3 Years Ago (Taeyeon's POV) Part 1

Key To My Heart


"Where is that stupid shoe?!" Taeyeon frantically searches his room. He's been looking for it for the past half hour and he's running late for school.

"There you are, I found you finally!" Taeyeon has been looking forward to this day because 7 Korean-American students from

a high school from the US will be attending in Jeonju Art High School for 6 months as part of the korean culture experience program by their school.



"There could be pretty girls visiting the school, this is your chance Taeyeon!"  the thought of seeing girls made him smile unknowingly.

"Mr.Kim, would you mind sharing what you're smiling about with the class?" the teacher caught him staring outside the window giggling by himself.

"Uhm, nothing Mrs. Lee, I'm sorry" Taeyeon apologised.

"I'm sure you won't find detention as funny so if I were you, pay attention to the class."

"Yes, ma'am" Taeyeon replied.


During lunch break Teayeon found his friends, Yoona, Hyoyeon and Seohyun sitting under a tree chatting.

"Hey guys! Why are you having fun without me?" Taeyeon asked

"Are you sure we're the one who's having fun? As far as I can remember I wasn't the one who got caught giggling in class earlier." Yoona answered and

Hyoyeon and Seohun laughed.

"Aish!! Why do you have to remind me of that?! It'sembarassing!" Taeyeon blushed

"And why are you blushing? Perhaps Byun-Taeyon resurfaced again. Would you mind sharing what was that about? HAHAHAHAHA!!" Hyoyeon teased his friend

earning him a death glare from Taeyeon and disgusted looks from the other 2 girls.

The four friends shared their lunch together and went back to the classroom before their next class begins.


As they are walking a van passed by and stopped at in front of the school building. 7 students got off and immidiately

the students noticed. 3 boys and 4 girls went straight to the office.

The principal will decide on what section they'll be in. Taeyeon and his friends were excited to know if someone will be assigned to their class. 


"Guys, I have a good news for you!" the class president Jonghyun said while trying to catch his breath after sprinting. "Two are on the same year as us." the class cheered loudly.

"However I don't know who will be assigned to this class. But I was lucky enough to at least find out what their names are" Jonghyun smiled proudly. 

"Tell us! Tell us!" Hyoyeon chanted and the rest followed. "Okay, okay. One is named Tiffany and the other one is Nicole"

The girls were not really pleased with what they found out. They want at least one of the good looking boys to be assigned in their class.

"Oh My God! I can't wait!" Taeyeon thought.

"Dude which one do you think will it be? the one named Tiffany or the one named Nicole?" Hyoyeon asked 

Taeyeon. "I don't know, I'm just really excited. Whoever she is I hope she'll notice me. hehehehe" Taeyeon and Hyoyeon even did a brofist.

"What's wrong with you guys? It's not like you've never seen a girl before" Yoona said 

"Yeah, and besides this is a school. It is a place where you learn not where you date" Seohyun added

"Don't worry Yoona, I only have my eyes on you." Jonghyun said while walking towards her.

''You know what, I'd rather have you look at someone else, Jonghyun" Yoona said while turning her back on him.

"No, really I promise tha.." "SHE'S HERE!" one of the students shouted, Jonghyun didn't even had the chance to finish what he was trying to tell Yoona and stood up and run to the door to see who's coming.


A girl wearing a floral dress and  pink cardigan walked in with their homeroom teacher.

Mrs. Lee asked the students to go back to their seats and told the boys to refrain from asking the student her number before she even had the chance to Introduce herself to the class.

Taeyeon is smiling from ear to ear excited to know what her name is.


"Okay class as you all know, international students will be attending our school as part of the Cultural experience program. Now, I want to ask you a favor, I want you to welcome our new student and help her out whenever she is having difficulty in understanding Korean culture. She may be a Korean but she grew up in the US so she might experiance culture shock, I want you to be nice to her okay?" Mrs. Lee asked


"Yes ma'am! " the entire class answered.


"Okay, please Introduce youself to the class." Mrs. Lee smiled at the girl.

"Hi, My name is Nicole Jung, nice to meet you. I hope we all get along"

after she introduced herself, even before Mrs. Lee started looking for a seat for Nicole, the boys started offering the seats beside them so that Nicole can sit with them. Some of them even asked the person sitting beside them to go and look for a different seat.

"Should I ask her to sit near me or not?" Taeyeon contemplated while watching the chaos happeing

"I think I should play it cool, yeah, I should act like I'm not interested. Girls love mystrious guys."

"Tae, I thought you wanted to know the new girl? Why aren't you doing anything?" Yoona asked when he noticed Taeyeon sitting quietly

"Yeah, what happened to the Taeyeon we were talking to earlier?" Seohyun said

"Which Taeyeon are you referring to? the normal Taeyeon or Byun-Taeyeon?" Hyoyeon snickered

"Yah! I'm not a ert!" Taeyeon complained.


"Class, Keep quiet! Do you want to make Ms. Jung to think that students from this school always act like a bunch of wild monkeys?" Mrs. Lee said

Scanning the room for an empty seat, Mrs. Lee found one in front of Taeyeon. 

"Ms. Jung you can.."

"Please call me Nicole ma'am."

"Okay, Nicole there is an empty seat at the back, in front of Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim please raise your hand so that Nicole can sit down and we can start the class"

Taeyeon raised his hands while thinking "What am I supposed to do? should I go and talk to her right away or wait for her to start a conversation with me?"

After Nicole sat down, Taeyeon glanced at Hyoyeon and mouthed "What should I do?"

"Talk to her! This your chance!" Hyoyon replied.

Taeyeon tapped Nicole's shoulder and introduced himself

"Hey, I'm Taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon." and flashed a cute smile

"Hi Taeyeon, I'm Nicole. My korean name is Jung Yong Joo but I prefer my friends calling me Nicole.".

"He's cute, I like the way he smiles." Nicole thought.

"Class, please turn your books on chapter 3 and we will start the discusssion." Mrs. Lee said.

The class saw Taeyeon and Nicole's short conversation.

Some of the boys got discouraged after seeing Taeyeon talking to Nicole because the felt like they can't compete with him, after all he is the smartest and most good looking guy in their class.

The girls on the other hand got jealous, most of them have a huge crush on Taeyeon and he usually pays no attention to girls aside from his friends, Yoona and Seohyun.

The class ended and even before Taeyeon got up, Nicole faced him and asked "Can you help me with the homework? I find the 3rd chapter confusing because I haven't read chapters 1 and 2 yet. It's impossible for me to turn it in after three days if I don't know what the first two chapters are all about."

"..y-yeah, sure, do you want to come with me in the library after class?" Taeyeon nervously asked

"Perfect! Thank you." Nicole said.

The class ended and the two of them went to the library, of course with Hyoyeon, Yoona and Seohyun not too far beind them.

Once in a while Taeyeon would take a glance at them and they would smile at him.


Weeks passed and Nicole joined Taeyeon and his friends. They would hangout together, go to the malls, amusement parks they even let Nicole try different exotic korean dishes, which she loved.



Taeyeon is on the computer video chatting with his friends except for Nicole.

"Guys, do you really think I should tell her?" Taeyeon asked

"Tae, you said it yourself, you like her. I don't see any reason why you shouldn't let her know." Yoona said

"I don't want to discourage you but  I think you should consider other things like the fact she'll be leaving after 2 months" Seohyun reminded him

"I know, that's why I don't know what to do anymore" Taeyeon said

"Bro, I know this is hard for you but I just want to let you know that whatever your decision is, the three of us will be there for you." Hyoyeon assured him

"Thanks guys, i think I'll think about it and and decide"




so how was it? I have decided to work on Taeyeon and Nicole's story first. Tiffany was assigned on a different class but I will be writing a chapter in her POV


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gabiel #1
Chapter 16: up date soon author-nim
update soon :)
1132 streak #3
Chapter 16: Hehe Haha Yulsic... Just admit it and let taeny help you too... Hehe
1132 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hehe yulsic fighting!!! Just confess to each other....
1132 streak #5
Chapter 10: Hahaha yulsic date was hilarious but taeny's is sweet....
coolintot #6
Chapter 15: Update soon author
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the reunion... Hope you update soon Authorssi! And Happy New Year ^^
taenykyu #8
Chapter 14: Hope taeny still together n nicole get a boyfriend.
dede123 #9
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating! :)
Happy New Year!
coolintot #10
Chapter 14: Confuse jessi update soon author