
My freedom is gone! [[***on hiatus, I don't know how long***]]

Zico's POV

I sighed and got dressed. I walked down the stairs and I was my mom looking at me, smirking. My father was glaring at me. "Seriously jiho? You're just going to let her go like that?" He scolded me. "This is none of your business, old man." He clutched his fists in anger. "As long as you're in my house, it's my business. That poor girl ran out crying in shorts. There's a ton of snow out there jiho!" I immediately felt bad for letting Nara go out like that. I just glared at my dad. "That's not my problem, it's hers" I said through gritted teeth. Then I immediately opened the door and walked out. "I'll be with kyung." I slammed the door behind me and made my way to my friends house.

"Hey man." I said as I walked into his room. He smiled and hugged me. "Long time no see Zico! What's up?" I shrugged and told him everything from the beginning.

"So you just let her go like that? YOU IDIOT!" He smacked me and scolded me. "We're going to look for her." "Whhhhyyy" I whined and he shut me up with a glare and I followed him outside. "Why did you bring sweats?"I asked, clueless.

"Aish youre really stupid arent you? She went out in shorts. Theres at least three feet of snow out there you dumb boy!" I rolled my eyes. why was he even worried about her? shes fine and shes probably home by now.

------six hours later------

"NARA?!" I shouted, worried. It had been six hours and we still couldnt find her. "kyung im really hungry, can we get noodles?" He stopped and thought a bit. "sure, but we better make it quick its getting colder by the second." I nodded and we stopped by a small shop. We got the cup of noddles and ran back out. "hey dude what else did you buy?" I shook my head, hiding the snack that Nara loved.

kyung nudged me and chuckled. "so, whats her favorite spot?" i shrugged. "i dunno." I stopped and tried to think about past conversations with her friends.


"of course! lets take nara to that park where her and her brother used to go to! she'll love it." i heard mirae say. brother? ive never seen her brother..

end of flashback

"OF COURSE! kyung wheres the closest park?" he gave me the directions and I was on my way, sprinting. I had the sweats and snacks in my hands, clutching them like my life depended on it.

I saw the park a few feet from me so i slowed my pace. A sudden figure on the swingset caught my eye and it was shaking violently with its head down. "damnit nara" i thought out loud and ran faster. I stopped when i heard her yelling.

Nara's POV

I was sitting on the swingset crying my eyes out. "w-why am I crying?" I asked myself. "I dont even like him but.. its been six hours. he probably doesnt care." I breathed in sharply as the cold continued to hug me. It was all cut off when a sudden coat was put around my shoulders. I looked up and saw him. "g-get away from me!" I shoute and threw his coat on the floor.

How could I forget he lived near here?

"Look Nara," his deep harsh voice was still the same. "you're freezing, please take it." He gripped onto my arm and squeezed. Well thats gonna leave a bruise "NO! I DONT WANT IT!" i screamed and backed away. "Nara, please let me help!" I punched him  in the face and he fell straight to the floor. "Yongguk stay the hell away from me!"

I heard jogging steps and I turned my head to see Zico. I just stood there in shock.

Zico's POV

I arrived and saw a man on the floor. There was a red hand grip print on nara's arm. Her eyes were red and staind with tears. I clutched onto the things in my hands and glared at the boy. "Nara-" he began. "Are you deaf? she said leave!" The boy just glared at me. "And who the hell are you?!" I glared at him and twisted his arm behind his back. Nara gasped. "As long as shes working for me, I"m her bodyguard" the boy just let out a hiss of pain and i pushed him away.

"get away from here before i rip you to shreds." he just glared at both of us and left without another word. I turned to nara and gave her my jacket, she took it immediately. I handed her kyung's sweats and she slipped them on over her shorts. "uh.. thanks." she muttered out.

"uhm.. sorry for earlier. hey you havent eaten, right?" she quietly shook her head. the atmosphere was awkward.

"well lets take you out to eat then." she smiled and walked alongside me. I hid the bag in my pocket.

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Chapter 8: aww Mari!! she's cute..nice update.
dahyun_ #2
Chapter 2: Please updateee!!!