Chunji oppa..................

You are my brother~~

For the tenth time,i sighed.He told me that today would be our day out as siblings.Guess he forgot,huh?I have been waiting for 3 hours in the park near school.I gave up waiting and went back home.

The moment I opened the door,I heard voices of my brother's friends."You are home?"Chunji asked,as if nothing was wrong."Yeah,"I replied."Are you ok?"he asked.He totally forgot,didn't he?"I am tired,"I lied.I went into my room and sighed.I locked the door and look at my photo album.It was a picture of me and Chunji smiling to the camera.We had never had a sibling moment for 2 years.

We did went out last 3 years but............


"I will have one Melon soda and a chocolate cake,"I told the waiter."I will have a red velvet cake and green tea,"Chunji ordered.The waiter nod and walked away."Hey,I need to go to the toliet,"he told me as I nod.

After an hour~~

"Where is Chunji oppa?"I mumbled,sipping my Melon soda."Excuse me?Have you seen a guy with Blonde hair?"I asked the waiter."The one you were with?Chunji hyung?He left 50 minutes ago with a girl,"he told me."Really?"I sighed,in bitter dissapointment."You are?"he asked."His little sister,"I sighed."I guess I will have to go,now,"I sighed,again.

I went home and saw my brother with a girl."You are home?"he asked."where did you go?"he asked.Shouldn't I be asking you that?


*knock knock*"Hey,you alright?""he asked."I'm fine,leave me alone,"I said.I heard Chunji sighed ,before hearing footsteps,leaving.I sighed and look at the time.Time for the competition to start.I jumped out of the window and went to the club.This was the one way to release my stress,from school,from my kingka brother,from bullying and even from myself.

"Let's start the rap battle,shall we?"I smirked and went up on stage."Looks like the queen is here,today,"the guy commented,making me smirk."The challenger.....Zico!"A blonde went up on the stage."Zic,you are here,today?"I asked."Yeah,I can't wait to have a rematch with the queen,"he smiled.I chuckled.

After awhile~~~~~

I finished the last sentence and Zico clap in defeat."It seems that our queen win,once again,"the guy spoke.I smiled,in victory."Hey,you are a good rapper,"Zico said,shaking my hand."You,too,"i told him.I was about to walk out of the club when someone pulled me out,instead."WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"Chunji shouted.I guilty look down.

At home~~~~

"I can't believe that you would go to a club at night.Do you know that there is erts andrs out there?"he shouted,infront of his friends."what do you know?"I mumbled."WHAT?WHAT DO I KNOW?I KNOW THAT I THE CLUBS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU TO GO!"he shouted.I became mad,beyond my limit."

WHY DO YOU CARE?!YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN MISSING WHEN I TRIED TO HAD A SIBLING TIME WITH YOU!I WAS WAITING FOR YOU FOR 3 FULL HOURS AT THE CAFE,JUST NOW!Guess you forgot,huh?Do you even know that I got bullied at school,because of you?I bet you,didn't right?I RAP TO RELEASE MY STRESS.I don't understand,though,"I shouted,before storming into my room.

I climb on my bed and hug my pillow.I hated to be frustrated and angry.I cried,silently that night.

In the morning~~

I grabbed my shoes and was about to head out when I felt someone hugging me."I'm sorry,"he spoke in a husky voice.He placed his face on my back."I am really sorry,"he apologised."I am just worried.I know that I wasn't the best brother you could ask for but give me a chance,please.I'll try to be better,"he told me.I turned as he let go of me.I hugged him,crying.He did the same.

Suddenly,the door opened."CHUNJI HYU-Opps,wrong timing?"Ricky smiled.


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Chapter 11: *q* great. .
Chapter 10: its not complete yet right? Pwease update more . . . I wubb this
kimluhanyuna #3
Chapter 1: help me plz?
Chapter 1: I liked the crossover! Nice! Keep writing and hwaiting!
Chapter 8: woah! Joah! . . .