Single's Party

Key To My Heart

"AAAHHHHH!!!!!" Jessica screamed when she got home.

"What's wrong Jessi?" Tiffany asked

"There's this guy from the supermarket who thought my cart is his and started putting stuff in it." Jessica explained

"Jessi, everyone makes mistakes right?" Tiffany said trying to calm her cousin down.

"I know but of all the possible things, why must he put lots of freaking cucumbers!" Jessica replied trying to sound reasonable

TIffany chuckled at her cousin's actions she doesn't know the reason behind her hatred towards cucumbers.

"I'll go upstairs and take a shower first" Jessica said

"But you just took one before you went grocery shopping"

"I'll try to get rid of the nasty cucumber smell off me"

"I don't smell anything" Tiffany said

"Well I do." Jessica replied


"Taeyeon, I need you to come to work a bit early tonight. As you know we're having the Single's Party and you know how busy it can get right? See you - Sunny"  Taeyeon read the text message and started getting ready for work.

"Yuri are you coming tonight?" Taeyeon asked

"Of course, who knows tonight could be the night when I can finally meet 'The one'." Yuri said

"You always say that whenever you have blind dates. You always tell me 'Taeyeon I think I found my deram girl' after your first date but then most of them didn't even bother showing up when you asked them out again." Taeyeon said

"Yah! Atleast I'm trying my best to meet girls unlike you." Yuri said

"Whatever. Dude, if you really want to meet someone why don't you go and bring a lock tonight. Sunny said that it works like magic." Taeyeon said

"If only you'll bring one" Yuri said

"Okay, fine" Taeyeon agreed just to shut him up


Sunny's bar is unlike any other. The stories told about how people find love within that building made Sunny decide to buy it. when Sunny first opened it, she noticed that most of the people who come to her place are those people who are going through difficulties in life particularly with love.

So she thought why not throw a Single's Party every month. It's basically a party where all single guys and girls are welcome. Most of them attend the party hoping to meet someone.

For those who are unsuccessful in finding one the bar has an open rooftop similar to the one in Namsan tower where single people put up locks and throws the key. 

The story says that if one person found the key thrown by the other and he/she managed open the lock, it is destined for them to be together no matter what.



"Hey, Tiffany do you want to come with me?"

"Where to?" Tiffany asked

"Well my dad has a business partner and that business partner of his has a daughter who happens to be a close friend of mine. She owns a bar not too far from here and tonight they're having a single's party." Jessica said

"Well, I'm not sure.." Tiffany said

"Why? Are you dating someone? Do you already have a boyfriend?" Jessica asked

"No and no" Tiffany replied

"Then you better get ready because we're leaving at 8. Just think of it as your welcome party" Jessica smiled

Tiffany knows that it's useless to argue with her cousin.

"I'm not really looking for a boyfriend right now but since I have nothing else to do why not give it a try." Tiffany thought while inside the shower


"Tiffany, I said were supposed to leave at 8 please hurry up." Jessica shouted while standing near the door

"Okay, okay I'm coming" Tiffany said while running down the stairs

The two girls were stunned by each other's beauty.

"You're so pretty!" both of them squeaked

Jessica is wearing her hair down and she is wearing a little black dress that goes above her kneesand a white blazer 

While Tiffany is wearing a pink floral top and a cute white skirt and she tied her hair in a messy bun.


The two of them arrived at the bar and was ushered to the VIP section. 

The club was packed with people dancing, drinking and having a good time.

"Okay folks I just want to remind those people who brought locks to feel free to come up the deck, put the lock on the fence and throw the keys. If you're a girl, your lock and keys at least should have something pink just so others will know that it belongs to a girl and if you're a guy you shoud use the color blue. For those who came unprepared, don't worry you can go out and look for a key. It may be difficult to do so because it's autumn and there's lots of leaves on the ground but you can also go back and put a lock some other time." The DJ announced

"I wish you all the best of luck, Now time to party!!!" after that the loud music was .

The girls surrounded the bar where Taeyeon is, after all compared to the other guys he is hotter but unfortunately Taeyeon doesn't even bat an eyelash for them and just continue working.

The girls are trying their best to get his attention but what Taeyeon hates the most is people who are trying hard to push themselves to him.

"Mr. Bartender, I'm willing to buy all the drinks you have on the shelves tonight if you only give me your phone number and go out on a date with me" one girl said, obviously she's drunk 


"Jessi, I'll just go and grab us something to drink." Tiffany said

"You don't have to. I brought you girls this." Sunny said while carrying a bottle of champagne.

"Hi Sunny, How are you? By the way this is my cousin, Tiffany, and Tiffany this is my friend, Sunny. She's the owner of this bar." Jessica introduced the two girls to one another

"Hi, nice to meet you." They both said while Tiffany bowing down and Sunny extending her hand for a handshake.

The three of the just laughed at what had happened. Sunny explained that there's no need for them to act formal.

"Sunny, it seems like most of the girls are staying by the bar" Tiffany noticed

"Yeah, that happens everytime. After all Taeyeon is one good looking guy." Sunny said

"That name sound familiar" Tiffany said

"Actually that name is common here in Korea so you must have heard it somewhere before" Jessica said

As soon as the party was about to end some people went up the deck and started putting up locks, some went outside looking for keys, some met other people and was able to ask them out on a date while the others just went home by themseves.

Taeyeon was approached by Yuri and aksed him to come with him in putting the locks.

when they got up Yuri brought out a combination lock and put it on the fence while simling proudly to himself.

"Now that I have a lock, all I have to do is wait for my dream girl to unlock it." Yuri grinned at Taeyeon

"Yuri, you are supposed to bring a lock that can be opened with keys! Do you really think that a girl would sit by that lock the whole day while trying to unlock it?" Taeyeon said

"WHAT?! How come you never mentioned that before?!" Yuri panicked

Taeyeon just sighed and brought out the lock that has. Instead of putting a blue marker, he brought out the dog tags given to him by his late grandfather. Taeyeon and his grandfather have the same name. Those dog tags were special to him because it was the last present given to him by his grandfather before he died.

He took out the tag with a shorter chain and locked it in the fence. He then took the keys and placed it together with the tag before throwing it. He also made a wish that whoever finds it, he hopes that she will help him move on.

Right after putting his lock, Taeyeon saw Yuri still trying to open his lock. She chuckled at his friend and went straight down.

He then heard a guy talking near the washroom and thought "Great another intoxicated idiot desperately trying to ask a girl out."


Tiffany went to use the washroom and when she's on her way out, a drunk guy approached her

"Hey miss, what's your name? I'm Kang Daeho. Since you're still here I'm assuming that you haven't met someone yet" He said while flashing her a creepy smile

"Excuse me sir but I really have no time for this. I really have to go" Tiffany said while trying to walk away from him

but the guy grabbed her arms and pinned her to the wall.

"Miss if you don't want to go out with me you shoud politely say no after giving me a kiss." He said

Tiffany was scared and the next thing she know someone punched the guy's side making him fall to the ground while gasping for air.

"If you ever come back here, you won't be gasping for breath because next time I'll make sure you're not breathing anymore before I let you go out of this place" Taeyeon threatened him before asking the security to him out.

He then turned to face Tiffany and saw that her face is pale and her whole body is shaking.

"Miss, are you okay? do you need to sit down for a while?" Taeyeon asked Tiffany

"I.. I.. T-Thank you" Tiffany stuttered

"My name is Park Taeyeon. I work here. I guess this is your first time in this bar because I haven't seen you around before. What's your name?" Taeyeon said while smiling at her warmly.

Seeing him smile made Tiffany's heart flutter. She has never find anyone as attractive as Taeyeon.

"My name is Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang" She replied while giving him her eye smile.

"Tiffany, that's a beautiful name." Taeyeon complimented her

"Would you like to get something to drink? Don't worry, it's on the house" He offered

"I guess I'll have a cosmo then" Tiffany said

"One cosmo coming up!" He said while holding up his index finger

"He's brave, handsome, and dorky. I think I made the right decision to come here with Jessica."  Tiffany thought to herself while smiling.

"I've never seen anyone who smiles as beautifully as her. I hope she comes back here despite what happened tonight."  Taeyeon thought while secretly glancing and admiring Tiffany.


Yaay!! TaeNy! please leave a comment and let me know what you think :)

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gabiel #1
Chapter 16: up date soon author-nim
update soon :)
1132 streak #3
Chapter 16: Hehe Haha Yulsic... Just admit it and let taeny help you too... Hehe
1132 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hehe yulsic fighting!!! Just confess to each other....
1132 streak #5
Chapter 10: Hahaha yulsic date was hilarious but taeny's is sweet....
coolintot #6
Chapter 15: Update soon author
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the reunion... Hope you update soon Authorssi! And Happy New Year ^^
taenykyu #8
Chapter 14: Hope taeny still together n nicole get a boyfriend.
dede123 #9
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating! :)
Happy New Year!
coolintot #10
Chapter 14: Confuse jessi update soon author