
Who do you love?
It's been about a week since Chunji recognized his feelings for you. Both you and Chunji had feelings for each other. One day, Chunji invited Soojin to the ice cream shop. 
They sat down and Chunji sighed loudly. Like, extremely loud! "What is it Chunji oppa?" Soojin asked before scooping ice cream into . "We need to talk about some stuff." "Ok. Let's talk!" Chunji shook his head. "Finish first." He said. 
After they finished their ice cream, Chunji walked Soojin to the park. They sat down. "We need to talk about our relationship." Chunji said. Soojin looked up at him worriedly. 
"I think we should break up. I like you... I did. I have feelings for someone else now though. You're a great person but I can't keep dating you. Sorry." Chunji sighed. 
Soojin looked hurt but acted calm. She smirked and grabbed a nearby mans drink, pouring it on Chunji's head. "Yeah! I'm sorry too!" She yelled. 
She stalked away and screamed her head off. Chunji stared after her, wiping his hair with his jacket. "That could have gone better..." He muttered. 
The next day was Saturday. You woke up and groaned. "Ugh. Why did I agree to play with the boys?" You asked yourself. 
"Let's play games~!" Sehun sang as he jumped around. Luhan jumped around with him. "You guys are so annoying!!" Baekhyun yelled as he threw a pillow at them. 
You chuckled and jumped with them. "So you think I'm annoying to, oppa?" You smirked. Baekhyun panicked. "Yes!" He said sticking out his tongue. 
"Waah! Suho oppa! Baekhyun oppa's being a meanie head!" You pouted as you shook Suho's arm. 
"Why should I– Ow ow ow. ~~~~!!!" He screeched as you twisted his arm. "It hurts when you do that!" He pouted. 
You jumped to Chanyeol. "You can blame him. He taught me violence!" You beamed. "MUWAHAHA!!" You and Chanyeol evilly laughed. 
The other boys ran away and you and Chanyeol chased them. You caught Sehun and dragged him to the closet. "Help!! It hurts! Life ending! Evil small person killing arm! Gaaah!" He panted. 
You pushed him in the closet and locked the door. After 30 minutes of capturing and torturing exo, you and Chanyeol stopped. "Mfffwaffflffkff!!" You heard from the closet. 
"The hell was that?" Lay asked. You smirked. "It's Sehun. Just ignore it." You whispered to them. They nodded and went to the kitchen. 
"You've learned well. You could totally take on your brother now." Chanyeol said proudly as he patted your head. "Well I learned from the best!" You smiled. 
Luhan tip-toed to the closet. "I'll save you bestie!!" He beamed. Luhan unlocked the door and Sehun ran to the couch, jumping on you. 
"Yah! Kim ~~~~!!! You're so dead!" He yelled. Sehun chased you around the house and you jumped onto Baekhyun's back. "Run away oppa! Sehun oppa wants to hurt me!" You whined. 
The three of you ran around the house with you on Baekhyun's back. Soon you were sitting on the couch watching some random movie, with the rest if the boys getting high on ice cream. 
All of you ran around and were extremely hyper for a while but then crashed. 
End of flashback. 
You tiredly got ready for the day and walked down the stairs. You decided to wake up the boys. "Hey guys! Wake u– GAAAH!!" You yelled as you tripped on Kai's leg. 
"Omg! ~~~~! Are you okay?! Mianhaeo!" Kai apologized. "I'm fine oppa." You chuckled. You woke Chanyeol and Baekhyun up and started to attack the rest. 
"Gaaaah!" Luhan yelled. "What the heck?!" You had screamed in his ear and ran away before he screamed. You were on the floor holding your stomach and laughing your head off. 
Luhan back hugged you and tickled you. "Stop! Can't breath!" You laughed. 
After breakfast you got a text.
- Can you meet me at the boba shop?? Please~ >.<
You loved boba. Like L-O-V-E-D it. Automatically, on instinct, you replied back. 
-okaay!! You order first! You know my favorite! I'll be there in a little bit! ^_^
Normally if Chunji asked you to something like this, you would go crazy. But now since you were dating Baekhyun you got over it. 
You walked to the boba shop and found Chunji sitting at a table with two drinks on the table. You slid into the chair and he looked up from his phone. 
"Anneyoung Chunji oppa!" You smiled. "Anneyoung ~~~~-ah!" He replied. "Your favorite is honey dew right?" He asked. You nodded as he handed you the drink. 
(A/N: I just thought of a random boba flavor but I really like honey dew too! <--- hehe I rhymed. :D )
You took a sip of the drink and smiled brightly. "It's so good!" You said. He chuckled at your cuteness and watched you as you drank like a little kid. "I broke up with Soojin." Chunji said casually. 
You almost choked on your drink and began to cough. "You *cough* did– *cough* huh?– what the..?" You coughed. 
"I broke up with her." He repeated. "Bu-but why?" You asked. He surprised you by grabbing your hands. "Because I have feelings for you... ~~~~-ah will you be ma girl?" Chunji murmured. 
"Listen Chunji oppa. That's really sweet and all but you missed your chance. I'm really happy with Baekhyun oppa-" you started as you got up. "I know but I really like you. And I guess I have for a while and just figured it out now..." Chunji said shyly. 
You looked at his face and he stared at you with his puppy dog eyes and did his famous pout. "Stop it!!" You pleaded, "You know I can't say no to that face!!!" He continued with his adorable pout and it drove you crazy. 
"Fine... I'll break up with him but you'll have to pay me back and ask me again!" You said sticking out your tongue. Chunji smiled brightly. "Chincha?!" He asked. 
Ok I updated!!! YAY!!! So my cousin just like left Teen top for EXO and I'm just like: what the hell dude?! You leave your favorite maknae for a different maknae?! Again?! yeah... She went from Super Junior's Maknae (sorry don't know how to spell his name) to Teen Top's Changjo to EXO's Sehun... -.-
Anyways on the less weird side of things. Thanks for reading and see you in the next chappie! Byee~
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Hello! Dropping by to say, keep up the good work! :)
Lmyungsooshidae #3
Chapter 5: Update soon!!
PiggyBack #6
Chapter 1: Please update soon~