Kim Jongin

♂ The Boys ♂

(Kim MiYeon - You)

I woke up in the morning and realized one thing.

Today, tomorrow and the day after, I would be Kai's girlfriend.

Oh my god. I was scared. Frightened. And I hated to admit it, but I was actually quite excited.

I found myself applying more makeup than usual, making my eyeliner heavier and my lashes thicker and longer. I dressed casually in black skinny jeans and a loose, winter sweater with my hair loose in long waves.

As I walked outside, I saw Baekhyun and a twinge of guilt hit me, but I smiled and waved.

He waved back, and we walked together to school.

"You look extra extravagant today... What's the deal?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

"I... No reason! No reason of course!" I covered, laughing nervously. 

"O...kay," Baekhyun said, clearly unsatisfied. The minute I walked on campus, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and I smelled the familiar cologne that I secretly liked. And I knew that Kai was next to me.

"Hey girlfriend," Kai said, smirking at me and actually making my heart flutter. I blushed without knowing and tried to hide my cheeky smile.

"Hi... Boyfriend," I said. Kai then did something that surprised me. He smiled. He genuinely smiled at me and looked happy that I called him my boyfriend. It wasnt a smirk or a twitch of his lips, it was a real smile and it made me feel good that I could make this tough Kingka smile.

"Hey, take her stuff, will you?" Kai ordered some freshmens, and some young high schoolers took my heavy books off of my hands. Then he turned to face me and looked me in the eye, saying, "You okay with skipping class today?" 

I hesitated. I was a good student, teachers liked me, I got good grades and I had never skipped class unless I was sick or had to be somehwere. But I didn't wanna say no to Kai. The way his fiery eyes looked at me and how a small smile always dances across his lips just made me want to impress him somehow, even if I didnt want to admit it. So I nodded, and he smiled even wider.

"Great! We're gonna have a blast today..." Kai said, holding my hand and pulling me out of the school, off of the campus, and pretty soon, we were driving in his car to wherever he wanted to take me.

"So... You wanna hit up Paris Baguette or some cafe before we do anything? I'm guessing you didn't have breakfast by the sound of your stomach," Kai said. I blushed and held my stomach to try to get it to quiet down, but it just grumbled more. Kai laughed and I ended up laughing with him.

Maybe this kingka wasn't as stuck up and mean as everyone else thought.

He ended up taking me to a cafe and buying me a light breakfast. We shared a coffee and every time I looked into his eyes I saw something different.

Without all of the students and peers with us, he didnt need to try to impress anyone. It was just me and him, and we could just be ourselves. I liked that.

We drove to an ice skating rink, and I blushed because I didn't know how to ice skate very well. I remembered being really good when I was around age seven, but I stopped ice skating for quite a few years. 

After we got our skates and got on the ice, I saw Kai zip around the rink like a pro, spinning and turning and doing fancy tricks with his nimble feet. I stared in awe and he gave me his signature smirk again. As he approached me, he held out his hands for me. I held them and he pulled me across the ice, helping me to find my rhythm and balance.

As I seemed to get the hang of it, I went too fast. And stumbled, almost falling. But I fell against Kai, who held me upright and was then holding me in his arms. He hugged me tight and then let go of me, and I thanked him for helping me.

Time was practically flying because before we knew it, it was getting later and we returned to our homes.

Today was a good day.

As I laid in bed, almost about to go to sleep, I got a text, from Kai, and it said a few words that made me smile and squirm around of happiness.

Good night MiYeon, my beautiful GF. Ily. -Kai, your Hot BF

I laughed at how he ended the text and smiled because he called me beautiful.

The next day, during school, I couldn't find Kai until lunch, when he called me to sit next to him and his huged group of friends and followers.

I felt slightly guilty about having to face some other EXO members, but they all calmly greeted me. However, I could see jealousy beneath their smiles. 

That day passed sooner than I thought, because pretty soon, it was the last day.

In the morning, I got to school and Kai immediately pulled me to the school garden, where no one else was at the time. 

"I guess this is our l-last day together... For now," Kai said. The way he spoke to me surprised me. Instead of his usual cool, collected voice, he sounded nervous and sad. I held his hand tighter than before and gave him a small hug. I saw a new side of Kai that shocked me but made me like him a lot more. I realized that before, I didn't hate Kim Jongin, I hated the person he tried to be. But his true self was amazing and a great person.

"I love you MiYeon. I sincerely hope that in the end, you and I can be together," Kai said. Then, he pulled me in closer and closer until our lips met.

i didn't know what I was doing.

i didnt fight against the kiss because I was afraid, but when our lips touched, I couldn't help but kiss back and enjoy it. Kai kissed passionately but meaningfully.

Kim Jongin was my first kiss.

in the end, would he be my first official boyfriend and the one I chose? I guess I would find out...

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Chapter 12: Arghhh! who? Just who would she pick? Like omg they are all so sweet and ugh.. I can't

Update soon author-nim! ❤️
EXOxoxo3213 #2
Chapter 12: Update soon
Chapter 10: Awww~ that was so cute! Please update soon~!
Chapter 8: update soon

Chapter 8: I waited this update :). My bias (Kai) is first ! I wonder how it will be with him, maybe awkward too ? XD
Thanks and good luck for the next update :D !
Chapter 7: 0_0, that means MiYeon will cross Tao's, Baekhyun's and Chen's names :(. I'm sure THE guy'll be in the "popular" group. U__U
Chapter 6: Xiumin and D.O, huh ? So sad for them :( Great job *~*
Chapter 6: aw..poor xiu min n D.O~~ T.T
update soon, author-nim~~~~~XD
shiryokeii #9
Chapter 5: aww poor suho