A Day of Summer


They say do what is correct but never what is right. Well, maybe now I can just do both. The right and at the same time the correct thing. That contract will haunt me but I know this relationship will haunt me more if I doubt myself and especially my feelings for Taemin. I love Taemin and this contract is just a set back of the reality of both our worlds. He can't be in my world and I can't be in his but together... maybe, just maybe we can work this one out.

And so my decision is final. I looked at the contract and with all my heart I'm deciding that even though it will hurt the two of us, I know I will do the correct thing. I'm no longer Krystal from a year ago. The Krystal that came to Seoul for the first time without knowledge on what to do exactly. The Krystal that people referred to as the heart of stone because I could never cry in front of someone. I couldn't feel empathy. But that was the old me and this is me now.So whatever happens after this, after I get out of that office door, I know things will definitely change. It will.

I decided to go to their practice room to meet him. As I opened the door, the 5 of them weren't really practicing but I saw them comforting Taemin. The faces they had when they saw me was more of concerned rather than hate. I expected hate, so I basically didn't expect that. Taemin saw me, his eyes were swollen a bit. Did he cry? I looked away because I didn't want to see him hurt like that.

I walked towards him and s started to stand up and walk away, to give us both some privacy.

"Are you okay?" I looked at him and wiped his tears. He just shook his head. I bit my lower lip and hugged him. He needed the hug just like I needed it from him too. The scent of his hair and the fabric of his clothes, I will miss that. The warm of his face and the way he speaks to me, I will miss that but most of all, I will miss the unconditional love that he has shown me and the smile that makes me happy. To see Taemin happy was something I wish he would have for the rest of his life. So I showed no sadness and smiled at him with content.

"You and I need to just spend the day together and out of this hell." and i meant that. "I don't care if the reporters see, I don't care if the company doesn't want us to be together. We just need some time alone." I don't want to see him crying. I hate to see him cry. 

"Where will we go?" he asked holding my arm, he wants to go too. "Anywhere you want." I smiled at him.

And so we did. We left the company without letting the people know. My mind was skeptical but my heart says 'yes'. To me, it's alright. I have nothing else to loose to this. Taemin was everything that I want and I am happy to be with him. We went to this small area near the Han river where couples can just enjoy the whole day. It's a park for couples, you can enjoy a lot of couple activities in this park. We started off with food. It was my treat, I bought lunch and we ate at this restaurant that sells the best jajangmyun. We ordered cold beverages and ate so many fruits. I kept looking at my phone to check on something but I guess it's still on-going. Who knows?!

After that huge lunch we decided to rest at a cafe next to it and order some delicious bucket of ice cream. We went crazy with the flavors, literally. It was like the mixture of a lot of flavors it ended up becoming this one pile of ugly ice cream but we didn't really cared, we loved each other's company plus we ended up eating the whole thing. I haven't seen him eat so many things at once but today he did. He was smiling, he was laughing everytime I made silly jokes. 

The next activity we did was that we both rode this swan ride. I had no idea how to do this but in the movies it looks really romantic so we tried it out. And after trying it out, I swear, it's totally not romantic. We both kept laughing at our silly mistakes and how we can't move the swan as fast as the other couples does. We were just circling around like a bunch of crazy couples. We literally had no idea what we're doing so we decided to just let the wave pull us back to the shore.

"Thank you for today" he looked at me holding my hand. I stared at it but the pain in my heart just grew worse. "You needed to smile" I looked at him, erasing the sadness I feel right now, I showed him my happiest smile. It didn't take long for the swan to reach the shore side and while we waited for it to do so, i once again checked my phone. There were a couple of messages from my aunt saying that she's done fixing it and my eyes widened as I saw the one thing that will finally give this date an end. I glanced at Taemin and at the time "I'm sure they need you back at the studio now" I said while getting out of the swan ride and taking his arm. "I don't want to end this date yet." he replied. I laughed at him and punched his arm lightly "You know it's suppose to be that way. It'll be night time soon, silly" 

So we both walked for awhile. We held hands together until we finally reached the abandoned park where we met the first time and where we always meet. It was our secret meeting place. As we approached the old oak tree, I saw their van parking at the other side like it always did everytime he came here. 

I stopped and freed both of our hands.

"Promise me something..." I was summing up all the pain and the torture that I have right now. "... Promise me that you will smile just like the one you always show me" i tried not to let my voice crack.

But the thing is, Taemin can read me sometimes and this is one of those times "Something's wrong. What is it?" his gaze turned serious. I couldn't look at him right now. This will just hurt us both.

"I'm going back to LA tonight." i could feel the tears will burst out anytime.

"WHAT?! NO?!" it was the first time Taemin had raised his voice. "You can't do this to me, Krystal. You can't leave me. Not right now!" his voice started to crack. The amount of burden in my body as I see him struggle makes me mad at myself. How can I do this to him? 

"Because I want to." I lied. "Maybe we both need this. I'm just a distraction to your career. Without me in it, you will finally have the promises me want" I cried. Yes, I signed the contract. It's not because I had no choice but it's because I care for him. Signing that contract will let him see his family for once in a long time and give him opportunities that he had always dream of. He deserves it. He works hard for this and I'm not going to be that one person who will destroy it for me. "You are everything to me but I can't destroy your priorities. When you dance, you're happy. I can't be the one who's selfish enough to take that away from you--"

"What if I want you to be selfish?" he immediately responded. "Be selfish for me, i don't care." he slowly came forward "so what was this all about today? Was this date to mock me? Have me smiling and laugh and then you just decide to randomly break us up?" his tone is still mad. I couldn't respond to his questions but the tears started to fall on my cheeks. What was I going to say exactly? That today I just distracted him from the on-going news about the two of us. After I signed that contract the CEO was very clear on his terms. He agreed with me leaving and I agreed on him to distract him for awhile. If I wasn't going to then he will be able to read the news online about SME's statement about me and they didn't want Taemin to just be reckless. They needed him to be calm and collected while they're trying to fix his image. That is why I kept looking at my phone the whole day, to see if the news had already released the statement that SME told them. I know it was bad of me to just go behind his back and making these decisions on my own. 

Then his manager interrupted us "Taemin... it's time to go" we both looked at each other. So i guess this was it, I know someday he'll look back at this and learn from it. I don't know how and I don't know when but i know he will. Suddenly he hugged me, i just wanted to cry but I need to convince him that this is all over. "So that's it?" he spoke "We're not even going to fight against this?" I took his arms off me and ignored his questions. I can no longer bare answering more of his questions. 

We both need closure. 

I immediately stopped and turned back to face him "I love you, Taemin and that won't change. Remember when I saw you on-stage and told you that your smile makes everyone happy?" I started to cry this time "You have thousands of fans that you inspire every single day. Your smile is what drives them to be happy with their lives too and that's why you need to be that happy person you have always been. Your fans love you because you are the one person that motivates them to believe in their dreams; that anything in life is possible." I wiped my tears. He needs to understands that he has a responsibilty too. With one last look from him, I tried to smile at him "Someday, when you look back at this, you will thank me for breaking up with you." and I ran away, got myself into a taxi and never looked back. 

Goodbye, Taemin. 

Goodbye, Seoul.




[UPDATE: WHO WANTS A TAEMIN POV? WHO WANTS A CHAPTER WITH JUST TAEMIN'S POV???? I'm currently caught in between making a POV for Taemin (the whole chapter) or not. Comment if you want! - crazyHJ]

[A/N: EXO Fans or FF fans I am now starting a new FF titled 'The Girl in my Dreams' it's a Baekhyun and Ailee FF. Now I know you guys find it weird that I randomly chose those two in my new fanfic but do not worry, I am making the story as nice. So guys, check it out. Comment on it and subscribe. Upvotes are encourage. I will update in making chapters for it soon because I am currently trying to make drafts for Butterfly's last chapters. Butterfly will end soon. T__T]

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i have a new TAESTAL FF! Check it out http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/618512


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tarquin #1
Chapter 13: mak a sequel i want to see krystal happy!!
Ximenitazh #2
Chapter 13: The final was so... don't know I totally expected for them to have a romantic reunion but anyways the plot was awesome ♥
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #3
Chapter 14: Ouch. They didn't end up together. </3
Chapter 13: CRYING WALRUS. WHY OH WHY ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠI never really expected that the story would turned out like this.

This is gooooood. I cannot~ One thing I like when i'm reading a fic is by the end.of it will make me sob

Another Taestal fic pleaseeeeee
Chapter 13: Oh my gosh no!! Taemin and Krystal have to get back to ether, he can't be dating another girl when they e waited for so long!
Chapter 13: Feels so sad:""" I didn't know it would be turn out like this. Btw, this is really great story! Good job, author-nim! :)