3 Years Ago (Tiffany's POV) Part 2

Key To My Heart


A girl with 2 pink luggages is seen being hugged by her dad while 6 other teenagers are looking at them.

"Dad, you can let go now. It's not like I'm not coming back anymore right?" she said

"Stephanie, you know this is the first time you'll be away from me for that long, and besides who says I am not allowed to hug my baby princess anymore? Is it one of them?" Mr. Hwang asked while eyeing the other 3 boys who are with his daughter for the trip.

"No,Dad! Gosh, why are you making such a big deal out of this. And besides, Jessica is in Seoul right? You can ask her to see how i'm doing once in a while."

Jessica is Tiffany's cousin. They have been together ever since they were both kids. Jessica and her family moved back to Seoul 2 years ago. The thought of seeing her cousin made Tiffany more excited to go to Korea.

"Fine, but if you need something just call me okay? I also want you to personally tell me what's happening. Call me as often as you like" Mr. Hwang said after letting go of his daughter.

"Dad, I better go now, bye, I love you" Tiffany hugged her dad once again

"I'll miss you Stephanie. I love you too." Mr. Hwang said

"I'll miss you more dad."

Tiffany and the others waited for their teacher for some instructions

"Kids, this is what's going to happen. As you all know we will be in South Korea for half a year, so the school has provided dormitories not that far from the school for us to stay in." Mr. Song said.

"Sir, are we going to be assigned with a roommate or can we choose our own?" Amber,one of the girls asked

"As far as I know you are going to be assigned with a roommate" Mr. song said

"Sir, can Taecyeon, Nickhun and I just share one bedroom?" Jay asked

"Mr. Park whether you like it or not you will be sharing a room with them because I don't want to share a bedroom with any of you three." Mr. Song replied


"There it is, let's go now!" Krystal exclaimed



The first thing Tiffany did was to call her cousin "Hey Jessi, I'm in Seoul right now, where you at?"

"Tiffany! How was you flight? I'm at the university right now, stuDYING as usual" Jessica said

"I guess you are busy, I'll call some other time and besides we're about to board the train going to Jeonju. I'll give you my address so that you can drop by and see me whenever you're free"

"Sure, that'll be great."

Tiffany and the others arrived at Jeonju and they were assigned to a room. Krystal and Amber are sharing one bedroom, Nicole and Tiffany in another while the boys are sharing one bedroom.

Tiffany was pleased when she found out that Nicole,  her close friend, and her will be roommates.

"Nicole, do you think we'll be assigend in one class as well?"

"I hope so too. I don't know anyone here and I don't want to feel so left out."Nicole said

Unlike Tiffany, Nicole is not a well-spoken person so she is worried about not making new friends.

"Nicole, talking to the person sitting next to you is the first step" Tiffany said

"What if they don't want to talk to me?"

"You wouldn't know unlessyou try right?"

"Well, yeah... I guess you're right Tiffany, Thanks" Nicole said

"No problem." 



Tiffany woke up 2 hours early because she's excited to attend a korean high school for the first time.

She has never been to Korea before.

"Jeonju High School.. Hmm... I think this is going to be interesting."

They are not yet required to wear the school uniform but since she's so excited she have decided to wear hers for her first day.

The six of them gathered by the lobby. The girls were looking and the boys were drooling at Tiffany while in her uniform.

"Tiffany, you know we can wear casual clothes today right?" Amber asked

"Is that our uniform? Oh my god! If only i knew that it would be this pretty, I should have worn mine as well." Kryatal said

"You guys have no idea how early she woke up this morning just to prepare for her first day" Nicole whined

"I just want to try it on actually but I fell in love with it immidiately so I have decided to wear it to school" Tiffany replied


The van arrived and it took them 20 mins to get to school.

Upon entering the school gate, Tiffany who's sitting by the window could not contain her fascination.

Four students who are on their way back to the building caught her attention. She noticed two girls walking together with two other guys and although they are quite far from them she can tell that they are really good looking based on how many guys and girls are gushiing at them as they pass by.

They got off the van and their tacher guide them straight to the principal's office.

While waiting the 7 of them noticed the students who are trying to catch a glimpse of them.

"I think we're going to have alot of fun here" Jay said

"Lots of pretty girls!" Nickhun added

"How are we going to date each and every one of them when we only have 6 months?" Taecyeon jokingly said

"Jay, Taecyeon, Nickhun I think your narcissism has gotten worse" Nicole said

The other girls laughed at Nicole's annoyed comment

A few minutes later the princial entered the office together with their teacher.

They were assigned to 7 different classrooms and were instructed to wait for the homeroom teacher to take them to their respective clessrooms.

"Tiffany, I think our rooms are on different floors." Nicole said

"It's okay, don't worry we can still see each other duringlunch breaks or after class."


A teacher walked in the office and asked "Who is Ms. Stephanie Hwang?"

"That's me" Tiffany said while raising her hand

"Oh, hi my name is Ms. Yang. I must say our uniform suits you really well" the teacher 

Tiffany blushed at Ms. Yang's comment

While on her way out of the office, she looked at Nicole and gave her an assuring smile.


A few minutes have passed Mrs. Lee came in and looked for Nicole.

Nicole arrived in the classroom and she was surprised because the students doesn't know her name yet and they were already asking for her phone number


Tiffany on the other hand was assigned to a class where majority of the students are girls.

"Ms. Hwang, please introduce yourself"

"Hello my name is Stephanie Hwang, my korean name is Hwang Miyoung but you can call me Tiffany." and gave them her eye smile

"Tiffany, you can sit at the empty chair beside Choi Siwon"

Siwon raised his hand when he heard his name being mentioned.


The afternoon went by quickly and when the class has already ended. She got a text message from Nicole saying she'll be at the library because she asked one of her classmates for help regarding their homework.

"Wow, I guess she met new friends already, good for her"  Tiffany thought

She then went to the library to look for her and saw the students that she saw while they are on the van. She saw Nicole talking to a guy at a different table.

"So the four of them are probably in the same class as Nicole" This is the first time that Tiffany has seen Yoona, Seohyun and Hyoyeon up close

she thought "They are really good looking I wonder what the other guy looks like"

She can't see Taeyeon's face because his back was facing her

All of a sudden her phone started buzzing, she checked the caller ID and it was Jessica

"Tiffany! I'm outside the school building. Come out, I want to see you!"

"I'm on my way" Tiffany ran down to greet her cousin


"JESSI! I missed you so bad"

"Hey, How's my baby cousin? So how was school?" Jessica asked

"It was fun and wierd in a way" Tiffany answered

"What do you mean?" Jessica asked

"It just feels weird because Korean kids back in LA act differently compared to Korean kinds who are actually raised here." 

"Wow, I didn't know that"

"What do you mean? Didn't you went to high school here in korea?" Tiffany asked

"I did but it was an international school so most of my classmates were from different countries." Jessica replied

"Oh, that ." Tiffany cousin

The two of them went out for dinner and started catching up with one another.

Jessica drove her cousin home after dinner.


Tiffany came in the room and saw Nicole writing down notes looking really happy.

"So would you mind telling me what happened this afternoon?" Tiffany asked

"..well, I met a new friend and he helped me out in our homework." Nicole said while blushing

"HE must be really cute to make you blush like that.." Tiffany

"Hey! It's not like that!" Nicole said

"He is just trying to help me out because I find the topic a bit difficult since I missed 2 chapters" she added

"Okay if you say so." Tiffany smiled at her.


Tiffany became very busy months after the school year began. She made new freinds but she did not became close friends with anyone. 

She was inside the ladies washroom once and she heard some of her classmates talking about her.

"I can't stand her acting all cute and bubbly around the teachers and the rest of the class" one girl said

"yeah, how can she act like everyone likes her? Is she even aware of how loud she is?" the other added

"good thing she'll be out of here in just a few more months" then the two of them left

Tiffany is shocked with what she heared, she thought everyone likes her because whenever she sees them, they would all smile at her.


Weeks passed and Nicole noticed the changes happaning to Tiffany, she's not as excited to go to school like before and sometimes she would see her having her lunch by herself.

"Tiffany, is there anything you want to tell me?" Nicole asked

"Nothing, I'm fine" Tiffany lied

"I don't believe you, I sometimes see you eating by yourself. If only we have the same schedule, I would ask you to come and sit with us during lunch." Nicole said

"I guess I'm just starting to miss my dad and everyone in L.A. and Jessica can't come here as often because she's busy with her studies." She said

"At least I will only be here for two more months, I don't want to stay in this place anymore" she thought.


Tiffany kept on turning and tossing, she can't forget what her classmates have said about her.

She took out her laptop and logged on her blog.

She started updating her blog when that incident happened. 

She started typing all the things about how betrayed she felt and how she wished she didn't came to Korea at all.

A tear fell from her eye, although she knows that she is with Nicole and her friends who came to Korea with her  and Jessica comes and visits her once in a while, she can't help but feel alone.

This is the first time she has ever felt like that since her mother passed away.

That evening Tiffany cried her self to sleep hoping that when she opens her eyes she would wake up from this horrible nightmare.




Thanks guys for subscribing I really appreciate it! I just want to let you know that this is a TaeNy story I just don't want to do flashbacks somewhere in the middle so I have decided to write about how taeyeon and His ex-girlfriend got together first.

Thank you very much for the support you've shown although I haveonly posted 2 chapters so far. I promise TaeNy story will be posted soon! :D

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gabiel #1
Chapter 16: up date soon author-nim
update soon :)
1132 streak #3
Chapter 16: Hehe Haha Yulsic... Just admit it and let taeny help you too... Hehe
1132 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hehe yulsic fighting!!! Just confess to each other....
1132 streak #5
Chapter 10: Hahaha yulsic date was hilarious but taeny's is sweet....
coolintot #6
Chapter 15: Update soon author
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the reunion... Hope you update soon Authorssi! And Happy New Year ^^
taenykyu #8
Chapter 14: Hope taeny still together n nicole get a boyfriend.
dede123 #9
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating! :)
Happy New Year!
coolintot #10
Chapter 14: Confuse jessi update soon author