Day with Chunji

Who do you love?
Day with Chunji~
Yesterday wasn't the best of days but you got over it. Plus, Chunji promised you he would hang out with you. The thought of it made you energetic and you ran to school leaving breakfast behind. 
You ran into the school and tracked down Chunji. After finding him at his locker, you jumped on his back. 
"Oppa!!!" You yelled as you jumped onto him. 
He chuckled and ran around the school with you on his back. People have you weird stares and some people said things like, "They make such a cute couple!" Or "I wish I were her..." Soon you and Chunji were in the classroom and he let you off his back slowly. 
Chunji ruffled you hair. "So... What are we doing today?" He asked, his lips. 
You tilted your head to the side. "I don't know! You're the one that promised!" You pouted. 
He put his arm around you and dragged you to a table in the back of the classroom. You sat next to him happily and waited for class to start. 
Eunmi came into the classroom right on time, as usual and sat on the other side of you. Soojin walked in last and scoffed since there was no space for her at your table. She sat behind you and cursed under her breath. 
The teacher walked in and smiled. "Anneyounghasseo! Today we will be partnering up. Also, another class will be joining us. Find a partner and sit at a table of four with another pair." She explained. 
Another class walked in. The classes nodded. "Neh!"
You turned to Eunmi but she was already with Changjo. *Great... He's in that class?* you thought. You turned back around and you and Chunji stared at each other awkwardly. "Partners?" You both asked. 
The two of you walked together to the table Eunmi and Changjo were at while Soojin stood there with hung open. She stalked away and sat with some other group. 
The teacher looked around to make sure everyone had a partner. "These will be you assigned seats for the rest of this month! Now, today will just be a day to get to know your new group." The teacher said. 
You, Eunmi, Chunji, and Changjo stared at each other. "Guess we don't have to introduce!!" You said cheerfully. The rest of the table nodded and went back to doing nothing. "STOP BEING BORING!!" You yelled at them. 
They shrugged and Eunmi leaned close to your ear. "Are you gonna tell him? Cause if you don't... I will." She whispered. You shooed her away and loosened up your book. 
Changjo started dancing in his seat and if was annoying Chunji. He turned around to get hit in the head by Changjo. "It was the choreography!" Changjo defended himself.  
You all laughed, except for an annoyed Chunji, and talked about random stuff for the rest of class. 
At lunch, you sat at you usual table and kept poking Chunji's arm. He turned to you. "What do you want?!" He yelled. 
You stared at him with innocent eyes. "Can you get me candy??" You pleaded. 
He groaned and stared right back at you. "Ugh!!! I don't wanna! You go get it!" He argues. 
Your mouth hung open. "B-But oppa! I want CANDY!!! Please?!" You whined. 
He patted your head lightly. "Arasso. I'll get you your candy." He smiled. 
He got up from the table and Eunmi made a creeper face at you. "Why are you such a creeper?" You asked her. 
She smiled widely. "Awwh! Chunji got you candy! So cute!" She chuckled. 
The rest of the table awwed with her and laughed at you. Even Soojin seemed to be having a good time. 
Soojin laughed. "They're sooo cute together aren't they? Awww!" She said as she pinched your cheeks. 
They all knew you hated when they said things like that so they continued to do it until Chunji got back. "Here's your candy!" He winked at you. The rest of the people at the table raised their eyebrows at you.
You smiled to Chunji. "Komawo oppa!" You said. Then you turned to the rest. *WEIRDOS!* you mouthed at them. 
After lunch you and Chunji had Gym together. You and Chunji parted ways at the locker rooms and changed, and got out at the same time. 
Your gym teacher was in a good mood so she allowed you to have a free day. "Yes!!!" The class celebrated happily. 
All of the class went outside. You climbed up a tree and sat on a tall branch, swinging your legs back and forth. Chunji climbed up and joined you. 
He put his arm around you. "What do you want to do for free time?" He asked quietly. 
You looked around and then turned back to him. "I'm probably just going to get my anger out by shooting people in the head... It won't kill them of course. I'll probably end up throwing sticks at their heads to..." You said.  
Chunji laughed and nodded. "Great idea... Let's do it!" He smiled. 
You and Chunji collected sticks and began your hunt. "Ooh~ how about her? She hates me..." You said aiming at the girl. It hit her forehead. "Score!!!" You yelled. 
Chunji chuckled and looked for his prey. "I know! How about him? He's that kid that says 'swag' every time he walks in the room." He said rolling his eyes. 
You nodded and he smirked. He aimed and it landed next to the kid. "Ha! You at this!" You laughed at him. He pouted. "You think you can do better?!" "Obviously!" 
Soon you and Chunji were having a war to see who had better aim but before you could finish, class was over. For the rest of the day you and Chunji hung out in class. 
After school Chunji took you to a small cafe. He pulled out a chair for you and you sat down. "Kamawo oppa!" You smiled. You orded and ate quietly. "So..." "So..." It was kinda awkward. You two had talked to each other for the whole day! There was nothing else to talk about!
As you ate, you spilled food on your jeans. "Mwo?! My pants are dirty!" You whined. Chunji rolled his eyes. "What do you want me to go about it?" He asked. 
You slapped his arm. "You buy me new pants! Duh!" You laughed. He rolled his eyes and agreed to take you. "You are sooo annoying." He said rolling his eyes. 
After eating you lead him to a store and looked at clothes. "Hmm... Should I get these or these?" You asked yourself. Chunji looked at the choices from behind. "You should buy those!" He commented. You nodded and threw him the pants. 
After shopping he took you to the park and pushed you on the swings. "Higher!" You squealed. He scoffed. "If you want higher then why don't you just do it yourself?" He said playfully. 
You pouted and kicked your feet around. "But I'm tired!!" You whined. "Fine!" He sighed and continued to push you. After, you and Chunji layed down on the grass and stared at the sky. "Chunji...?" You whispered. 
He continued to look at the sky. "Hmm~" You your side to face him. "Let's always be happy like this arasso?" You asked. 
He smiled. "Arasso." He said quietly. It was getting dark so Chunji took you home and right when you got in you were ambushed with questions. 
(A/N: did I mention you have a brother from exo?? ^^)
"Kim ~~~~!!! Why are you home so late?" Suho yelled. You stuck your tongue out at him. "Just cause your my brother doesn't mean you get to boss me around!" You said. He messed up your hair and led you to the rest of the boys. "Yes it does." He said back. 
You sat down at your dinner table and they were all there. The 12 crazed boys you treated like family. They smiled at you but then turned serious. "What were you doing?!" "Why were you so late?!" "Who were you with?!" "What are cheese-its?" "Am I a pineapple?"
 You rolled your eyes. "What kind if a question is 'Am I a pineapple?' What is wrong with you boys?" You asked. 
They shrugged and Chanyeol stared at you. "What?" You asked. He rolled his eyes. "SO AM I A a PINEAPPLE?! ANSWER ME!!" He asked dramatically.  You threw a toy at him. "You are a pabo. That's what you are." You chuckled. 
They let you go get ready to sleep since you had school and Suho tucked you in. "I'll take you to school tomorrow. Arasso??" He said. You nodded sleepily and he left. 
"Good night"
sorry for for not updating!!! I'm really proud if SNSD though. They won mv of the year!!! So proud. *tear* then there's A-Jax that came out with "Snake" and Fiestar who came out with a whole crap ton of stuff. And teen top with "Love fool"! I really love that song. They're growing up so fast! But yeah... Subscribe. Comment and follow me on Instagram! ^^
Instagram: vivianngocle 
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Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
Lmyungsooshidae #3
Chapter 5: Update soon!!
PiggyBack #6
Chapter 1: Please update soon~