call security." She looked at me for a bit then stormed off fuming. I looked at Zico and he just rubbed my back. "I know, just go back to bed and rest. You've had a rough couple of days."

After the doctor checked me up, I was free to go. Zico gave me a new set of clothes. “Hey these are mine… Where did you- oh. Oh no” I looked at him. He couldn’t have gone to my apartment. “Look, go change. I want to talk to you after.” I nodded and went to the bathroom


We were walking down the street when he decided to speak up. “So, I found… Some things at your apartment I thought you should see.” I froze. No, no, no! He handed me mail. Bills on top of bills and more bills! “I think you should come live with me” He said and kept walking forward. “No, I don’t need your pitty” I my heels and walked away. “No, Hyomin that’s not what I meant!” He grabbed my wrist and spun me around. “Okay then, what did you mean” “Since you’re my personal slave, why don’t you live with me? I’ll provide food and a home and all you will provide is catering to my every need.”

I stopped and thought about it. It could work out. “Fine, deal” I muttered and he smiled.

Something was up with him lately, this wasnt the Zico I knew.



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Chapter 8: aww Mari!! she's cute..nice update.
dahyun_ #2
Chapter 2: Please updateee!!!