The seventh phase of an ending.

Sense of an Ending.


"Minseok-ah! We have a problem. Emergency meeting in 30 minutes!" 

Minseok looked up from his desk only to see Bakehyun's back, already off to the rest of the people to announce a sudden meeting. He massaged his neck with his left hand as he huffed loudly. He knew what was coming. He had to work overtime again, even if his boss hadn't announced it yet. Seeing his colleagues running back and forth in the office. 

He bit his hand as he took a glance at his phone. 

He really hated those moments. 

When he had to call Luhan and tell him he wasn't coming home for dinner. 

The man knew how hard it was for Luhan, but what could he do? Work was work and he couldn't just tell his boss he was going home early to see his boyfriend while everyone else was stressing to get all the work done. 

"Minseok-ah! Chanyeol needs your help, please go help him and go straight to the meeting room afterwards!"

Minseok groaned before waving at Joonmyun, telling him he was going right away. 

He took his phone and papers for the meeting later, rushing toward the other side of the floor where Chanyeol's room was. 

On his way, he searched for Luhan's name to give him a quick call. 

After only a single ring, Luhan had already picked up his phone, making Minseok feel even guiltier.

"Hey baby, I'm sorry, I'm held back at work once again. I can't come home right now."

"What? Again-"

"Minseok-ah! There you are, hurry up, I really can't handle it alone."

"I'm sorry Lu, I have hang up. I call you when I have time. I love you."

His heart broke when he couldn't even listen to his lover's response since he was pulled in the office by Chanyeol before he had the chance, ending the phone call automatically. He cursed Chanyeol under his breath, before helping the giant right away. 

Before they knew it, half an hour had passed since Baekhyun had called them and the two ran to the meeting room, only to be welcomed by half the staff. The other half were probably rushing to the meeting room by now. 

They took their usual seats and prepared for the meeting.

An hour in the meeting and Minseok was bored as hell. The most important parts had already been discussed and he already knew about the stuff they were discussing right now. He wondered if it was really worth coming to the meeting when he could have finished his work by now and leave to meet his baby already. 

'What is Luhan doing right now?'

"And lastly, Minseok-shii, Baekhyun-shii and Jondae-shii."

Minseok looked up at his boss, before turning to his papers again where he had scribbled Luhan's name without himself noticing. 

He smiled to himself before listening to his boss again. 

"-so I need you guys to go to Japan for 2 weeks."

"What?" Minseok wished he heard it wrongly. Why didn't he listen when his boss called out his name. 

"Two weeks Minseok. I will take care of the flight and the other party will take care of your stay. Just try to befriend them and get those matters done. Inform me about the happenings there and make sure to get this contract. This partnership is really important for the company."

"Joonmyun--shii, do I really have to go?" Minseok begged with his eyes, hoping Joonmyun would understand him.

"I'm sorry, you really have to go."

Minseok sighed and looked regrettable to his papers. 

It was already hard for him to tell Luhan he was coming home at night, let alone if he has to leave for two whole weeks. There relationship was already on the edge. How was he able to overcome this?

"I-" He rolled his eyes and nodded in the end. "I get it... I'll go."

"Great. Then the meeting end here. You can all take a break before finishing the last work."

Minseok gathered his things before leaving the room, talking with his close friends on his way.

The moment he was alone in his office, he took his phone and redialed his lover. 

"Minseokkie? You're done?"

"Sorry baby, not yet. I think I'm stuck here for another hour or two. I'll try to be home by 10, but i will be home around 12 most likely."

"Ah... That late? I'm tired already though..."

"You should go to sleep Lu, don't wait up for me."

"It's okay, I'll wait. I'll watch the re-run of 1 night 2 days instead, i missed it last time. Why did you call then? You already told me you had to stay for work."

"Actually... I have to leave this weekend for this business trip for two weeks."

"What? No! Minseok-ah, you can't go! Please don't go."

Minseok wanted to cry when he heard how desperate his lover sounded. 


"Please don't go Minnie. I beg you. I cant stay away from you that long. Please, I'm scared if you leave."

"I-... Luhan, I really need to go. I promise when I come back-"

"Why Minseok?! Why is it always work to you?! I can't understand it! Why can't all our days be like Saturday?! You were happy right? It was the first time in a long time since I actually felt loved by you!"

Minseok's tears fell rapidly when those cold words reached his heart.

"I'm-I'm sorry Luhan... I-I'm so sorry."

Minseok couldn’t say anything but sorry.

"Come home early today at least. Just today..."

"I'll try my best. I still have a lot of work to-"

"Nevermind. It's okay... I'll sleep over at my friend's home then."

"Luhan, why, it's late. Go to sleep, I'll be home before you know it then."

"Because, at least, my friend wouldn't make me feel so lonely."


Minseok widened his eyes in fear when he heard the line disconnect. 

He knew exactly what Luhan meant by that, he knew exactly which friend he meant.

Minseok had lost his appetite after the call, going straight to work.




a/n:  I wrote this chapter while listening to 'My turn to cry' and 'Left alone (LEDapple)' and omg it became so angsty... Usually i write the chapters with 'Sense of an ending/10 minutes before a break up' by Jung joonyoung since this fic is actually based on that song and it really inspires me while writing. But wow, it's still angsty even if i listen to other songs xD


THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE COMMENTS AND THANK YOU FOR SUBSCRIBING AND READING THIS STORY! I;m sorry for not replying to everyones comments ;-; I read them i swear! I'm actually really fond of comments lol! Please tell me what you think and what this story misses. 






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Chapter 9: what the? what's happening? it's making me cry. how Luhan could do that? if he really loves Minseok he should not cheat. Yes Minseok has his own fault but he doing it for them. How could Luhan repay him like this? aigooo I really hate Luhan here. Omo my poor heart </3 please update soon author-nim I know this will be a bad ending, I am right?
Chapter 9: If you truly *love
Chapter 9: If you truly live someone, you will never cheat on him/her no matter what happens or how bad things get because the feeling of love will always dominate your other feelings. I hate Luhan here :(
Chapter 9: Why the frick did I start reading this. My heart hurts sobs.
samsung43 #5
will this story end as broken xiuhan ? if so please say it now
ah-hin11 #6
Chapter 9: this cannot be the end!!!!!!!!!!!
hurry and update authornim....
xiumie #7
Chapter 9: What? Ohh gosh i waited this so long please update soon.
Dumb luhan! How can u cheat!
Kieu-My #8
Chapter 9: Omg pls update soon this is such a good story
Chapter 9: The angst just ugh so sad. Well done
paula30 #10
Chapter 9: Man , this is so sad