
Who do you love?
"Yah!!! I want bacon!!!" 
You woke up to the sound of crazy people. "They need to get out of my house." You laughed under your breath. You got your clothes and got ready for school. As you walked down the stairs you were attacked. 
Baekhyun jumped onto your back. "Good morning honey!! Breakfast is ready!" He beamed. You shook him off of you. "Whatever Umma!" You said. He pouted and ruffled your hair. "Waah! You don't appreciate me!" He cried. You patted his head and kissed his fore head. "Better?" You asked. He nodded and smiled brightly. 
You walked to the kitchen and grabbed some toast. Walking into the living room, you finished your food and put on your shoes. Suho lead you, Baekhyun, Lay, and Chanyeol into the car. 
You furrowed your eyebrows. "Why are they here?" You asked. They squished you with hugs. "We're going to the same school as you!" They cheered. You complained the whole ride there. 
You walked through the school and to your locker with Baekhyun, Lay, and Chanyeol following you. People sent you jealous glares and you smiled nervously. 
"Yah! Stop following me and go get your schedules and locker numbers!!!" You yelled at them. They nodded and left you to go to the office. You walked into class and sat down at your table. Everyone at your table was already there. 
"Hey guys!" You smiled brightly. They looked up at you and smiled. "Anneyoung ~~~~!!" They said. You opened your mouth to talk but got interrupted by screaming fan girls. "Waaah! It's HIM! He's at our school!" They screamed. 
You rolled your eyes. You knew they were just talking about one of the crazy idiots that came into school with you. Baekhyun walked in and looked around. *Ha... He won't even have a table to sit at! Loser...* you thought evilly. If you could find a way to make fun of him you would use it.
The teacher, Park Seonsang-nim, walked in shortly and asked the class to settle down. "We have a new student. Please introduce yourself." Park Seonsang-nim said. Baekhyun flashed a smile at a group of girls and they screamed frantically. "Anneyounghasseo. Byun Baekhyun-imnida." He said 
"Loser!" You coughed under your breath. Eunmi laughed quietly and covered . Park Seonsang-nim scanned the room for an extra seat but there was no group of 3 for Baekhyun to join. "Go choose a group to join Baekhyun." She said. He looked around and there were screaming girls everywhere trying to convince him to their table. 
He found you and your smirk dropped. Baekhyun walked to your table and grabbed an extra chair to sit on. Girls from all over the room gave you death glares and sulked with their table. You glared at him and kicked his knee from under the table. "Oww!!!" He yelped. 
The class turned to your table and you glared a all of them. "Don't you idiots have something better to do then stare at other people?!" You snapped. They turned and you laughed. "Scared much?" Baekhyun slapped your head and you turned to him. "WHAT?!" You asked. "That's what you get for kicking me!" He smirked. 
The rest of your table stared at the two of you. "How do you know him?" Changjo asked with wide eyes. "He's my brother's friend." You replied bluntly. 
Eunmi poked her head up on the other side of Baekhyun. "Remember me oppa?" She smiled creepily. "OH GOD! I-I mean... Y-Yeah... Sure. How could I forget the one that tried to kidnap me?" He said with his hand on his heart. 
You laughed and pointed at Eunmi. "That's how she became my best friend!" You laughed. Everyone laughed and waited for the lesson of the day. 
Chunji's POV:
I sarcastically laughed with the rest of them. It was weird and awkward. The thing was, I felt this feeling inside of me when ~~~~ and Baekhyun laugh with each other. I'm not jealous am I?! Pff... Nope! I don't even like her. And I'll prove it... 
End of POV
At the end of class you and Chunji went to your next class. You and Baekhyun had math and Chunji was in a different class. He snuck out and wrote himself a pass. Chunji walked to your classroom and poked his head in. 
"Can I see Kim ~~~~? The principal needs to see her." Chunji said. The teacher nodded and you scurried out the door. Baekhyun stared out the door. *wonder why she needs to see ~~~~-ah.* he thought. 
You were in the hall and Chunji stopped by a group of lockers. "I thought we were going to the principal." You said. He shook his head and motioned for you to sit down. You did as you were told and Chunji sighed. 
"What's wrong Chunji oppa?" You asked placing your hand on his.  "Its Soojin. I don't know what's wrong with me. My heart flutters and 
My stomach feels weird around her.  What's wrong with me?"
He asked looking down at his feet. 
Your heart broke, it shattered into tiny pieces and you felt tears threaten to come out. "Y-You're in love." You whispered. Chunji looked at your lowered head. "Really? Are you sure?" He asked. You nodded and ran back into the classroom. 
Chunji sat there and shrugged your disappearance off. He walked to his class and sat down. You ran into class with your hand covering your face and people asked you what was wrong. 
You waved them off and stared at your notebook. At the end of class Baekhyun took you in his arms and hugged you. You cried on his shoulder and he patted your back. "Sh... Don't cry." He whispered. 
He wiped a tear off of your face with his thumb and smiled at you. "You're such an ugly cryer." He said wrinkling his nose. You looked up at him and a small smile appeared on your face. Thanks Bacon. You're the best." You sniffed. 
He hugged you again and patted your head. "And I always will be." He whispered. 
At lunch you and Baekhyun found Lay and Chanyeol. You all sat at a table together after getting your lunch. Eunmi snuck up behind the guys and startled them. "HEY GUYS!" She beamed. 
They jumped from the sudden outburst and turned around. "OMIGOSH!! SHES BACK! SHES GONNA KIDNAP US AGAIN!" They yelled, jumping around. 
You slapped their heads and forced them to sit down. They scooted away from Eunmi slowly and ended up squishing you into the wall. "Just sit next to her! Geez!" You yelled at them. They smiled timidly and sat near Eunmi. 
Teen top came over with Soojin. "Why aren't you guys sitting with us?" Chunji asked. You turned away. "Don't worry about us. Go hang out with your piece of that you love." You said bitterly, whispering the last part. Soojin placed her hand on your arm. "You okay?" She asked. 
You pulled your arm away. "I'm fine." You snarled. They walked away from you and Ricky stayed behind. "What's wrong with my favorite noona? No offense Eunmi." Ricky said. "None taken." Eunmi replied casually. 
"He said it. He loves Soojin." You said looking away. Ricky hugged your waist and shook you around. "At least you have me! And... Who is this?" He said looking towards Baekhyun, Lay, and Chanyeol. 
They introduced themselves and after lunch you had P.E. with Chunji. Great... Just great. You trudged through the locker room and changed as slow as you could. Due to your curse of perfect timing, you weren't late to class. But you were early. 
Now Chunji had time to talk to you. You sat in the corner and poked your cheeks. Chunji sat down next to you. "I need your help." Chunji said. You turned away for a  moment and put a fake smile on your face. "What do you need?"
"Help me get Soojin to be my girlfriend."
Awh Hell no. You let Chunji get away! No! Waeyo? You all probably like: you wrote the story stupid! Jk jk jk. Ikr. 
Thanks for reading so far and I really want to get some comments in the comment section below! Subscribe too guys! I'm really thankfull that this story has subbies! Kk see you in the next chappie! >~<
Instagram: @vivianngocle
Btw if you decide to follow me on Instagram, for every 5 followers I get from AFF I'll post some kpop photos! So desperate. I know. T_T
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Lmyungsooshidae #3
Chapter 5: Update soon!!
PiggyBack #6
Chapter 1: Please update soon~