Changjo...........oppa(part 2)

You are my brother~~

"hello?""Oh?Jonghyun hyung"Changmin announced."Did something happen?"Changmin asked."It is about your twin,"Changjo started."She locked herself up in her room,for a day.And since it is Saturday,I was wondering if you would help me find out why,"Changjo heard a sigh on the other line."I'll be there,"he spoke


"Before I break this door down,you better open the door,"Changmin said,as Teen top was watching him from the living room.They could only see Changmin.They can't see the door at all."Hyung,do you think that Changmin will break open the door?"Ricky asked."I hope not,we can't pay for a new door,"C.A.P whispered back."Yah!"Changmin shouted,making Teen top jump up.He look at Changjo and let out a smirk,making Teen top has shivers down his back.

"Or maybe hyung would like to know about how you tried to-"the door slammed open and Changmin was being pulled in.The door was slammed and locked.


"Ohmy,"Changmin look at the bleeding me."They did it again didn't they?"Changmin hissed.I drop to the ground being weak.He helped me to the bed."Don't tell oppa,"I pleaded.Changmin was shock that I used the term oppa."I know.I know.But,he will be worried and get stress.Don't tell oppa,please,Changmin,"I cried.He look at me,sighing."Fine,I won't,"he said."Promise me that you won't be the person you were after hyung left,"Changmin spoke

I clearly knew what he meant.The reason why people were bullying me.The reason why I tried to kill myself.I can't do that."I know.Just don't tell him,"I begged.Changmin sighed."How long are you going to avoid him?"Changmin asked."Just give me some time to heal,"I sighed.He nod and ruffled me hair."That's my twin,"he smiled."I will tell hyung that you are sick,"he sighed.I smiled thankfully as he lock the door on the way out.


I was pulled back and being beaten up as soon as I came to school.We were at the back of school.The girls used a baseball bat to hit me in the head.My head was bleeding and one of them took out a wooden pole and tried to hit me with it.Instead of a hard painful hit,I felt a warm pair of hands embracing me."Hyung!"I opened my eyes to see Changjo infront of me."O-oppa,"I mumbled."Isn't he Teen top's Changjo?""Oh he is so good looking""The rest of Teen top is here too!"Just like that they had gather allot of attention.Changmin came towards me."~~~~Are you ok?"he asked.I froze looking at the person infront of me.

"~~~~~,are you alright?Oh no,"Chunji said,examining my face.Changjo stood up and look at the bullies."Listen here,whoever hits~~~~ again will go through me.I am more than willing to snap your head and go to prison.Do you understand,girls?"Changjo asked."Why are you siding that gangster?Ah,did she bribe you to do that?"the bully asked.A loud slap can be heard."She is my sister!And to say that just because she used to be a gangster is low.You are worse than a gangster,"Changjo gritted."O-oppa,"they mumbled."Since when was I your oppa?"Changjo hissed.

He carried me up and went to the hospital.I was admitted to the hospital for 2 weeks.It was....just suffering.I sat up when I heard the door open."~~~~"I saw Changjo."Oppa,"I called out."Sorry,"he started taking me by shock."I told you once that I will protect you but I didn't,"he said.I shook my head."ayou have protect me enough oppa,'I said,hugging him."Mission sucess,"Changmin and the rest of Teen top cheered silently.


Sorry for the long update.I was busy....And I found out that my Ricky oppa chapter was gone and I was like' NOOOOOOOO' ANYWAYS CONTINUE TO ENJOY MY STORY!!Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 11: *q* great. .
Chapter 10: its not complete yet right? Pwease update more . . . I wubb this
kimluhanyuna #3
Chapter 1: help me plz?
Chapter 1: I liked the crossover! Nice! Keep writing and hwaiting!
Chapter 8: woah! Joah! . . .