
Key To My Heart

Yuri woke up earlier than usual, it's the day when he has been waiting for.

He paced inside his bedroom trying to remember the steps he learned the past few days.

Completely unaware of the time he was surprised when his alarm clock went off.

After taking a quick shower he went to the kitchen only to see his friend already finished making their breakfast.

"Dude, looks like you never had the chance to sleep properly last night." Taeyeon said

"Yeah, I guess I'm just nervous and excited at the same time. This is the last one, if I get through this that means I'll be in that dance company." Yuri answered

"Knowing you, I know you'll do just fine. Finish your breakfast and get ready, or else you'll be late. You can use my car. I'm off at work anyway." Taeyeon said as he pour his friend a cup of coffee.


Yuri was beyond nervous, he has patiently waited and practiced hard for this opportunity.

Among the 30 participants only 10 will be accepted and will be a part of the group.

He arrived at the studio half an hour early and started warming up.

Fifteen minutes have passed and a black car pulled over in front of the building and a guy with blonde hair came out.

The guy was welcomed by the other judges, that's when he realized that it was one of Korea's best choreographers Kim Hyoyeon.


It was a sunny Monday morning but Taeyeon felt lazy to do anything.

He took out his phone hoping to get a good morning message from his girlfriend.

"I guess she's busy." Taeyeon thought

He got out of the house and rode his bike.

Since there's nothing to do at home he decided to try a different route going to Han river.

He is about to cross the road and he is waiting for the green light to turn red, he noticed someone enter Seoul art gallery.

His heart raced upon seeing her, her hair may be styled differently but he knew it very well.

She was the person he promised to wait for three years ago, his first love.

As soon as he got the chance to cross the street, he biked towards the building as fast as he could only to be stopped by the security.

"I'm sorry sir but a private function is currently going on and only those who are invited may go in." The guard said

"Oh, I-I'm sorry.." He replied

He stepped away but his eyes kept looking around hoping that he'll see her again.

"Could she really be here?" Taeyeon thought.

He rode his bike going to Han river but his mind is wandering somewhere else.

When he got there, he sat down and tried to calm himself down.

"If she really came back then, our friends must have known that she's here too." Taeyeon thought

He took his smart phone and logged on his old email account hoping that he'll be able to contact at least one of his friends.

Upon seeing the hundreds of unread messages from his friends he felt like he has been a worthless friend to them.

He saw their email on his birthday and Christmas. They even send him email whenever they feel like it.

He checked the last email he got from them, which was sent 1 year ago.

It was from Yoona, she told him that all three somehow started reaching their dreams one by one. Hyoyeon got a chance to be a part of a dance group touring Asia, Seohyun got hired as a Music instructor at Jeonju University and she was able to put up her own bakery.

Unknowingly all of the emotions he kept bottled up inside him started pouring out.

He missed his friends so much. They were like his siblings and just because of his selfishness he felt like he has lost them.

After calming himself down, and as much as he wanted to, he doesn't know what to say.

He sighed and just typed "How are you guys doing?" and sent it to all three of them hoping they'll reply.

Taeyeon decided to drop by Tiffany's office hoping that she'll be able to join him for lunch, and although the gallery is way out of the way going to the office, he still passed by it hoping to catch a glimpse of the girl he saw earlier and confirm if it is her or not.


Upon arriving at the office he was greeted by the receptionist and he was asked if he has a scheduled appointment with anyone.

"No, actually I was just wondering if I could go and talk to Ms. Tiffany Hwang." Taeyeon replied

Even before the receptionist dialed the phone, a lady came up to them and said "I don't think there's a need for you to call her. Her boyfriend can see her anytime he wants."

Taeyeon looked at the lady and smiled "Thanks, Jessica."

"You're welcome. Her office is on the third floor. After getting off the elevator, turn left. It's the door at the far end. It has her name on it so you won't miss it" She added

"Okay, thanks." Taeyeon said

"Wait, what happened to your eyes, did you just cried?" Jessica asked

"Uh,w-well, it nothing. I'll go now" Taeyeon smiled at Jessica


He went up to Tiffany's office only to be informed that she has to go and supervise a photo shoot outside Seoul and she wouldn't be back until the end of the day.

Having no other choice, he went home and slumped on the couch and fell asleep out of exhaustion.

"Dude, wake up I've got good news for you." Yuri said while shaking Taeyeon up

"Huh? What time is it?" Taeyeon asked

"Half past four" Yuri replied

"Whoa, I slept for three hours" Taeyeon thought "What's the good news you want to tell me?"

"Well you see, this awesome friend of yours just made the cut and that's not all I met the coolest person in the world." Yuri said excitedly

"You have been living with the most awesome person in the world Yuri, and there's no need for you to say it out loud, I already knew." Taeyeon joked

"Psshh, how did I managed to put up with you midget? hahaha" Yuri Laughed

Taeyeon just glared at his friend

"You are acting like that because you have no idea how big this guy is. One of Korea's top choreographers, Kim Hyoyeon."

Taeyeon froze when he heard the name

"Kim Hyoyeon you said?" he asked quietly

"Yeah, and I must add that dude has the sickest moves ever!" Yuri added

Taeyeon kept quiet, he just found out that his friend is in Seoul, his inner self is arguing whether he should go and meet Hyoyeon or not.


The photo shoot went well although they experienced minor problems along the way causing them to extend for another two hours.

"Good job everyone!  Let's pack up." Tiffany said

She checked her phone and saw that she has two notifications saying she has one text message from Taeyeon and one voice message from Jessica.

Clicking the first message she could not help but smile, the first text message from Taeyeon says "Good morning gorgeous, I hope you dreamt of me last night."

"Dork." She thought. The next one, he is asking if she's in the office.

She read the message Jessica sent her "Tiff, I just saw Taeyeon in the building earlier. I didn't know you went out of the office so I thought I should let you know he dropped by. BTW did you guys had a fight? He looked like he just cried when I saw him in the lobby his eyes were red and puffy. Whatever it is I hope you two make up. Gotta go, see you later."

"Ms. Hwang we're all set shall we go now?" Her assistant asked her

"Yes." She replied and started walking towards their van.

She is worried sick about Taeyeon so she decided to call him right away.

He did not pick up the first time so she tried calling him again


"Hello Tae?"

"Oh, hey Tiffany how did the photo shoot went? Are you on your way home? Did you have your dinner already?" Taeyeon bombarded her with questions

"Whoa, slow down with the questions." Tiffany laughed

"Yes, the photo shoot went well although we had to stay there for another two hours, I'll be home in about 40 minutes and I am just going to order food when I get home." She said

"Would you like to eat dinner with me? I know you're tired so I'll just grab something to eat for the two of us and meet you at your house." Taeyeon said

"Thank you Tae. I haven't seen nor talked to you the entire day I miss you" She said

"I miss you too, don't worry we can hang out later." He said

"Okay then, see you later Tae, I love you." Tiffany said

"I love you too Fany." Taeyeon replied


"Yul, I'll be over at Tiffany's okay?" Taeyeon said

"Have fun bro and say hi to Jessica for me.." Yuri said without looking away from the television as he is currently playing Call of Duty.

"Say hi to JESSICA?" Taeyeon raised his eyebrows and smirked at his friend

Yuri paused the game immediately "A-and Tiffany of course. W-why are you looking at me like that? Just go to your girlfriend"

He turned and resumed playing, his face blushing "What the hell are you thinking Yuri?! You almost got caught!" Yuri thought

"Yeah, 'A-and Tiffany too'" Taeyeon copied the way Yuri stuttered

"Get out midget!" Yuri screamed


Taeyeon dropped by a restaurant but he can't decide which one should he order so instead he made a quick trip to the grocery and bought all of the stuff he need to make Tiffany's favourite dish.

He arrived and he was welcomed by Jessica.

"Whoa Tae, what's with all of this stuff? Don't tell me you want me to cook all of these? just letting you know Taeyeon, I am like a walking kitchen disaster. My friends back in high school even named me the homicidal chef because they said anyone who tries my dish might die of food poisoning" Jessica blurted out

"Don't worry I'll do all the cooking but I think I'll need your help in preparing." Taeyeon smiled

"Okay but don't blame me if something goes wrong, I warned you" Jessica replied

The two of them went to the kitchen and started preparing everything and when they finished, Taeyeon started cooking.

"When did you learn to cook? I mean I have never seen a guy who is not a chef cook like one" Jessica said

"At first I was a terrible cook, Yuri even complains about it but with lots of practice and hearing Yuri's complaints over and over again I managed to improve my cooking skills. Which means it's never to late to learn how to do it." Taeyeon explained

"Oh, and by the way Yuri wanted to say hi to you" Taeyeon raised his eyebrows up and down while grinning at Jessica

"And what do you want me to do about it?" Jessica asked pretending to be annoyed

"So even after going on a date with him you're still not interested with him?" Taeyeon asked

"For the record I DID NOT went out on a date with him." Jessica said

"But you did not answer my question, are you not interested with him?" Taeyeon insisted

Jessica stared at him in disbelief

"Jessica, I have a question, how were you able to open the padlock that night?" Taeyeon asked

"Uh, I happen to guess the right combination" Jessica answered

"And of all the locks on the fence you happen to open Yuri's" He said

"Coincidence." She answered

"What was the combination?" He asked while checking on what he is cooking

"4-18-8-9, why?" She asked

"How did you come up with those numbers?" He asked

"It's the date of my birth, April 18, 1989." She answered

"SEE?!" Taeyeon exclaimed

"See what?" She couldn't grasp what he is trying to tell her

"Yuri got that lock without even knowing the right combination to open it and yet you did using your birth date as the code, don't you think it's a sign? After all you are aware of the stories about those locks right?" Taeyeon said

Jessica could not find the right words to say, she was dumbfounded and freaked out at the same time

"What if what he's saying is true?" She thought

"And based from what I can see Yuri is attracted to you, he doesn't have to tell me. But if you said you're not interested with him, I'll tell him off for you, after all he's my friend and I don't want him to get hurt in the end. Now, all I want to know is do you have feelings for him?" He asked straightforwardly.

"I-I.." Jessica stuttered

"I'm home! Wow, who's cooking that smells really good!" Tiffany said

"Phew, I owe you one Tiff." Jessica thought

"Fany, we're here in the kitchen and dinner will be ready in 10 minutes." Taeyeon replied

Tiffany came to the kitchen and back hugged Taeyeon who is about to finish cooking.

"Fany-ah can you help me set the table?" Taeyeon asked

"Sure thing Tae" Tiffany replied and kissed him on the cheek before getting the plates and utensils

"Uhm, I think it is better for me to stay in my room, I'll just eat it inside my room, after all I don't want to lose my appetite or throw up because of your cheesiness." Jessica said before leaving.

"What's wrong with her?" Tiffany asked

"I almost got her to say that she likes Yuri" Taeyeon grinned

"Really?!" Tiffany squealed while giving Taeyeon a high five

"Hahaha, they obviously like each other why can't they just say it?" Taeyeon laughed

"Jessi is not the type of person who expresses herself easily. Even to me, she always kept pretending like she can handle everything and for once I just want her to stop doing that because she gets hurt without anyone knowing." Tiffany sighed

"Yul on the other hand has never been in a relationship before so I perfectly understand what he's going through. I know that he is aware of his attraction towards your cousin but he doesn't know how to express." Taeyeon back hugged Tiffany and rested his chin on her shoulder

"Hey, Jessi said you dropped by the office this afternoon." Tiffany turned around to face Taeyeon

"Yeah, I was hoping I could eat lunch with you since Yuri is out and I'm bored at home." He replied

"Why did Jessica assumed that we fought? She said something about you looking like you just cried" She said with a worried expression on her face and cupped his cheek

"I.." Taeyeon said and just sighed

"Tae, it's okay if don't feel comfortable talking about it yet. I just want to let you know that I'm here for you no matter what okay" She gave him an eye smile and a quick peck on the lips

"Thank you Tiffany." He said and hugged her

"Shall we eat then?" Tiffany took him by the hand and led him into the dining room.


The two of them enjoyed their dinner together while Jessica on the other hand is still on her bed staring at the ceiling still thinking about the things Taeyeon just told her

"How in the world was that even possible? What happened to the straight forward Jessica? Why can't I say that I feel nothing towards that jerk? Could it be that I do feel something for him?" Jessica asked herself.

She heard her stomach grumbling, she forgot that she still haven't had dinner yet.

He was about to go to the kitchen when she remembered that Taeyeon might ask her questions again and the fact that her cousin might take her boyfriend's side made her retreat to her room.

A few minutes later Tiffany came in knocking her door holding a tray with food and a glass of juice

"Jessi, you didn't came down to eat dinner and it's not good if you go to sleep on an empty stomach." She said

"Where's Taeyeon?" Jessica asked

"He left a few minutes ago" she replied

"Is something bothering you Jessi?" She asked

"It's just that I'm still thinking why I wasn't able to answer him right away." Jessica said

"Who asked you what?" Tiffany asked trying to fight the urge to laugh at her cousin's face as it slowly turns red

"Taeyeon did, he asked me if..,, I like Yuri" She whisper the last part but Tiffany heard it

"So do you like him?" Tiffany grinned

"W-well I-I.." Jessica played with the hem of her shirt and looked up to her cousin and saw her grinning.

That's when she realized that Taeyeon must have already told her the things they talked about earlier.

She stood up and said "You and your boyfriend surely has the extraordinary ability of making other people dig their own grave Miyoung."

"Yah, It's not my fault you can't just admit that you DO like him, Sooyeon" Tiffany retorted

"Aaahhhh!!!" Jessica plopped down her bed

"Seriously Jessi, if you think you like him do something so that you can figure out if what do you really feel about him." Tiffany sat down beside her

Jessica get up and faced her cousin

"Tiffany, I want you to promise me that you're not going to tell anyone about what we talked about just now, especially Taeyeon" Jessica said

"I promise" she said

"Thank you Tiff." Jessica hugged her cousin

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower, when you're done eating just leave it on the sink I'll just wash it tomorrow together with the other dishes." Tiffany said

"Sure thing." Jessica gave her a thumbs up.


I was thinking of writing two chapters but I have decided to write one twice as long as the others instead.

Let me know what you think.

Happy New Year Everyone! :)

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gabiel #1
Chapter 16: up date soon author-nim
update soon :)
1132 streak #3
Chapter 16: Hehe Haha Yulsic... Just admit it and let taeny help you too... Hehe
1132 streak #4
Chapter 15: Hehe yulsic fighting!!! Just confess to each other....
1132 streak #5
Chapter 10: Hahaha yulsic date was hilarious but taeny's is sweet....
coolintot #6
Chapter 15: Update soon author
Chapter 14: Can't wait for the reunion... Hope you update soon Authorssi! And Happy New Year ^^
taenykyu #8
Chapter 14: Hope taeny still together n nicole get a boyfriend.
dede123 #9
Chapter 14: Thanks for updating! :)
Happy New Year!
coolintot #10
Chapter 14: Confuse jessi update soon author