Double Trouble

Key To My Heart

Both Tiffany and Taeyeon are clueless of the fact that they're going on a blind date together and so is Jessica and Yuri.

Thanks to Sunny's cunning ideas, she was able to set up a double date for the four of them.

The day has come and Tiffany is starting to get really nervous because she doesn't know what to expect or what to do during the date.

"Tiffany, I thought you're ready for this" Jessica asked

"Of course I am, I just don't want it to go wrong" Tiffany said with a worried expression

"I set you up for this blind date, do you really think I would let anything bad happen?" She assured her cousin

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I really have to leave now, why don't you just go and have fun. You're about to be late so get you out of here, It's almost 5 PM" Jessica said leaving Tiffany even more puzzled.


"Taeyeon, I think this chick is really hot, to think that Sunny would bug you to go out with her means she met her standards, better yet she must be way over it" Yuri said

"Dude, I'm only going out because Sunny asked me to do it as a favour, it's not like I asked for it. And besides I think if I were to ask someone out, I alreadyhave the perfect person in mind." Taeyeon turned and smiled at his friend

"It's Tiffany, right?!" Yuri exclaimed

Taeyeon just laughed, Yuri noticed how happy he was. Unlike before the laugh he just heard was real, somehow he just can't help but feel genuinely happy for his friend

"At least you are slowly moving on, after all, Nicole is just a part of your past right" Yuri said in a low voice but Taeyeon still heard it

His expression darkened a bit but he was still able to mask it with a smile.

"Dude, I better go now." Taeyeon said

"Go and end this blind date quickly so you can ask Tiifany out." Yuri shouted

Taeyeon let out a small laugh



Jessica managed to arrive at the station before Tiffany. She was able to change her clothes so that Tiffany won't notice her.

She wore a pullover hoodie, a pair of jeans, a hat, sunglasses but she did not give up her high heels

"Where are they? What's taking them so long?"

A familiar figure caught her eye, and she thought "Is he stupid or what? every one can tell it's him. " Jessica rolled her eyes upon seeing him trying his best to hide and not to get noticed by everyone

"Yah! Kwon Yuri, are trying to stalk me or something?" Jessica shouted at him 

He was surprised to see her in the station, he approached her and asked her "How'd you know it was me?"

Jessica pointed at the baseball jacket with his name on it

"Next time if you're gong to stalk someone, make sure you don't make it too obvious okay?"

"Excuse me, but I'm not here for you okay? I'm here because Taeyeon has a blind date today and Sunny asked me to keep an eye on him and his date and try stop her obsessed ex boyfriend from beating the living crap out my friend out of jealousy." Yuri explained

"What about you? Why are you even here? Don't you have a car?" Yuri  bombarded Jessica wth questions

"Well I'm here because Sunny asked me to watch Tiffany and his blind date closely because apparently that guy has a psyco ex girlfriend" Jessia retorted

Then it it them "Sunny asked you to what?!" both of them asked one another

"So that means Taeyeon/Tiffany is going on a blind date with Tiffany/Taeyeon?" They said in unison

"If that's the case then I don't think we should be worried then." Yuri sighed

"What do you mean "I don't think we should be worried" still don't know you friend personally so who knows what knid of thoughts are goioong on inside that guy's head. I don't trust him so I'm going to watch him closely" Jessica said

"Well, I don't trust your friend either. She's from the US so it's possible she's not like the conservative women here in South Korea, Who knows, she might take advantage of my friend so I'm going to watch her closely too." Yuri replied

Even before Jessica can asnwer Yuri, she saw Taeyeon arriving wearing casual clothing but still managed to look absolutely dashing.

"Not bad." Jessica looked impressed on how good Taeyon is when it comes to choosing the right kind of clothesthat would look good on him.

A few minutes later, Tiffany arrived. She have decided to look "cute" for this date. The two of them stood by the both sides of the pillar they kept on glancing at their watch.

Yuri and Jessica, who are watching them not too far, started toget frustrated so Yuri called Taeyeon.

His unique ring tone made everyone look including Tiffany

Yuri immidiately hung up when he noticed that Tiffany saw Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon, I never expected to see you here." Tiffany greeted him

"oh, hi, are you about to go somewhere?" Taeyeon asked

"Well I'm actually waiting for someone, what about you?" She asked

"I'm here for ablind date" He answered

"Really? Me too!" Tiffany smiled

"Wow, what a coinsidence." Taeyeon smiled back

Although both of them are smiling, a part of themis dying to know with whom is the other going out with

"What time are you supposed to meet your date?" Taeyeon asked

"He'ssupposed to be here 20 minutes ago." Tiffany said

"Me too, wait who set you up for this?" Taeyeon asked

Then the two of them figured out that they're supposed to go out together and felt really happy and excited at the same time

They have decided that they will spend the afternoon together in amusement park not too far from the station.

The two of them reached the entrance and Taeyeon said "Don't worry I'll pay for the ticket"

"No, it's okay, I can pay for my own" Tiffany smiled

Their conversation went back and forth until Taeyeon agreed with Tiffany but he insisted to pay for their dinner.

After that Jessica and Yuri went to the ticket booth and Jessica said "Ticket for one please.."

"Just one? What about me?" Yuri asked

"Why are you asking me to pay for your ticket?" Jessica raised her eyebrows

"Yah! Just think of it as a payment for the lock that you never returned to me" Yuri said

"I wasn't able to give it back because I threw it away already" She replied

"Whatever! Look, just pay for it today and I'll pay you back, we need to follow them before they even disappear from out sight" Yuri demanded

Taeyeon and Tiffany first went to ride the roller coaster

They were excited but not Jessica and Yuri.

Although he's scared at his wits end, he tries to act cool "Jessica, you can choose not to ride this one if you're that scared"

Jessica won't let Yuri mock him so event though she's terrified she put on her poker face and said "Are you kidding me? Just try not to throw up while up there, let's go"

"Oh my god, she's really going to ride this thing" Yuri thought

"Jessica Jung, What have you gotten yourself into?!" Jessica mentally screamed at herself

After the rollercoaster ride, Taeyeon and Tiffany went off laughing while Yuri and Jessica looked like they're about to pass out.

"Wanna check the photos?" Taeyeon asked

"Sure" Tiffany replied

They looked at the screen and was able to spot their picture right away but was not able to see Jessica and Yuri's pale and frightened faces.

Jessica and Yuri lost sight of Taeyeon and Tiffany  after the roller coaster ride and because of their ego, they ended up daring one another to try out exteme rides instead

Taeyeon and Tiffany walked around the theme park with their arms linked looking like a real couple while Jessica and Yuri would never stop bickering

"Let's go try out the horror house and watch the sunset while riding the ferris wheel before going out for dinner" taeyeon suggested

"That sounds fun" Tiffany said

While the two are headed to the horror house, Jessica spotted the two.

"Yah, where do you think you friend is taking my cousin?1" Jessica asked

"Can't you read? It says horror house" Yuri replied sarcastically

"I know it's a horror house but don't you think I don't know that you friend is trying to drag my cousin to that scary place so that she'll have to hug him the entire time?" Jessica crossed her arms

"For all we know it could be your cousin who suggested it so that she'll heve every reason to act scared and hug my friend. Besides I'm sure it's not even scary, it's just that you're a coward" Yuri said in a tone as if he's challenging Jessica

"It's on Kwon Yuri" Jessica said the stromed off going to the horror house

Before they go in,  Taeyeon reached out his hand to Tiffany "Here, grab my hand so you won't be scared"

"Thanks" Tiffany smiled and took his hand

Jessica and Yuri on the other hand kept on pushing each other to go first until the couple behind them said "Hey, if are you two love birds going in or not"

"We're not love birds okay, " Yuri said and then turned to Jessica and bowed while saying "Laides first"

"I guess I have no other choice but to go in first, it seems like you're afraid of goin in anyway." Jessica said

"What do you mean?! I'm not scared, in fact I'll let you hide behind me bacause I feel sorry that you have to punish youself by going in" Yuri pretended to be calm but in his head, he is freaking out.

"Okay then, you can go in first and I'll follow you" Jessica smirked when Yuri fell for her trap


At first Tiffany would get scared easily by almost everything but Taeyeon was able to clam her down and made her laugh at the things inside instead.

On the other hand, Yuri is suffering not only because he feels like he's going to have a heart attack anytime but because of Jessica's dolphin scream as well.

"It seems like this nightmare is not ending soon" Jessica almost cried

"Why did I even went in with you?!" Yuri glared at Jessia, and she glared back

halfway thier horror house experience, Tiffany heard someone screaming not too far behind them

"Taeyeon, I think Jessica is here, I heard someone who sounded just like her when screaming" she said

"Really, she loves to go to scary places too?" Taeyeon smiled

"I'm not sure, I must have heard it wrong, she would never go anywhere near  this kind of place." And they carried on walking


When Taeyeon and Tiffany made it out, she was relieved that it was over than she noticed that she is no longer holding his hand but instead her arms was around his waist and they were gripping his shirt tightly.

She quickly released her hands and blushed when she noticed it while Taeyeon on the other hand felt quite disappointed that she let him go.

"Shall we go ride the ferris wheel?" Taeyeon grinned

"Let's go" Tiffany said while pointing her finger

Just then Taeyeon took her hand and held it tightly and looked at Tiffany's eyes as if he is aking for her permission to hold it, Tiffany answered with an eye smile.

They walked hand in hand along the way and enjoyed enery single moment

"You know, I've been here before but this is the only time I've been this happy" Taeyeon said while trying to hide his blushing face

"Really? How come? I mean the rides are fun, there's a lot of nice places, why didn't you feel happy before?" Tiffany asked

"Because the last  time I was here was when I was with my ex girlfriend. We went here days before she went back to the US. All I think about back then was 'She's leaving me' but now I felt completely different." Taeyeon said

What he said made Tiffany happy. His warm words really touched her heart.


On the other hand, it took longer for Jessica and Yuri to finally reach the exit.

Jessica's face was pale while Yuri's shrit and hair were in a mess because Jessica kept on grabbing and pulling them

"My feet hurts" Jessica complained

"Why wouldn't it, you kicked almost everything that scared you and besides, you know that they're going to an amusement park so why did you wear a pair of high heels?" Yuri retorted

"It's called fashion you ignorant caveman, high heels looks best with this set of clothes so I must wear them." Jessica said

"Whatever" Yuri then Yuri started walking

"Yah! Where are you going?" Jessica asked

"You heard the right? Horror house then ferriswheel" Yuri said without turning back

"AAHHHH!!!" Jessica tried to run and catch up on him but she slipped and broke her heels

Yuri turned and saw Jessica on the floor, he ran backand check if she's okay

"I think I sprained my ankle, and it's all your fault!" Jessica blamed him

"Whoa, why me? I didn't push you okay you did that to your self" Yuri looking at her with disbelief

"Just help me up okay, we still need to follow them" Jessica said

"Yes, your royal highness" Yuri said sarcastically

Jessica managed to stand up on one leg but she can't walk so Yuri bend down and told her "Get on my back"

"What?" Jessica asked obviouslyshe was surprised

"Get on my back before I change my mind and leave you here" Yuri said

Jessica has no other choice but to do so since she won't be able to walk

While on Yuri's back she thought "He seems like a nice guy after all.. and he smells good too." unconsciously, Jessica lips formed a faint smile

Yuri might look like he doesn't care about Jessica but inside he's worrying about her

"I think it's my fault that she hurt her foot. If only I waited for her, she wouldn't hurt herself." Yuri thought

"Am I heavy?" Jessica asked

"I'm used to lifting weights so carrying a twig is not that hard for me" Yuri joked

Jessica smacked his shoulder

Yuri laughed and since he can't see her face, he imagined her pissed expression.

Upon heaing Yuri's laugh, Jessica couldn't help it but smile. She liked how warm it sounded to her ears.



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gabiel #1
Chapter 16: up date soon author-nim
update soon :)
1132 streak #3
Chapter 16: Hehe Haha Yulsic... Just admit it and let taeny help you too... Hehe
1132 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hehe yulsic fighting!!! Just confess to each other....
1132 streak #5
Chapter 10: Hahaha yulsic date was hilarious but taeny's is sweet....
coolintot #6
Chapter 15: Update soon author
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the reunion... Hope you update soon Authorssi! And Happy New Year ^^
taenykyu #8
Chapter 14: Hope taeny still together n nicole get a boyfriend.
dede123 #9
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating! :)
Happy New Year!
coolintot #10
Chapter 14: Confuse jessi update soon author