The sixth phase of an ending.

Sense of an Ending.


“Aah…” Minseok moaned when he felt sunbeams on his face.

He pulled Luhan, who was still sleeping soundly next to him, closer to his body, before he pulled the blankets over both of them.

It didn't even take him one minute to fall asleep once again.

An hour later, he woke up when he realized it was the next day already.

“!” He hissed before throwing the blankets off of him this time and tried to sit up.

He looked beneath him, where his arm was still lying beneath Luhan's neck.

He couldn’t believe Luhan and him had actually done it the whole night. He couldn’t even remember everything.

And he wasn't even drunk.

He did know it was perfect.

He smiled when he was relaxed from the previous shock.

He looked down and started Luhan’s brown, reddish hair.

“I love you, Lu.” He said as he placed a kiss on the sleeping figure his head.

Firstly, he tried to pull his arm from under Luhan carefully.

He released Luhan’s arms around his waist as careful as he did with his own arm, so that he wouldn’t wake up his lover.

He took some clean underwear and shirt from their closet, not even looking if he took his own or Luhan’s.

When he reached the kitchen, Minseok set himself a cup of coffee before starting to finish his work again.

He had to work the whole day now to catch up for his lost time.

It was worth it though.

He didn’t regret a thing.

Or did he?

When he looked at his phone, he suddenly remembered the moment before their love making.

Luhan was doing things while calling with someone…

Did Luhan actually think he was sleeping with him yesterday?

Or was that person on his mind the whole time?

He quickly started to work again to forget those thought as he wiped away a tear he hadn't even noticed falling.


Minseok was reading the contract in his hand carefully, when he suddenly felt someone hug him from the side.

“Morning honey.”

Luhan giggled at the nickname he gave Minseok himself.

Minseok looked up from the contract.

“Morning baby.”

He greeted back, leaning in for a morning kiss.

“Working again?”

Luhan pouted cutely.

“Hmm~ I need to catch up a lot because of a certain someone.”

Minseok responded playfully, making Luhan slap him softly on the arm.

“Tsk, you’re acting as if you didn’t enjoy it yourself.”

“Did I?”

Luhan looked dramatically surprised to Minseok, putting his hands on his heart.

“You didn’t enjoy me being up in your-”

Minseok kissed Luhan full on the lips to stop him from saying anything more embarassing.

The sound of a pen falling on the ground was heard.

Minseok put the paper down on the table automatically as he deepened the kiss by putting his free hand on Luhan's cheek to pull it closer. 

Luhan's heart felt as if it was about to burst. 

He couldn't be any happier.

This was one of those moments where he completely forgot all the other days, the days were he couldn't even see Minseok for longer than an hour.

He wished he could stop the time right now. 

“Ssh, I get it, I get it.”

Minseok separated from Luhan's lips after lingering there for a few more seconds and he turned to his work again, wanting to finish it as quick as possible.

Luhan sighed happily as he laid his head on Minseok’s shoulder as the older one started to work again.

“Hey, Minseok-baby.”


“Can we do it like that too, the next time we do it.”

Next time?

The words repeated in the older his mind, he stopped doing whatever he was doing.

His heart ached for a moment.

Why was his heart reacting like this at those words?

“W-What do you mean?”

“I like taking turns, let’s do that from now on~ I don’t mind being a bottom for you~”

Minseok choked as the words entered his mind.

Jeez, why was his lover such a ert.

“Whatever you want.”

Luhan laughed at the visible blush on his boyfriend’s cheeks, enjoying the moment whole-heartedly. He once again forgot he was ever lonely.

At least, for now.




a/n: I wanted to update this so much sooner, i'm sorry T_T Hope your heart didn't ache a lot cough.


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Chapter 9: what the? what's happening? it's making me cry. how Luhan could do that? if he really loves Minseok he should not cheat. Yes Minseok has his own fault but he doing it for them. How could Luhan repay him like this? aigooo I really hate Luhan here. Omo my poor heart </3 please update soon author-nim I know this will be a bad ending, I am right?
Chapter 9: If you truly *love
Chapter 9: If you truly live someone, you will never cheat on him/her no matter what happens or how bad things get because the feeling of love will always dominate your other feelings. I hate Luhan here :(
Chapter 9: Why the frick did I start reading this. My heart hurts sobs.
samsung43 #5
will this story end as broken xiuhan ? if so please say it now
ah-hin11 #6
Chapter 9: this cannot be the end!!!!!!!!!!!
hurry and update authornim....
xiumie #7
Chapter 9: What? Ohh gosh i waited this so long please update soon.
Dumb luhan! How can u cheat!
Kieu-My #8
Chapter 9: Omg pls update soon this is such a good story
Chapter 9: The angst just ugh so sad. Well done
paula30 #10
Chapter 9: Man , this is so sad