
♂ The Boys ♂

(Kim MiYeon - You)

"EXO?" I asked.

"You don't know who EXO is? That's quite a surprise. Let me grab you a drink while we talk," Lay offered, giving me an iced mocha. "EXO is a group of 12 people consisting of me, Luhan, Kris, Xiumin, Chen, Tao, Suho, Sehun, D.O, Kai, Chanyeol and Baekhyun. Every year, we perform around 5 times. I guess we're like a musical group. We cover songs, dance, and also make originals. How did you not hear of this?" I shrugged, then shivered a bit. It was getting chillier.

"Are you cold? Here," Lay started, taking off his war, hoodie and blanketing it over me. I blushed a bit and thanked him. I hoped he wasn't cold himself.

"So... You guys are popular?" I asked.

"Ugh, 'popular'. I really hate to use the word, but I guess the answer is yes. If you mean that if girls are following us around with love notes and guys are trying to look cool and hang with us, then yes, we are 'popular'," Lay explained. "All of the members are really different. You might know a few of them already. But a really surprising thing is that we fight a lot, yet our teamwork is amazing when we're performing. For instance, Kris is known as a bully and picks on Xiumin a lot. Tao doesn't really like to be around people, and Sehun barely talks. Suho seems too perfect for his own good, Chen is considered a nerd, and D.O. gets scared extremely easily. Kai is a total Kingka who loves to brag, Baekhyun is a smart, obedient person, and Chanyeol is a goofball. I hate to sound rash... Really. But its a very unique group," Lay finished. I nodded, but still shivered. Aish... Why did I have to be cold?

"Still cold? Umm..." Lay thought for a while, then came and sat right next to me, wrapping an arm around me. What was he doing?

"Body heat should keep you warm," Lay said. I would have said something if I wasn't frozen. My heart was pounding without thinking, I stood up.

"I'm sorry Lay-ssi. Mianhe. I have to go..." And I leaped off. Dang it... Why was I so stupid? I should have just stayed in his warm arms. Dang it....

I was confused. It seemed like I was the only one who didn't know about EXO. I knew that Baekhyun and his friends performed music, but I didn't know it was EXO. I had guessed that I met all 12 of the EXO members.

But I then cleared my head. I has arranged to meet with Chen for ou biology project, and I checked my phone to see what his address was. I decided to just take a cab.

When I reached Chen's place, I found the door unlocked and walked in.

I saw 12 boys sitting on the couch. All of their eyes were on me. Even Lay and Luhan, who were just at the ice cream shop, were there. 

"MiYeon," Baekhyun said shyly.

"We all have something to say to you," Xiumin spoke up.

"We all kinda.. Um... Well..." D.O. stuttered.

What could it be?


(No One's POV)

[A few minutes earlier, while MiYeon was in the taxi cab]

"What is it?" Luhan said, along with Lay. They had rushed to Chen's because of a sudden call from Kai.

"We wanted to discuss a certain lady. It turns out that we have all met her, and felt differently about her," Kris stated. 

"What?" Lay asked.

"We jutht found out that we all like her. Do you, hyung?" Sehun asked with his lisp. Luhan and Lay exchanged glances and slowly nodded.

"Aww man... If we like her, the the girls at school will all be crazy mad at her, bro," Chanyeol said.

It was an awkward scenario for the 12 boys, and became even more awkward when the girl they all loved walked in.


(Kim MiYeon - You)

[Back to the current time)

I looked around in confusion. EXO exchanged hesitant looks and then Suho finally cleared throat and said, flat out, "We, all 12 of us, think that we may have fallen for you. And we'd like to know which one of us you like best."

I was in utter shock. I couldn't speak for a while.

"You don't have to answer now," Chen told me. "We just wanna know eventually."

"Yeah, don't feel too pressured," Tao said. That was the first time I heard him speak. I had been able to know all of their names and identify the because I had looked them up online, and it turned out that they had their own fansites. Impressive.

"I really don't know what to say," I replied honestly. "I... I'll see eventually. Eventually."

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Chapter 12: Arghhh! who? Just who would she pick? Like omg they are all so sweet and ugh.. I can't

Update soon author-nim! ❤️
EXOxoxo3213 #2
Chapter 12: Update soon
Chapter 10: Awww~ that was so cute! Please update soon~!
Chapter 8: update soon

Chapter 8: I waited this update :). My bias (Kai) is first ! I wonder how it will be with him, maybe awkward too ? XD
Thanks and good luck for the next update :D !
Chapter 7: 0_0, that means MiYeon will cross Tao's, Baekhyun's and Chen's names :(. I'm sure THE guy'll be in the "popular" group. U__U
Chapter 6: Xiumin and D.O, huh ? So sad for them :( Great job *~*
Chapter 6: aw..poor xiu min n D.O~~ T.T
update soon, author-nim~~~~~XD
shiryokeii #9
Chapter 5: aww poor suho