
My freedom is gone! [[***on hiatus, I don't know how long***]]

Zico ended up taking me to a very nice restauraunt. "Z-Zico-sshi this is too expensive for me.. And look at how im dressed! I cant possibly eat here!" He just looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. "one, its not zico. Its Jiho to you and you only. Two, I dont care how we look. You've been out all day without food or money so I bet you're starving. Lets go sit down." I just shyly stood there without moving. "Nara, please. For me." I still didnt say a word. I couldnt. Its not my place to be here. All of the sudden Zico grabbed my hand in his and interwined his fingers in mine.

I felt heat spread through my cheeks. "thats probably because its cold and hes warm" I though. Of course. I hid my neck in the big sweater and it covered up to my mouth. "JIhoo please dont make me do this" I whined. He pulled me in to the door without a word. A waiter looked at us and scrunched her nose. She seated us and we ordered- well, zico ordered for me.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you bring me here? I'm only your servant I should be cooking for you, you shouldnt be paying for my food let alone ordering me food!" I complained and he just stared at me. "Nara, we need to talk." I froze. Was he finally letting me go? " I dont like us being with my parents. I dont like their uh.. 'enviornment'- persay. I think we should just go back home." He said with his elbows on the table and hands under his chin. I was about to agree but I remembered his parents. "Jiho," I breathed in. I closed my eyes and looked at him directly when I opened them. I placed my hands on the table and I took one of his in mine. "Jiho I'm telling you this seriously. Not as a servant, not as the at school, but as Kang Nara."

He nodded and waited for me to answer. "I think- this is just a thought- I think you should stay" His face looked enraged already. "Woo Jiho, work things out with your parents. I'm saying this from the heart. Yeah so your mom thinks im a , so what? explain to her that im not. Instead of storming out talk to her. I understand you dont like her ways of thinking but get along with her. No mother should feel like her child hates her and vice versa. As for your father, whats that deal?"

He just rolled his eyes. "And you gotta stop it with that stank face that dont suit you at all jiho" He just chuckled. "So tell me" He nodded, "Well," He squeezed my hands. "My father owns a company and he wanted me to work for him. I, of course, have my own dreams. I'd like to be a rapper" I nodded and smiled. His rap was honestly perfect. He caught my smile and chuckled. "Yeah. My old man didnt like the idea so technically he only has one son now. No such thing as a dissapointment in his family. If his friends asked, he only had two children" My eyes widened.

How could a father possibly do this? How heartless could he be? "Eventually he saw how bad he was. How horrible he was acting towards me. He apologized but i havent forgivin him. I cant" I blew air out of my mouth. "What about your fami-" "Heres your order!" The waitress came at the right time. I just pushed aside Zico's comment and began digging in. "Ahh i love pasta. How did you know?" He just shrugged. "I overheard your friend once." I nodded.

We finished eating and it seemed like the snow stopped. We stepped outside and I was greeted with a nice cool breeze. "Ready to go home?" I asked Zico and he shook his head. "But its almost 12 am!" I whined. I was getting very tired. "Hmm.. lets just go to one more place." He seemed very weird today.

He led me back to the park but we went to a more secluded area. "Zico, are you gonna kill me?" He stopped and looked at me. "What?" I shyly played with the snow. "Well we are alone in a somewhat forested area and its late at night." He just burst out laughing. "n-no Nara!" I firrowed my eyebrows. "c'mon i have a surprise for you." He walked over to a bench and took out a small plastic bag.

"Whats that?!" I asked exitedly. He sushed me and I pouted. "ah so about this morning. I'm sorry nara" My eyes traveled down to the bench. "no, its okay. I'm too sensitive. I should really work on that haha" I laughed dryly. Zico scooted closer to me and handed me the small bag. "dont think ive gone soft on you because of this incident! You're still my servant! This is just for apology." I opened the bag and I immediately felt life come back into me. "WOO JIHO I LOVE YOU!" I tackled him in a bear hug and we both fell onto the floor. I squeezed him and grinned like a child.

He chuckled and sat up, I was still hugging him. "Woah woah, calm down. I didnt think you'd react like that" I just grinned and walked back to the bag. I pulled out a small necklace and a box of small cheesecakes. I got up and sat on the bench and he sat next to me. "You know, I used to think you were the biggest jerk." I Paused and I heard him chuckle. "And?" He asked. I looked up at the moon and rested my head on his shoulder. "I cant seem to see why Minhee likes you. I mean at school youre an . I dont get why she likes you when shes only seen you like that." I pursed my lips. He just let out a soft chuckle. "I'm feeling really insulted right now, you know?" I shrugged. "But, these past few days you've been treating me.." I paused, careful of what words to choose. "Kind. And If you just showed this side of you to Minhee I bet she'd like you even more."

I heard him let out a long exauhsted sigh. "Yeah" He muttered and rested his head on mine. I kept looking at the moon and for some reason tonight it looked a kind of orange-ish color. I yawned feeling myself get tired. He put his arm around my shoulder. "Are we gonna stay here tonight?" I asked softly and quietly. I felt his shoulders rise and fall back with every breath he took. "If you want to" I looked up at him and he looked away from me. I smiled and got comfortable. I lied my head on his lap and played with the grass on the ground. I felt Zico begin to play with my hair and I closed my eyes. I'd never felt so comfortable.

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Chapter 8: aww Mari!! she's cute..nice update.
dahyun_ #2
Chapter 2: Please updateee!!!