
My freedom is gone! [[***on hiatus, I don't know how long***]]

“Nara! Please go with me to the rap battle!” My friend begged while we walked through the halls of the school. I sighed for the ninth time today. “It’ll be fun! People from school are going too!” She whined. It wasn’t like her to beg and whine so she must really want to go… but she doesn’t like rap. “Fine, I’ll go if you tell me your reason for wanting to go.” Her eyes widened and she stepped back. “Well um, Zico is going to rap and I don’t want to be there alone” She blurted out quickly.

I pinched the bridge of my nose in annoyance. That boy has caused nothing but problems for Minhee and yet she still loves him. He’s bullied her, called her names- You name it and he’s done it to her! I looked at her pleading eyes. “I don’t think it’s healthy for you to be around him after what he’s done to you!” I argued.

Her eyes got watery and her head hung low. “But Nara, you know what it’s like to be in love. Do this for me once and I’ll make you a whole cheesecake! As big as you want it!” My head snapped towards her and I already felt my mouth overflowing with drool. I imaged a cheesecake as big as a large pizza with cherries, bananas, and peach- “Nara?” Minhee said and snapped me out of my thoughts. I looked up and swallowed the saliva in my mouth. “Alright, but I’m doing this cause I’m a good friend.” I said and smirked. She shook her head and walked on.

“No, it’s because you’re a fatass! Bye Nara!” She said and ran to her next class. I shook my head and stepped into my Biology class. “Oh, look who it is.” I glared at the guy my friend was so in love with. “Shut up, Zico” I muttered and went to my seat. “Couldn’t help hearing the conversation you were having with my little admirer.” I scrunched my face up at his nickname for Minhee. “Listen here you little , I want to make a deal” I smirked and he leaned closer to me.

“Is it about you wanting me?” “No, but get this. I know you’re at those stupid battles all the time. If I go with Minhee and I kick your lyrical you stop harassing her and stop being a lil , you feel me?” He smirked and rested his head on his hands. “And if I win?” I shrugged. “Do whatever you want. I know I’m going to win” I said and he chuckled. “Fine but if I win, you do whatever I want. I’ll stop being an to your little friend but you have to become my personal slave.” I gulped and thought about it.

*It’s a win-win situation for Minhee but… What about me, am I willing to give up my freedom for Minhee’s sake?*

I looked at Zico straight in the eyes.


Next thing I knew I was getting ready to put on my black sweater and a beanie. “I’m doing this for Minhee.” I reminded myself. I slipped on my grey vans and walked out the door. Minhee met up with me in front of my house. I entered the car and she smiled at me. “Yay I’m glad you came!” She said and I just shrugged. “Anything for a friend” I muttered and she drove off.

We got to the club and showed the bouncer our fake ID. He nodded and let us in. As soon as we stepped in I felt happy. This was it. I was in my zone. I never told Minhee but I was a regular rapper here. I hid myself behind my glasses and hoodies so that people wouldn’t recognize me. We were there for half an hour until I noticed Zico going up. “I’ll be right back” I said and quickly ran over to the side of the stage, meeting him there. “Oh, so you showed.” I scoffed and grabbed a mic from one of the workers.


Helllloooo my beauties! Im back with a full story instead of a one shot this time!

I hope yall Like it. I just cant stop writing about my man Zico *u*



well yeah, thats it.

bye babes<3


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Chapter 8: aww Mari!! she's cute..nice update.
dahyun_ #2
Chapter 2: Please updateee!!!