
Who do you love?
"Help me get Soojin to be my girlfriend."
You stared at Chunji in disbelief but then felt anger and jealousy in you. "Ugh. Ask her dumb ." You scoffed. He gave you a 'duh' face. "No dip Sherlock. How do I ask her?" He asked. 
"So here's what you do." You started. He leaned in closer and your heart started to beat faster. You hoped he didn't notice it. "You walk up to her and use that thing on your face called your mouth and ask her. God your an Idiot." You said rolling your eyes. 
"Oh my god! Just tell me what to say!" He pleaded. The whistle blew and it was time for class. *Sorry!* you mouthed. He rolled his eyes and went to his spot. 
At the end of class you left the gym and changed. You went to your next class and sat down. A person tapped on your shoulder and you turned around. "Waeyo?! Why do you have this class with me? This is our like fifth class together! I hate you!" You complained when Baekhyun sat down next to you. 
"Well someone's better than earlier." He chuckled. You stuck your tongue out at him and turned around. Two people walked through the door holding hands and guess what? It was Chunji and Soojin. 
They walked over to your table and sat down. "Omg guess what ~~~~? I'm Chunji's girlfriend!" She squealed. Your mouth dropped and you gathered your things. "Not better anymore" you whispered to Baekhyun on your way to a different spot. 
Baekhyun followed you and sat down next to you. Your eyes were watery but you pushed it away and stabbed the table with your pencil. 
After school you ran home, leaving the people you hated. Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Lay came home after you. You had already finished your homework and was in your room crying into a pillow. 
Two of your best friends had broken your heart for the millionth time. You could have dealed with their flirting jokes but not the two dating. You fell asleep with tears still falling and Baekhyun went to check on you. 
He saw your tears and wiped them away. Baekhyun laid next to you and you hugged him in your sleep. His eyes widened but he stayed there and slept there. 
When you woke up Baekhyun was laying next to you. You rubbed your sleepy eyes to see if if was a dream. It wasn't. You got up, careful not to wake up the creeper on your bed.  Baekhyun grabbed your wrist as you got up and pulled you back down. "No school today ~~~~-ah. Sleep for a little longer please~" he whispered. 
He back hugged you and your eyes stayed wide for another half an hour before falling asleep again. You two slept for another two hours and woke up at 10:00 am. The two of you laid in bed awake but didn't dare move. Suddenly, you heard whispers at the door. 
"What are they doing in there?"
"I don't know! Move your head so I can see."
"Someone's jelly."
"Nuh uh!!"
"Wanna bet?"
"Shut up! They're gonna wake up!"
"Are YOU jelly too?"
The door burst open and 11 boys fell into your room. You jumped up and slapped all of their heads. "Yah!! You buyntaes! Get out!" You yelled. "Awh... Why? Do you and Baekie need alone time?" Luhan teased. 
You threw a pillow at him and stomped into the bathroom. Exo turned their eyes to Baekhyun who did the same as you. 
You washed your face and stared at a picture if you and Baekhyun. *We're just kinda like brother and sister right? I can't be his girlfriend. He probably doesn't want me to. But... Why did he want me to sleep next to him?* questions crammed into your head. 
You got ready for the day and looked for your clothes. "Aw crap. I forgot it in my room." You said to yourself as you finished your make up. 
You walked into your room and changed your clothes. You walked to the kitchen and ate breakfast. Suho sat in front of you and eyed you. "You didn't do anything right?" He questioned. 
"Okay... One: Eww! Two: why don't you trust me? Three: hell no! And four: EWWW!" You said, shocked. "You said that already." Suho said. "That's how ew it is." You scoffed. 
He nodded. "Okay. I'll trust you." He sighed as he stood up. Chanyeol walked into the room and patted your head. "Good morning baby!" He smiled. You cheered up and followed him into the living room. 
"What are we gonna do today guys?" You blinked. D.O. Jumped onto the couch. "Let's go to the carnival!" He squealed. You jumped around with him. "Yeah!" You beamed. 
An hour later you and Exo were at the carnival. "Thirteen tickets please!" You smiled politely. The ticket salesperson gave you the tickets and you payed (using Suho's money). "Kamsamnida!" You sang as you skipped away to the boys. 
"What do you want to do first?" Kai asked you. "Hmm... Let's go play games!" You said. You spotted a game that had the prize of a HUGE panda. "I want that! Please please please!" You pleaded. 
The boys looked at each other with the same thought. *Im getting her that toy!* they all smirked in their heads.  They raced to the stand and played for hours. You watched them excitedly. 
After a while you got bored and sat down on a bench. When you heard the boys whine, you knew they were done. Chanyeol shook you and made happy noises. "I won it!" He beamed. "It's for you ~~~~-ah!"
You hugged him and bounced around with the panda. "Now your jelly right?" Tao asked Sehun. "Shut up." Sehun snapped. 
It was getting dark and the Farris wheel lit up. "It's so pretty! Can we go?!" You pleaded. The boys nodded and you ran to the ride. "How does she have so much energy?" Chen asked. They shrugged and trailed behind you. 
You got into a seat and waited for someone to sit with you. Baekhyun slid in and you frowned. "Oh... It's you." You pouted. He pretended to cry. "You don't like seeing your oppa anymore?" He sobbed. 
You squeezed his arm. "I still love you!" You squealed. "Oh. Um. I mean as a brother kinda like person. Heh..." You corrected yourself awkwardly. The ride started and you and Baekhyun went up. 
Baekhyun turned to you and stared at your face. "~~~~-ah?" He asked. You turned to him. "Yeah Baekie?" You replied.
 He held your hand. "Listen. I know you've been having problems with your friends but I just want to help you. I want to help you.. Not as your friend or brother but I want to mean more to you than that." He said. 
You panicked a bit. "You want to be best friends?" You said. He shook his head. "Best best friends? Ultra best friends? Extremely ultra best best bes-" you started. "I want to be your boyfriend!" He yelled. 
You smiled evilly. "I know. Just messing with you." He hit your head. "Yah! That's no way to treat your girlfriend!" You lectured. "You mean it's a yes?!" He asked. "Yeah." You answered. 
Okay... So I think I really at this and I'm soooo sorry for not updating! I'll be updating slower now cuz I just got grounded. I'll sneak in writing just for my readers though!! ^^ 
And I know I'm late but I want to wish teen top's manly maknae Changjo a happy birthday! They're growing up so fast! T.T 
please comment guys! I won't sneak in writing just cuz I have no motivation! Give me some cheering on! 
Well yeah! Thanks for reading so far but do you notice that you cry in every chappie? Cry baby much?!?! Jk jk jk >.< Follow me on Instagram! I need the followers. It's sad. Don't you guys love colors? I do! Color color color BANANA! Sorry. I'm hyper. Byee!!
Instagram: @vivianngocle
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Lmyungsooshidae #3
Chapter 5: Update soon!!
PiggyBack #6
Chapter 1: Please update soon~