Chapter 14


            POV: Baekho

"Guards... in room 5..."


Run. Run. Run. Run. RUN!

It can't be, they can't be there. No. No. NO!

While I run breathlessly through the white halls, I realize that everything has been a trap. They've known where we are from the start. They've tricked us into separating to murder us one by one.

They can't defend themselves alone, not in their conditions. Ren. Ren. Ren. Wait for me... please...

Faster. We won't make it. Ah, this is maddening. Why won't my legs move any faster? Why are we so far away? We won't make it in time...

Aron runs ahead. He's much faster than I am. He can reach them. Distract them. But he doesn't know where to go.

"Six turns and straight ahead to the right! Hall 14 B!"

He raises a hand in response and speeds up even more.

I lose him from sight. I feel so useless... I can't breathe, my ribs hurt but I won't stop. I can't. If they get there before we do... I don't want to even think of it. Ren, Ren, REN!

            POV: Aron

I run as fast as I can, following Baekho's directions. I'm quick but it doesn't seem fast enough to me. I have to get there in time. I have to save them.

I skid around the corner and finally see them. Twelve guards, way too close to the old room 5, way too close to Min. I've arrived in time. I have to stop them. I have to get them away from here.

I keep running towards them without slowing down. I grab the electric baton from my guard uniform and, as I pass them, I stab two of them. One falls unconscious. I don't stop, I move to the other end of the hall, three of them following me. Perfect. I'll take them as far away as I can.

            POV: Baekho

Eight left. Two stay with the one that fell and the rest continue forward. I slide to the side and manage to avoid those three, heading directly towards the six on their way to room 5.

Six. What am I going to do alone against six? Don't think, just run. And they're so close... A few mere meters, and with the others not knowing a thing... No, no, no, stop. STOP!


            POV: Aron

I continue advancing at a slower pace to make sure they can follow me. I hurry around corners, cross halls, until we're far enough away that they won't be able to hurt Min.

And then I decide to confront them.

I halt and spin around abruptly. They're shocked, they didn't expect it. I raise the baton high and attack the one in front with all my strength. I hit him in the head and he collapses to the floor. The baton in my hand is stained with blood. His mask has cracked and a red puddle begins to form beneath his head.

No, not again! I promised myself that I'd control my strength! I didn't want this to happen again...

Something suddenly impacts with my back. I feel the hit and then an electric charge running through my body. It hurts. It burns. The baton tumbles from my hands and to the floor. I shouldn't have let down my guard. There's no time for regrets right now. If I don't finish them, they'll finish me.

The guard approaches and lifts the baton to hit me again. I won't allow him to. From the floor, I give him a kick to the shin, using the force that my power grants me. His leg breaks; I can see the bone piece through his skin. He falls to the floor with a scream and writhes in pain. He's lost the baton and he doesn't look in any condition to attack me again. One less.

I hear the gunshot behind me. And immediately after, I feel the bullet connect with my skin, creating a path through my flesh. A wave of intense pain invades me.

            POV: Ren

I stand to greet them but there's no one opening the door. It opens on its own. What the hell...? Then, suddenly, a scream of a voice that is much too familiar. Baekho. I run out of the room and see him. Screaming, using his power to the max and surrounded by 6 guards that aim their guns at him but aren't able to shoot. . He can't go up against all of them. I have to do something. I won't let these sons of es hurt him.

I look back in the room and see a large piece of wood that we still haven't burned. Perfect. I grab it and go running out to battle.

            POV: Minhyun

What's going on? What is blondie doing with a piece of wood? I hear Baekho yelling from the hall. This doesn't look good.

I pull away from JR and struggle to stand. I walk to the door as quickly as I can. We're in danger and I have to help them. When I arrive, I see the 6 guards. , there's more than I expected.

I lean against the wall in the hall to sustain myself on my feet. I try to summon my powers to fight but it's useless. I'm much too exhausted and I need to eat something. I think I've used up the last of what I had left to light the fire earlier...

            POV: JR

No, not more guards. My head hurts. My eyes are drooping closed. My body aches.

Don't think of that. Run and go fight alongside your allies. Do I have another choice? I follow them, trembling.

            POV: Baekho

I can't do it. I can't control them all. I'm more tired by the second.

One of them break free of my hold. He attacks Ren. No, not Ren. I raise the strength in my voice in an attempt to stop him. I grab him and the rest manage to get free. . I center the control again, holding them all.

Ren's screams grab my attention. He's hitting a fallen guard with harsh blows. I let him go. Ren is safe.

My shoulder is hit. The pain blinds me for an instant, but I react. I yell with more force behind it and return my five senses to holding them.

"Baekho! Pass me a gun!" Min calls to me. How am I supposed to do that...

            POV: Ren

A guard turns on me and I attack him with the piece of wood. Take that, you ! I strike him in the head again and again until the rotten wood breaks. , well, with my hands then.

I punch him in the stomach. The vest is harder than I thought and I hurt my hand but the white-masked monster falls to the floor. Good, with kicks then.

I give him kick upon kick, on his chest, his stomach, the mask, venting out my hate from all the times they've beat me while I wasn't able to defend myself. And for his attempt to attack Baekho, for my companions, for our families... Until he doesn't move anymore. yourself, imbecile! Blood drips from beneath his mask. ... Did I... kill him?

I don't have much time to think. I turn when I hear Min's yell.

"Baekho! Pass me a gun!"

Baek ignores him.


"I can't..."

A guard moves closer. Stay still! Baek yells again; the guard halts.

I search for a gun with my eyes and find one near my feet. It must've belonged to my guard. I grab it and toss it to Min. I hope he actually knows how to use it!

            POV: Minhyun

I grip the gun Ren passed me tightly. In my state – barely being able to move – this is the only way I have to fight.

I aim at the guards that are immobilized by Baekho's power. They're a bit far but I have good aim. My father taught me how to shoot. This'll be easy.

I don't even think of where to shoot. I instinctively go for the head of the one closest to me. That's how I've always been taught.

And I pull the trigger. An instant after, I see a hole in his head and a puddle of blood beneath his feet. He no longer struggles to break free from Baekho's hold. He doesn't move at all. He's only still on his feet because Baekho's power is still sustaining him there.

            POV: Baekho

I hear the gunshot and feel the weight of the guard fall. I turn, I see him with a destroyed mask from the bullet. Bathed in blood that trickles in between the cracks in his mask. I look away, pushing back the reflex to gag. And in that moment the other four escape my grasp.

No! Still! Stay there!

Impossible. I'm too far away. I'm too exhausted. My eyes are closing...

            POV: Ren

I bend down to pick up the guard's baton, trying not to look at the blood accumulating around him. I think this will be much more effective than a piece of wood. I've only just managed to free it from the guard's belt when Baekho loses control of the others. ! I spring back up. One of them turns, aiming at me, and I hit him in the hand. The gun tumbles to the floor. Take that!

Before I can hit him again, he takes out his baton and strikes at my arm. That ing hurts! I manage not to let go of the weapon and step away a bit. We look at each other for a few seconds before he attacks, aiming at my stomach. I lower my baton to intercept him but he changes direction at the last second. He's going for my head, this bastard! I dodge but not fast enough and he hits my forehead hard enough to break skin. Now you'll get it... As quickly as I can, I hit his arm as hard as I can but he moves out of the way and I lose my balance. He strikes at my back and a current of electricity buzzes through my body. I scream a pained, "BAEKHO!" and fall to my knees.

            POV: JR

Through the fog in my vision, I see someone approaching me. He's in a guard uniform. I hope it's actually one of them. I move away, only to get dizzy and fall to the floor. The guard jumps towards me with his weapon held high. In some part of my dulled mind, I ask myself why they attack us with the batons when they have guns. Are they still trying to capture us alive?

I roll out of the way but I'm not very agile right now. He manages to reach my ribs and, although the padding softens the blow, in an instant there's a current of electricity traveling through my body. It burns, it paralyzes me. For a few moments, all I can feel is my already battered body being victim to spasms.

No, I can't let myself be dominated. I have to fight. I can't give up yet! I open my eyes and fix my gaze on him. My vision isn't blurry anymore. It's clear to me what's in front of me. A white mask, unblemished, the symbol of everything I hate. I lift my arm towards him. I remove my glove and grab his arm, activating my ability.

The guard falls, collapsing beside me. I feel tired. Everything is spinning. My eyes are closing of their own accord and I let myself be dragged into the darkness.

            POV: Minhyun

The guards can move again. . Baekho is weak and his power is no longer strong enough to hold them. I aim for one of them and shoot without hesitation. He avoids the bullet. He's very fast now that he's recovered his freedom of movement. And he's running straight at me. , I can't move! I aim. He grows closer with each passing second. I have to be fast. He's going to kill me.

I shoot. He sees my intentions and moves out of the way. But he's not fast enough. He falls to the floor. I've hit him in the leg. Good! He won't be able to attack me this way.

He glares at me with hate, grabbing his gun and pointing it at me. . I aim back at him with mine. I have to shoot or else he'll kill me. I press the trigger.


No. I don't have any bullets left. . What do I do? No, no, no... Don't panic, Min. The most important thing is to keep calm... I don't think he noticed. I pretend to keep my gun trained on him. It looks like he can't decide whether or not to shoot me. If he does, I'm dead.

            POV: Baekho

A guard confronts me. He aims at me. I yell. Not to stop him. I twist his wrist and force him to shoot himself in the neck. His head explodes. Don't look, Baek. Next.

Ren calls to me. I have to help him. I yell. My voice refuses to come. I run to him. I grab the guard with my hands. I wrap my arms around his neck, grip tight. Ren hits him. And I feel the second he stops breathing...

I let the guard go. I look at Ren. All I see is blood.


            POV: Ren

He whispers my name while he stares intently at me, my cheek that is covered in blood from the cut on my head. I'm so glad that he's okay... But something interrupts our moment. Minhyun. He and a guard both have guns trained on one another but neither shoots. Why doesn't he shoot? It can't be that he doesn't have any bullets, right?!

Suddenly, the guard smirks. . He's come to the same conclusion I have...

I shove Baekho's hand away and jump in the guard's direction with the baton in my hand.

I pounce on him and, before he can react, I strike at his head with all my strength. He falls with a deafening sound to the floor, in the middle of a puddle of blood.

Good! Now I feel a little less useless. I turn to make sure Min is okay but Baekho yells before I can say anything.


            POV: Baekho

Two more guards. Min asks me for a weapon. And how am I supposed to know where to find a gun? I expand my mind. It's never been so difficult before. I find one and toss it to him with my hands. My ability isn't working.

And then I hear a gunshot, and I feel the pain, and everything goes dark...

            POV: Ren

He throws a gun and Min catches it. I spin around and see the two guards in front of Baekho. No. No. No. Before I can move, one shoots and Baekho collapses. No. Not Baekho. NO. IT'S NOT FAIR. He's dead. Dead.

I'll kill them.

I run. Straight at them. Nothing matters. I'll kill them. With my own hands. I'll kill them. Even if I die in the act. If Baekho's not here, nothing matters anymore. They're dead. I'll kill them.

            POV: Minhyun

there's still two of them left! And I'm out of bullets, !

Baekho rushes to pass me a gun. Great. I have to get rid of them.

But before I can do anything, one of them shoots Baekho. And he falls to the floor. No! Is he dead?

I don't have time. They're going to kill us all. I aim at that guard and hurry to pull the trigger. But before I can do it, Ren goes running in their direction and puts himself in the path my bullet should follow. I can't shoot. I'll shoot the blond if I do.

What is he doing? He's running headfirst into suicide, screaming like he's possessed. He doesn't know what he's doing. He's in shock because of Baekho. He won't be able to win against them. They're going to pummel him god damn it! What do I do?

            POV: Ren

Something throws me to the floor. I fall on my face. It hurts. I hear two gunshots and the guards are down. Dead. I sit up slowly and someone screams at me.


Baekho. No, Baekho is dead, isn't he? I turn but he's right there. On his feet. Yelling at me. Alive.

            POV: Minhyun

I hear Baekho's voice. He uses his power to force Ren to the floor with a yell. As soon as he falls, I take advantage of the moment to shoot the two guards. I hit them on the first try, one bullet for each of them. They both fall and I doubt they'll get up again. Never again. It's done...

            POV: Ren

I go to him slowly. I need to touch him, to make sure that he's alive. That he's okay.

I gently touch his face. I'm scared that he'll disappear at any moment. That this is just a bad trick of my mind. But no, he's real, he's okay.


            POV: Baekho

"Don't you ever do that again!" I nearly lost him... "Did you want them to kill you?" when he went running towards them...

"You're okay... I... thought... you were dead..."

His voice trembles.

Dead? True, the bullet... Shouldn't I be dead? I feel the pain, but it's more like a punch... The jacket protected me. It stopped the bullet.

I feel Ren's cold fingers on my face. He touches my cheek with gentleness. My eyes, my lips... He moves his other hand to my face as well and holds me tightly, as if he wants to make sure that I'm here. I touch him too. His sweet face, the one I've fallen in love with. I was so close to losing him. I can't erase the moment I saw him run from my mind. Unarmed. Towards the enemy. But he's alive. Injured, but alive.

I hug him, gripping his shoulders as tightly as I can. He fits so easily in my arms. It's so comfortable to be this way.

            POV: Minhyun

Ah! Luckily Baekho is alright! He and Ren have been beaten to bits, but they're still alive. I've also gotten out of this just fine and JR... well, at least he's still breathing. There are no more guards around in any condition to attack us and it doesn't look like any more are on the way. For the moment, we've gotten through this.

But... not everyone. And Aron? Where is Aron? When I came out to the hall, I didn't see him with Baekho, but I haven't had the time to think much of it. I thought he'd appear to help us... but he hasn't. Aron would never abandon us if he knows we're in danger. Why hasn't he come? Where is he? Where is he damn it?!

I look up and down the hall, hoping to see him appear from somewhere. He'll come, I know he'll come. I know he wouldn't leave me. Why isn't he showing up? I know that, any moment now, I'll see him turn the corner and run to hug me. He'll tell me that he's so happy that I'm okay, that he's sorry for being so late. He'll do it, of course he will. Come on, what is he doing? Where is he?

Aron! Damn it! Come, please! You're okay, right? Nothing has happened to you, right? Please... Please tell me you're okay...

Wetness springs to my eyes and my body trembles. Just with the thought that something has happened to him. And if it's true? What if he doesn't return? What if something happened to him? No god damn it! I couldn't stand it!


He doesn't respond. He's too preoccupied with Ren.


I scream with all my strength and the both of them look at me, startled.


"Where is Aron?"


            POV: Baekho

Where is Aron? He disappeared with three guards. He should be back by now... I force my mind to open up, to search for him. Impossible. It hurts. I feel heavy, my whole body feels heavy... I'm exhausted.

            POV: Minhyun

I fix my gaze on Baekho. He diverts his eyes and refuses to look at me. Why? Then he speaks in a whisper.

"I... don't know."

I can't take this anymore. I go up to him as fast as my body allows me. I grab the collar of his shirt, shaking him hard and yelling.

"What do you mean you don't know?! He was with you; of course you know! You have to know! Baekho! Tell me where Aron is! Where the is Aron?!"

            POV: Baekho

Each scream pierces my mind. I can't think. How am I supposed to look for him?

"I don't know! I really don't know!"

My head hurts. I can barely get my voice out. My eyes sting. Come on, Baek, make an effort. Where is Aron? Look for him, he can't be far...

But my mind closes up on me. It refuses to open. And the more I try the more it hurts.

Leave me in peace...

            POV: Ren

Minhyun won't stop yelling. I understand that he's worried about Aron but... , Baekho can't go on! He's exhausted! He's been using his power to the max for a long time now! Doesn't he see that?! Even so, Baekho tries it. At this rate, he's going to collapse in my arms at any moment! Stop now!

"Leave him alone! Don't you see he's exhausted?!"

            POV: Minhyun

Ren grabs me gruffly and separates me from Baekho. He shoves me and I don't manage to keep my footing and I fall to the floor. I stay there, incapable of getting up. Tears start to fall from my eyes in streams. I can't stop crying. I tremble. Because I'm scared, so scared. Of not seeing him again, that something has happened to him. I want to feel his arms again, his eyes on me, his sweet voice saying my name...

"Aron... ARON!!"

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I'm terribly late with Ch 28! I'm so sorry ;w; I'm proofreading it now. It's the (really long) last ch, but don't forget to stick around for the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 29: I liked how much MinRon was in this, interesting story.
It was a beautiful story and its AU.... I like how they have special abilities, I even played Action while reading this.
like other readers.. I'm also kind of want a sequel just maybe a one-shot or just a few chapters. I'm curious how they live their life outside. I'm so happy that Minron stay together and they got a daughter (ARon's daughter with Baekho LOL. i didn't see that coming) too.. and I love your writing too. Good Job Authornim... wish you will make more minron stories..
Chapter 29: Just wondering that has the original author made sequel? This is so good story, and the end made me laugh so much. And I really like how Aron is acting, even though it doesn't fit in my own image of him. And the fact of Baekho and Aron having a daughter. Can't even tell how hard i laughed :D However, I really love this story, definitely one of the top ten I have ever read. The descriptions are so good and... Don't even know what to say. But pass my greetings to the origin author, please :)
bine84 #4
Thats a really super good story...i am really flashed. If nuest would make this as a movie i would buy it. -----i love nuest-----
Chapter 29: Wild_white_tiger? Hahha! It's enough to make me blush....>\\\\<
Finally, jr n Minnie have a happy [email protected]'s perfect T^T
Kyaa! Minron, why dI'd they made that infront of their child? But it still sweet~they are the best parents ever....haha! Aron is housewife? Cant believe,and thehousewife's username name is LArapper? That's a rock housewife! Yeah!
And last but not least, ohhh~ BeakRen.... They're swèeť! ^^ the precious moment about this story,to me, it's when they met they family, wonderful life after three years spending time in a stupid 'cage', and met their family after that,.. I can't imagine my life without family T^T.... HAPPY ENDING^~^ <3 YEAH! Daebak author-nim!
DaebakStarlight #6
Chapter 27: Please please update soon! I just just know something is gonna happen!
Chapter 27: Urk!
Why do I get the feeling something else bad will happen before they even step outside?
Now I'm anxiously biting my nails until tomorrow >.<
Chapter 27: Finally! :') Update soon! <3
gdragonlollipoplove #10
Chapter 25: hehe Baekho being a ert watching Minhyun & Aron..>//.\\< Baekho's "Does my opinon count?" made me laugh XD Super excited for the next chapter! \(^0^)/