Chapter 11


            POV: Baekho

I force the door open with a whisper and we enter.

It's dark but I manage to see something silver flash across the room in Minhyun's direction. Aron stops him, spinning him around and harshly throwing him to the ground.

"What's wrong with you?!" I shove him angrily as I remove my mask.

It's fine that he wants to protect Minhyun, but forcing Ren to the floor that way is too much.

Aron is about to respond, bristling instantly. Minhyun stops us by hugging Aron's back and asking that he calm down while JR yells, "Yah! Don't start up again, you roosters!" But I don't pay attention to any of that because beside me I hear a small, sweet and soft voice call to me.


I barely have the time to turn before I feel something run into my chest and a pair of lanky arms hug me with more strength than necessary.

I fall to the floor from the impact, hitting my head against the floor but I can't find it within myself to care. Not when I have Ren in my arms.

"You came! You came back for me! I knew you would! I knew you wouldn't abandon me, that you wouldn't leave me here..."

He mumbles his words rapidly and in between sobs as he hides his face in the padded collar of my uniform. I hug him back, touching his hair and whispering sweet words in his ear.

I can feel the tears wanting to escape my eyes as well. Tears of happiness for finding him, for having him in my arms, for seeing with my own eyes that I do matter to him.

A selfish thought enters my mind. I try to chase it away, but it's the truth – I'd let them kidnap him again just to have another reunion like this one...

            POV: Ren

Baekho. It's Baekho. He came. He came back to look for me. I knew it, I knew it. I knew he would come back. I couldn't be left here. He came. This isn't a dream. I hug him as tightly as I can. I have the sensation that if I let him ago, he'll leave again, leaving me here alone. I won't ever let him go ever again. Baekho hugs me back as well, my hair. Does this mean he doesn't hate me? I could die from happiness. All the suffering, all the pain has been worth it just for this moment. For the opportunity to show him without words how much I want him. How much I trust him. That I can no longer live without him at my side.

            POV: Minhyun

Ah, Ren scared me! If Aron hadn't stopped him, I don't know if I would have lived to tell it. He's so protecting and he's always attentive of me. It's amazing having him at my side.

We've finally found Ren and the first thing he does is attack me. How can he still have so much strength? He's been beat to a pulp! His very appearance makes me feel bad. His clothes are ripped, his hair is one huge tangle and his face is red and covered in tears, hidden against Baekho's chest while the both of them are on the floor.

The other blond isn't crying but I doubt he's very far from it. I don't know if it's from the joy of finding Ren or because he's holding him so tightly that he feels as if he's about to die from suffocating.

They really do look happy together. I think my talks with the both of them have been fruitful. I'm glad. They make a good pair.

They've been pressed together for some time now; I think it's been long enough. I approach them and take off my mask.

"Hey, blondie, you're an assassin. First you attack me and now you're trying to strangle Baekho." I smile widely as I kneel beside them. He turns and gives me a surprised look with tear filled eyes. Then he gets off of Baekho and stays on his knees beside him.


I guess he just remembered my existence.

I move in close as quickly as I can, flinging my arms around him in an affectionate hug.

"I'm so glad that you're okay! You had me so worried! I was so scared that I'd never see you again! Don't disappear without saying anything ever again, got it?!"

My voice trembles from the nerves I've been accumulating. The idea of never seeing him again really had scared me. He's a good friend, I really appreciate him. And I'm very happy that he's with us again.

He wraps his arms around my waist to return the hug as he continues crying with his head against my shoulder.

"I... was so scared... and..."

"There, there. You're with us now."

The tears nearly don't let him talk. I let him cry, let him vent.

And then I remember something. I push him away enough to reach into the pocket of my uniform. I dig out the second cereal energy bar that Nara gave me and hold it out to Ren.

"Here, eat this. I saved it for you. I know you must be starving too."

He snatches it up quickly and hugs me again. I hear the faintest whisper against my ear.

"Thank you..."

            POV: JR

We have to leave soon. If they find us here, we'll be finished.

Nara said that she'll try to protect us but I don't know to what point she has the power to do so. If they send a patrol would she have enough of a say to stop them? I don't think so. We can't stall around anymore.

"Guys, we have to go now."

Baekho and Ren don't hear my words from where they're immersed in their own world. Perfect; now we have two pairs of lovebirds. I feel like an extra here...

"Come now, lovebirds. Let's go. Now's not the time to go all fluffy on us." Minhyun is the one to make them move, although I don't think he has the right to say that either...

Aish, I'm so tired...

At the very least, his words have gotten the blond pair to their feet and now everyone follows me out into the hall on our way back to the old room 5.

Aron and Minhyun walk closely together, nearly holding one another, with the taller one leaning heavily into the older to help him stay upright. Baekho has Ren in his arms like a princess, whispering to him in a sweet voice. So what am I doing here again?

            POV: Baekho

He's so weak and vulnerable that right now I have the strong desire to protect him, to have him in my arms and to take care of him.

Everyone prepares to leave. And I, seeing how weak and tired Ren is, lift him into my arms without thinking twice. I carry him carefully like he's a princess.

"Don't carry me like this..." He says in a barely audible whisper, "I'm not a doll."

His cheeks are slightly flushed and his lips are in an uncomfortable grimace. I'm starting to pick up on his subtle expressions, just like Minhyun said, and it fills me with a strange sentiment. Happiness? Pride? Love?

"No, you're not a doll." I respond in a soft voice, a sweet whisper. "You're a warrior. But right now you're weak. Let me take care of you, my little fighter."

He shifts in my arms, hiding his face against my chest so that I nearly miss his mumbled "okay".

I could die of love with each of his gestures, no matter how small they may be.

            POV: Ren

I  barely notice my surroundings. I feel so protected in his arms.

We're walking through the halls in silence, praying that we won't find any guards on the way. And this time we're in luck. After many circles, we make it to a room. It looks like it hasn't been used in quite some time; there's a poster that's a bit roughened up and crossed out over what can still be read as 'Room 5'.

We enter quickly, careful that no one sees us.

Baekho sets me down on the floor with my back against the wall and sits beside me without breaking our embrace. Aron helps Minhyun sit down against the wall beside us and JR rests on his own side as well.

Finally we're all together in a 'safe' place. But it's cold, very cold. And on one of the walls there's a huge dark stain. Blood...? A shiver goes up my spine and I press closer to Baekho. He covers me with the guard's jacket he had on and hugs me. The clothing still has his warmth and his scent helps me relax a bit.

"Hey, doesn't this seem like a cage?"

Looks like Minhyun has read my mind.

"Yeah, but it looks it hasn't been in use for a while..." They agree with a nod. We're all curious about what has happened here.

"Do you think there was someone like us here?" JR has also had his curiosity sparked.

"I... remember what happened here..."

We all turn to look at Baekho. Judging by their faces, they're all just as surprised as I am. Although taking into consideration his ability...

He closes his eyes as if he's trying to remember. He hugs me tighter, pulling me even closer as he continues speaking.

"... It was around the time that JR arrived. This used to be room 5. There was another boy here, one with powers like us. He could freeze things by touching them. Or that's what we thought." He shakes his head in... sadness? "His show consisted of freezing up this pond and making figures with the ice. I remember that he was very... submissive, or something like that. He only ever attacked a guard once when he first arrived but then he stopped fighting, he gave up. As far as I know, he never gave them trouble, unlike this cute little blond we have with us..."

He gives me a smile and I stick my tongue out. Does he have to say that sort of thing? I can't help but blush. I hope he hasn't seen it...

"... The thing is... they realized that his ability had changed. He no longer needed to touch an object to freeze it. He could use his power from a distance and I think that that scared them. He became dangerous. That was when they found JR and they decided that they didn't need this other boy since he was dangerous and they'd found a 'replacement'... no offence."

He sends JR an apologetic look and JR shakes his head to say that it's alright.

"... It was better to get rid of him. They killed him with a bullet, I think. I don't remember well. After that, the room froze over and they haven't been able to use it because it's still like that. Which is lucky for us."

We all fall into silence. We're fortunate to have lived long enough to have the opportunity to escape... I had always thought that no matter how much I provoked them, that they wouldn't kill me because I was valuable to them. Now I realize that I'm not. That if they had found someone less problematic than me, they would've replaced me and I'd probably be dead.

Another shiver spreads through my body and Baekho hugs me, making me lean my head against his chest. I could spend hours like this, in his warmth.

            POV: Baekho

I do remember what happened. I remember everything. It's engraved in my mind in detail but I don't think it's a good idea to scare them with this.

I remember that a gunshot had grabbed my attention, one that hadn't reached its target. The bullet had hit a block of ice, shattering it into a millions pieces at the same time that all of the guards were paralyzed. Their own blood froze within their veins.

I could feel the cold. I could feel myself freezing up as well, although only my mind was present. I'd pulled back my mind, frightened, locking myself up in my own body again to feel the warmth return to my flesh. But that boy had already grabbed my attention so I focused my mind on him in time to sense an unusually large group of guards heading towards his cell. At the head of that small army was a well dressed man with an air of superiority. And I recognized him from when he appeared at my home, three years back, to yank me out of my mother's arms. He was the one who took me in the midst of my siblings' cries.

I could feel the hate and anger boil in my blood. I hated that man for snatching my life from me, for treating me like an object, for converting me into nothing more than an exhibit.

They entered the boy's cage and I felt his anger and hate added onto mine. I had screamed, giving my voice all the force I could muster up, and the shackles that had kept him against the wall released him. He fell to the floor but it didn't help much. In the following second, a storm of bullets fell over him. I held back a few and he froze up a few others but that didn't stop the majority from making contact with his body. From going through him, from splashing the wall with unusually frigid blood.

And then I felt the explosion; a wave of freezing cold that destroyed everything around him like a massive tsunami.

I escaped from there once again, hiding myself safely in the refuge of my own body. It was freezing and because of it many guards died and the room was left at this temperature permanently.

The well dressed man survived.

"You're scary, tiger man." Minhyun's voice awakens me from my daydream.

Everyone is staring at me. Ren is pressed against my side, slightly frightened. I realize that  my brows are furrowed and I have a very angry expression on my face. I force myself to smile at them.

"I'm fine. I was just remembering something."

I rub Ren's back so that he'll relax and he, exhausted, lets himself fall against my shoulder, closing his eyes.

Minhyun and Aron also return to their own world but JR continues staring. His eyes tell me that he knows I'm hiding something from them. I shake my head, denying it. It's not important, I'd just scare them. He shrugs and stops paying me any attention.

            POV: Aron

The story that Baekho has just told us has given me a bad feeling. And that boy has my sympathy. He was like me: obedient, submissive. I always thought that it would be the best way to avoid being killed and to avoid more suffering. But now I see that I was very wrong. As soon as they don't need you, they dispose of you.

I instinctively turn my head to look at the bloodstain on the wall and I can't help but imagine my own lifeless body with a bullet through the heart occupying the dead boy's place. More than one bullet judging by the size of the stain.

I shiver with the thought and tremble. A warm hand grabs mine, squeezing comfortingly. My eyes land on Min's, sitting beside me and pressed up against me, smiling to comfort me. I'm thankful for it.

I don't understand how they could've killed him that way. Without the smallest hint of remorse. What kind of person could do such a thing? Keeping us caged is one thing, but killing us without any apparent motive? Don't they have any limits? Now I realize that, in reality, I know nothing of them or of this place.

"Does anyone know where we are?" They all look at me strangely, as if saying "we're in the old room 5, we were just discussing that". I quickly add on to my question. "I don't mean this room. I mean... this whole place. This type of circus that they exhibit us in... the rooms, the halls... What kind of building is this? Who owns this business? Why do they do it? How did they find us? How did they know we have powers? Because in my case only my family knew and we decided to keep it a secret precisely to avoid people like these coming to hurt us. Obviously that didn't do much..."

Everyone fell silent. I can tell by their faces that they don't have answers for the ton of questions I just threw at them.

"It's obvious they do it for money, isn't it? They charge those who want to see people with powers. This is some kind of circus or museum."

Min is the first to form a hypothesis but there's something in his idea that doesn't settle well with me. Baekho speaks up before I do like he read my mind.

"That's a logical explanation but it's not that simple. This can't be legal. How do they advertize enough to find clients without being found out and arrested? On top of that, I don't have any idea about the dimensions of this building. It's much larger than my mind can reach so it must take up a lot of land. How would they hide such a thing?"

The rest of us nod, making it clear that we all share the same doubts about Min's theory. Minhyun continues with a serious expression without hesitation.

"It's not that complicated. This place is under the control of a very rich mafia. They're used to these type of sales. They know how to do these things perfectly well. They know who to be allied with in order to get their way. Well invested money can do miracles. They probably claim that this building is some kind of top secret factory for the creation of devices for secret communication or some other indispensible object of national security. That way they can justify why the normal citizen can't come close and they get around the usual security checks.

"And obviously the whole world knows or at least suspects more or less what's really going on here but no one has the guts to confront a criminal organization like this one. The authorities pretend to believe their explanations and turn a blind eye. I'm sure the telephone number to this place is easy to get for those who are interested in visiting. And they must look into all possible clients before letting them in to make sure they're not undercover cops. They have thousands of people working for them and everyone must be completely loyal. That way, subordinates can be in charge of searching each corner of the world for people with special abilities. They're professionals and they don't leave a trace so they can't be found. It seems complicated but it's much simpler than it seems."

I've been left with my jaw on the floor. Am I the only one who doesn't find it normal that Min has just launched us an explanation like that one? The others' faces clearly show that I'm not.

"And how the hell do you know all that, druggie?" That blondie doesn't beat around the bush...

"My parents were in charge of an organization similar to this one. I've grown up seeing these sort of business deals in my own home. This is like dinner table talk to me."

            POV: Minhyun

Why are they all staring at me like that? Is it that surprising? Is what I've just said really that strange? Hmph, they're the ones who don't know anything about life...

            POV: Aron

Min is part of the mafia? I've fallen in love with a mobster? Great, just what I needed...

            POV: JR

Even if it's like Minhyun says and this place is illegal – and I don't see how it could be anything else – I still have my questions. How did they find us? Who brought us here? Who's in charge of all this? Because I'm sure that at this point we all know that our real enemies aren't simple guards. There has to be someone above them and that person is who we have to confront.

On the other hand, how can there be that many people working here? Like, who runs this place, who is it that manages to convince so many people to treat us like animals?

I remember Alice, the blonde girl that took care of me. How did she end up working here? She wasn't much older than I am. She was pretty and sweet and she seemed kind those few times that I managed to maintain a 'conversation' with her. What was she doing here? And Nara? The guard that helped us. Are they here just for money? How much money do you offer someone so that they'll find it normal to treat humans this way? Because we're still human, right? Even if we're different, even if everyone else don't see us as such, even if we're not treated any better than beasts under a circus tent... Are we still human?

I sigh. These thoughts aren't going to get us out of here.

"We have to think of a plan to get out of here." I tell them. "Any ideas?"

They react to my words and leave their own little worlds in order to concentrate on the important things again.

"Let's just run out there and take down anything they throw in our way." Aron pipes in.

"Impossible." Baekho responds.

"Look around you, Aron," I continue, "Minhyun can barely walk, Ren is basically falling apart, I have a broken arm, and Baekho and you are better off than the rest of us but it's not like you're in perfect condition either. If we don't have a plan, we won't get anywhere."

Aron sighs and nods, resigned.

"Besides, the doors have been closed since the moment the alarm went off." Baekho adds. "No one can enter nor leave. First we'll have to get to the control room and find the code to unblock them. In order to do that, we'll have to go up to the offices which can only be accessed by the staircase in the northern sector which is currently under heavy surveillance and--"

"Okay, I get it, alright?" Aron growls, annoyed.

"Really?" Minhyun gives him a look of surprise. "Well I didn't understand a thing that he said..."

"Tell us everything you know about this place, Baekho." I ask.

The blond is our official guide but if we all get a feel for the place it could only heighten our chances.

He takes a deep breath and shifts a nearly asleep Ren at his side.

"Well... Like I told you, it's very large. My mind can't reach its perimeter. It's one big network of a variety of halls and rooms. There are the cages where we were, the showers, the kitchens, the guards' locker rooms. The stylists' rooms and a bunch of rooms that I don't know the uses for. Most of them are empty. There's another floor above this that only takes up part of the building and hold the offices. Surveillance rooms, computer rooms, and telephones for communicating with the outside. To communicate with clients and that sort of thing, I suppose... There's also a laboratory where they make medicines and the drugs they give us, but it's nearly always out of my reach and I know little of it. I think there's also another floor below us, but there's never anyone there and I haven't found any stairs leading to it, so it could just be my imagination...

"So we have to get up to the office area?"

"Yeah, but there's a lot more security up there. In these conditions it'd be impossible."

"Are there a lot of guards up there?"

"No. There's a hundred at most, but there are a lot of other workers. They've kept everyone upstairs ever since we escaped, that's why it's so deserted down here. If any of them see us and give the alarm, all the guards will come running. Many of the other workers also have access to weapons and can attack us as well. As we are now, it's too risky."

"So then what? We just hide and wait?" Aron seems annoyed with the idea.

Everyone looks to me. I take my place as leader once again and nod.

"At least until we recover enough, yes."

"Then we'll have to look for food," Minhyun suggests, "because I'm dying of hunger right now..."

"And blankets. If we're going to hide in here, we'll need blankets."

"And some kind of weapon wouldn't be a bad idea, something more than what we—"

"Shhh!" Baekho interrupts with a finger against his lips. "Ren fell asleep."

It's true. The small blond rests with his eyes closed, hugging our guide. There's so much love in Baekho's gaze that the excessive sweetness can't even disgust me.

"We should all sleep." I decide. "We're all exhausted. It wouldn't hurt to rest..."

            POV: Minhyun

We all agree with his suggestion. At some point, he's become our leader. Now that he's sane, the jobs suits him perfectly. He had seemed so useless and now I don't know what we'd do without him.

It doesn't surprise me that Ren fell asleep. After everything he went through, he must be exhausted. Baekho yawns while he gently pushes aside a strand of hair that fell in front of his face without taking his eyes off him. It almost looks like he's trying to memorize each and every centimeter of his pale face, the face that reminds me of a porcelain doll.

JR stretches his muscles to relax and I see his eyes drop closed like his eyelids are made of lead.

We've been beat to dust. We really do need to sleep.

"Doesn't it seem a bit dangerous to just sleep? What if someone comes? If they find us all asleep, we're done for!"

"Aron's right. Someone should stay awake to keep watch. We can take turns. If you guys want, I can start."

I don't think JR is fit to be the one on watch. It hasn't been long since he was crazy. I'm sure it takes a lot to keep himself sane. Besides, he's been playing leader for a while now and his arm is injured. He needs to rest.

"No, I'll do it. You're hurt; I'm in better condition."

It's kind of Aron to offer himself, but I see him yawn beside me with a drowsy face. I don't think he's up to it either. He'll just fall asleep on us in under two minutes...

"Leave it. I'll keep watch. You're half asleep."

"Like you're one to talk. You can't even go two seconds without yawning. No, it's decided. I'm doing it."

"Oh, really? Says who?"

"I offered first and everyone else is okay with it. Right, guys?"

Aron looks to JR and I for support, but we don't dare to get into one of their fights. The both of us look at one another with resigned faces. Why can't they get along? Are they going to keep fighting forever?

Luckily, Baekho keeps talking and gives us time to respond.

"You're a liar; they haven't said a thing. Give me one good reason you think you'd do a better job than I would."

"Well you'd just spend the night watching the princess sleep and if the guards came you wouldn't even notice."

"What?! Don't you even start! You'd do the same with Minhyun."

"That's not true. I—"

"Shut up, both of you! I'll do it."

They both turn to look at me. Good, at least I've managed to shut them up.

"But, Min, you're still very weak. You can't even walk normally..."

"I have to agree with Aron there. You're not strong enough to spend all night on alert..."

Oh, wow, I also managed to make them agree on something. I should get a medal.

"I'm weak physically, but mentally I'm in perfect condition. Besides, I slept for a bit a while ago. I can keep awake. Aron has been carrying me all day and you've all taken care of me. Rest, I'll be in charge of keeping watch."

"But if the guards come, you won't be able to fight well..."

"I don't plan to. If the guards come, I'll scream so that these two knights overflowing with testosterone will protect me. No problem."

I give them my best smile and make a V of victory with my hand to finish convincing them. They've been left confused by my comment but at last everyone nods. JR is the one with the final word.

"Are you sure?"


"Alright, we'll leave it in your hands. But as soon as you think that you can't keep awake any longer, wake me up and I'll replace you, okay?"

I nod and JR curls up on the floor, looking for a position that won't hurt his arm. Baekho carefully moves Ren so he won't wake and makes it so that they can both comfortably lie down. They hold one another tightly, as if their lives depended on the contact with one another. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen. They really do seem like they're made for each other.

I also shift in my place, my back against the wall, searching for the best position possible. This is going to be a long night...

But I'm glad to be useful at last. Until now, they've all done a lot for me. They've taken care of me and protected me, they've been attentive of my limitations with my movements and haven't once complained about it... It feels wonderful to be able to return the favor, even if only slightly. Now I'll be the one to protect them.

Something touches my leg and brings me out of my thoughts. Aron has dragged himself to my side and is now resting his head against my thigh as if I'm a pillow.

"Can I sleep here with you?"

"Of course."

We whisper softly because we know from the rhythm of breathing of the others that they've fallen asleep. His voice sounds very sleepy.



"I've been carrying you all day. I think I deserve compensation."

"That's true; you've taken care of me very much. What is it you want?"

"A goodnight kiss."

I smile as heat rushes to my face. He looks adorable with his sleepy expression over my legs...

"Close your eyes."

He obeys. I touch his lips softly with my fingers for a few seconds and then replace my hand with my mouth. The warmth of his lips under mine is the best sensation I've ever felt. I trap his lower lip between my teeth and play with it. Slowly, softly, delicately. And he responds with small movements to accompany mine.

I don't know how long the kiss lasts. I wish it would never end. When I do pull away, I find a large smile painted over his lips. With his eyes still closed, he whispers his final words before falling asleep.

"Thank you... That was the best gift you could give me before sleeping..."

In seconds, I feel his breathing slow and his muscles relax. He hasn't given me the chance to tell him that he's the best gift that life has given me. I'll tell him one day.

I touch his hair and his cheeks, careful not to wake him. Maybe this night won't be as long as I thought if I can spend it looking at his handsome face. The face of the man I love.

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Thank you!
I'm terribly late with Ch 28! I'm so sorry ;w; I'm proofreading it now. It's the (really long) last ch, but don't forget to stick around for the epilogue ^^


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Chapter 29: I liked how much MinRon was in this, interesting story.
It was a beautiful story and its AU.... I like how they have special abilities, I even played Action while reading this.
like other readers.. I'm also kind of want a sequel just maybe a one-shot or just a few chapters. I'm curious how they live their life outside. I'm so happy that Minron stay together and they got a daughter (ARon's daughter with Baekho LOL. i didn't see that coming) too.. and I love your writing too. Good Job Authornim... wish you will make more minron stories..
Chapter 29: Just wondering that has the original author made sequel? This is so good story, and the end made me laugh so much. And I really like how Aron is acting, even though it doesn't fit in my own image of him. And the fact of Baekho and Aron having a daughter. Can't even tell how hard i laughed :D However, I really love this story, definitely one of the top ten I have ever read. The descriptions are so good and... Don't even know what to say. But pass my greetings to the origin author, please :)
bine84 #4
Thats a really super good story...i am really flashed. If nuest would make this as a movie i would buy it. -----i love nuest-----
Chapter 29: Wild_white_tiger? Hahha! It's enough to make me blush....>\\\\<
Finally, jr n Minnie have a happy [email protected]'s perfect T^T
Kyaa! Minron, why dI'd they made that infront of their child? But it still sweet~they are the best parents ever....haha! Aron is housewife? Cant believe,and thehousewife's username name is LArapper? That's a rock housewife! Yeah!
And last but not least, ohhh~ BeakRen.... They're swèeť! ^^ the precious moment about this story,to me, it's when they met they family, wonderful life after three years spending time in a stupid 'cage', and met their family after that,.. I can't imagine my life without family T^T.... HAPPY ENDING^~^ <3 YEAH! Daebak author-nim!
DaebakStarlight #6
Chapter 27: Please please update soon! I just just know something is gonna happen!
Chapter 27: Urk!
Why do I get the feeling something else bad will happen before they even step outside?
Now I'm anxiously biting my nails until tomorrow >.<
Chapter 27: Finally! :') Update soon! <3
gdragonlollipoplove #10
Chapter 25: hehe Baekho being a ert watching Minhyun & Aron..>//.\\< Baekho's "Does my opinon count?" made me laugh XD Super excited for the next chapter! \(^0^)/