The ninth phase of an ending.

Sense of an Ending.


Minseok was sitting on the dinner table with a cup of coffee in his hand.

His eyes were still red and puffy from crying again in the morning, when he noticed Luhan hadn't come home at all. 

He looked at the clock anxiously. 

Almost 3PM. 

It's been almost a whole day since Luhan had left and he didn't like it at all.

"Should I call him?" Minseok said to no one. It's not like he had anyone to talk to right now. Luhan wasn;t there so he was all alone in their appartment. 

He sighed before taking his cup to leave to his work room. He took a seat in front of his desk, staring at the phone for a minute before taking it after all. 

He dialled the number he knew by heart, waiting for the voice he already missed so much. 

"Hello?" His heart stopped when he heart the hoarse voice on the other side of the line.

Did he really hurt the one he loves the most that much? Had he cried the whole night because of him?

"Ah Luhan-ah."

He couldn't say anything more. What was there to say really? He wanted to say he was sorry, but nothing would change. He really messed up the day before. 


Worry flowed through Minseok when Luhan didn't make a sound at all. It was as if he was shocked that he had called. 

"Luhan?" Minseok called out again after the silence was suffocating him. 

"Oh, yeah. I-" Luhan started of, but Minseok could hear something was wrong, so worry took over him once again.

"You didn't come home. Did something happen?"

"... Minseok-ah... Let's meet at 4. I'll wait for you at the usual place.

The sudden change of conversation made Minseok feel uneasy and anxious.

No, it couldn't happen yet. 

He had to stop it before it was too late.

"Luhan, I-" 

"We need to talk. We need to talk today."

His heart sank.

His voice died down.

His free arm fell along his body.

He was too late.

"I get it. I'll be there. But Luhan-"

Minseok wanted to make sure Luhan knew his feelings.

He wanted to make sure for the last time that Luhan would know his true heart. 

Luhan needed to know that he was stupid for neglecting Luhan's love and sorrow, because he was too busy with work. 

Minseok knew he was a fool for making Luhan lonely and insecure.

All he wanted now was for Luhan to know all that.

But all those words got stuck in his throat when he heard the voice of a third person.

"You're awake baby?"

"... L-Luhan-"

"D-D-Dad, I-I'm on the phone. Minseok-ah, I'm hanging up. Please be there."

"I get it baby, I'll be there. I love you."


"Ah- I-I'll see you there then."

"Minseok... I really loved you."

Minseok listened to the beep sound, indicating that Luhan had hung up. 

Luhan had hung up on him before Minseok could say anything.

The past form that Luhan used to tell him he loved him didn't go unnoticed by him. 

He wondered if Luhan was really an idiot and who he was with. 

Because it was obviously not his dad. 

Minseok sighed as he put his phone down, turning his neck around to release the tension.

His fingers glided alongside his desk.

He moved his slender fingers to the photo on his desk.

It was a photo of himself and Luhan, smiling happily.

He smiled bitterly before he sat down on his chair.

He looked at the clock on the wall.

"54 minutes..."

He stared at the picture once again.

"I guess it's really going to be over now..."

A teardrop slid down his cheek as his heart screamed for it to be a lie.

His heart yearned for Luhan, it couldn't believe it was going to end.

But his mind knew it since a long time ago.

He knew he had 53 minutes left before their ending. 

Minseok watched Luhan sitting on their usually table from the other side of the window.

The man was playing with something in his hands while watching the object intensively.

He smiled bitterly when he saw it was the ring Minseok had gave him on their first day as an official couple.

He remembered Luhan's bright smile the moment he gave him that ring.

Back then he hadn't thought Luhan could ever make the heartbreaking expression he had right now, while looking at that same ring.

The expression obviously meant nothing good. 

His eyes widened for a split second when he realized he had eye contact with Luhan. 

The other one seemed in a daze while staring at him. 

Neither of them moved.

Minseok noticed people staring at him, so he walked toward the entrance, before taking a seat in front of Luhan. 

"Hey Luhan."





"So... This is what the end feels like..."



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Chapter 9: what the? what's happening? it's making me cry. how Luhan could do that? if he really loves Minseok he should not cheat. Yes Minseok has his own fault but he doing it for them. How could Luhan repay him like this? aigooo I really hate Luhan here. Omo my poor heart </3 please update soon author-nim I know this will be a bad ending, I am right?
Chapter 9: If you truly *love
Chapter 9: If you truly live someone, you will never cheat on him/her no matter what happens or how bad things get because the feeling of love will always dominate your other feelings. I hate Luhan here :(
Chapter 9: Why the frick did I start reading this. My heart hurts sobs.
samsung43 #5
will this story end as broken xiuhan ? if so please say it now
ah-hin11 #6
Chapter 9: this cannot be the end!!!!!!!!!!!
hurry and update authornim....
xiumie #7
Chapter 9: What? Ohh gosh i waited this so long please update soon.
Dumb luhan! How can u cheat!
Kieu-My #8
Chapter 9: Omg pls update soon this is such a good story
Chapter 9: The angst just ugh so sad. Well done
paula30 #10
Chapter 9: Man , this is so sad