Second Home

An Unexpected Journey


He was right, I couldn’t afford to stay in that love hotel for any longer and then what would I do?
But what was he on about “protecting me”?  The guy sure was weird. Should I take him up on his offer though? And he did seem pretty adamant about me not going anywhere, maybe this way I could find a way to pay him back for saving me too. However deep down I knew I was only making all these excuses because for some reason I didn’t want to leave him, I just wanted to be in his presence.

‘…Okay, but I don’t need any “protection” and I’m only staying because I’ve got nowhere else to go. Got it?’ I uttered.

Immediately a smile spread across his face.

‘Whatever your reason for staying is I don’t care, as long as you’re here I’m happy’.

God, what was with this guy, was he into me or something? …nah can’t be, I’m sure someone was hot as him already had a girl for himself. Wait, did I just call him hot? Ugh, what was wrong with me…?

‘Um… I need to get my stuff from the love hotel so-‘

‘I’ll come and help you Hyung!’ He interrupted.


G-Dragon – POV

When I first stepped foot into his room it filled me with an immense sadness. It was lonely and dark, he barely had any possessions and his things were everywhere. He obviously did not know how to take care of himself. Maybe our meeting was fated and I was here to care for him and be a friend to this lonely man.

We barely spoke the entire time or even made eye contact. I think he still felt ashamed for his drugged up display at my place. Maybe he was scared, I doubt anyone had ever gotten this close to him. Though I believed it to be embarrassment, having to move into a strangers place to lack of funds and a drug addiction wasn’t something to be proud of.

After everything was packed in his small black suitcase we went downstairs, handed in the room key and got TOP’s money back for the rest of the week’s stay, then we left. As we left I decided to break the silence first.

‘Do you have a job? Or are you studying?’ I asked.

‘No and no. I just moved here on a whim.’ was his response.

‘Then what are you planning on doing here?’ I quizzed.

He seemed annoyed at the constant onslaught of questions, it was obvious there was something he didn’t want to reveal and curiosity had gotten the better of me.

‘I plan on discovering the meaning of life’ He joked, it was obvious he wasn’t going to cough up anything useful.

After we had arrived at my place I emptied half my wardrobe and draws for him so that he could unpack while I prepared dinner. I decided to make a simple soup, something that would be easy on his stomach especially since he just moved here and mustn’t have adjusted to the food yet.


I had completely forgotten that Dae and Taeyang were coming over for dinner tonight, we had planned it the other week and since then I had been a little preoccupied with TOP so it slipped my mind. Before I knew it TOP had answered the door and let them in.

‘Wah! You’re that dancer from the club last weekend right?!’ I heard Dae explain as I entered the living room.

‘Yeah that’s him and sorry guys I forgot you were coming for dinner tonight, how about some other time?’ I responded before anyone could say anything else.

Dae and Taeyang began to pout and I could tell they were disappointed.

‘They can stay, consider it a house warming party for me eh?’ TOP smirked and winked at me.

Daesung and Taeyang looked completely shocked.

‘Hyung is he living with you?’ they asked in unison.

TOP decided to interject in the conversation again and replied for me.

‘Yeah I am, he’s just helping me out till I get back on my feet’ he responded.

‘Yeah! What he said!’ I yelped, I hoped they would just accept that as the reason because I didn’t think TOP would want to reveal everything to complete strangers.

They seemed to accept the excuse, maybe only out of consideration for TOP they didn’t ask too many questions. They were usually a curious bunch. After that we sat and ate dinner together. Once dinner was finished TOP insisted on washing the dishes while the boys and I watched some TV. I was starting to like having a roommate.



The dinner was delicious, it was only soup but god was it good. Taeyand and Daesung were nice enough and it seemed like they really looked up to GD. Dae and Taeyang seemed incredibly close though, closer than most friends were… it was an odd friendship but all three of them seemed to really care for each other, it was as if they were real brothers not just friends. It made me wish for such a friendship, maybe one day I would grow close enough to them though I doubted it.

After I finished wish the dishes I joined them in the living room and sat on the floor across from them, I sighed absolutely exhausted and GD looked at me, concern in his eyes.

‘TOP hyung, GD was telling us you need a job. You should audition for the company!’ said Daesung excitedly.

‘Yeah, with moves like that you’re a sure thing, plus those looks definitely don’t hurt your chances’ exclaimed Taeyang.

‘What company? What are you guys on about?’ I quizzed, genuinely confused over what they were suggesting.

‘Oh, Dae and Taeyang work for JYP Entertainment they’re in training to be part of a Korean boy band.’ GD answered for me.

‘Yeah! And GD hyung just sent in his lyrics and got himself an audition as well’ Daesung exclaimed pointing at an embarrassed GD.

‘Nah guys I don’t think being famous is really my thing. I’ll probably just get some part-time work at a grocery store.’ I responded.

‘Why don’t you go along to GD’s audition and see what it’s like for yourself and then decide, it’s tomorrow and we’ll all be there’ Taeyang jeered.

‘Uh sure, if it’s okay with GD of course’ I replied while looking up at GD. He smiled and nodded his head excitedly and that was that.

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!