My freedom is gone! [[***on hiatus, I don't know how long***]]

“I don’t back down” I said and pulled my hood on. I took Zico’s glasses and put them on me. “Thanks for letting me borrow these.” I smirked and walked up the stage. Everyone looked at me, puzzled. “Looks like someone wants to battle me” Zico smirked and walked next to me. I pulled the mic to my lips and glare at him.

I spat out as many rhymes and insults as I could. The crowd oohed and ah-ed. As soon as I was finished I smirked and said one last thing. “…so grow up, motherer.” I said and dropped the mic to the floor. The crowd erupted in cheers. Zico just smirked and began to rap whatever. My eyes widened. I didn’t know he was this good.

He kept the smug smirk on his face as he rapped in my face. He finished and the crowd was silent. All of the sudden ear piercing screams were heard throughout the whole club. I shuddered at the thought of being his personal slave. He stepped closer to me and whispered in my ear, “Come to my house tomorrow at eight A.M sharp. If you’re not there on time, Minhee gets punished.” After that he quickly pecked my cheek and left me in the middle of the stage, angry and annoyed.

 I stomped off and pushed through people till I got out of the club. I texted Minhee that I got annoyed and I left, she didn’t reply. I shrugged and began to walk down the street. “UGH! That little has the nerve to- and then he- and he- UGGGHHHHH” I groaned in annoyance and kicked a rock that was on the floor. “UGH, STUPID ZICO I HATE YOU!” I screamed at no one in particular. “Oh now do you?” I spun around and met eye to eye with Zico.

“Why are you here?” I glared at him and he shrugged his shoulders. “I noticed you walking out all pissed and I decided to come along.” He smiled and I rolled my eyes. “Just back off, I don’t want to deal with you right now” I glared again and started walking to my house. I heard footsteps behind me. “Zico I told you to leave!” I kept walking on, not bothering to turn around. The footsteps continued.

“Zico I swear- AHH!” I was suddenly pushed against a brick wall. My head hit it hard and I groaned. I was being attacked and the person tried to pull me into an alley. “HELP” I shouted. He kept pulling and pulling. I used his force against him and let him pull me. He fell and I fell on top of him. I ended up scraping my knee but that was the least of my worries. In shock, he let go of my arm.

I balled up both of my fists and punched him square in the jaw. He grunted but I didn’t stop. I flew fist after fist into his face. “HEY! CALM DOWN HYOMIN!” I heard a voice behind me. I ignored Zico and kept punching the man. Zico pulled me by my arms and took me off of the man. “HE TRIED TO ATTACK ME!” I screamed and tried to kick the guy.

Zico carried me away from the alley. “Hyomin, what were you thinking?” He scolded me. “He tried to attack me! I wasn’t just gonna let him! I fought back!” I argued and he sighed. “Alright but I’m not letting you go home alone. You’re coming with me.” I shook my head. “I’d rather get caught dead than go home with you!” All of the sudden I began getting dizzy. “HYOMIN YOU’RE BLEEDING!”

I looked down at my knee. “I know” I muttered. “NO, YOUR HEAD” I touched the back of my head and I winced in pain. I looked at my finger tips and saw blood.

“I-I” I couldn’t finish my sentence, I out.


UUUUYYY whats gonna happen next? hehe

bye babes!


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Chapter 8: aww Mari!! she's cute..nice update.
dahyun_ #2
Chapter 2: Please updateee!!!