Second Chance

An Unexpected Journey


I kept coming in and out of consciousness, one minute everything would be black and spinning the next I would see flashes of GD’s worried face. The last time I opened my eyes a single tear trickled down his face, red eyes and trembling lips, screaming my name. That was my last memory.

When I awoke I found myself on an old blue couch in the middle of a dark living room, the blinds were closed and my eyes struggled to adjust and focus on anything. As I slowly came to my sense I began to feel sick, anxious and shaky. Where were my pills, I need my pills? How long has it been since I took them? I’d never gone an entire day without taking any Mollies.

I began to stir but couldn’t gather myself enough to actually sit up. I groaned in an attempt to talk, to ask if anyone was here, to ask where I was and where my pills were. After a minute I heard the clatter of a pot on a kitchen bench and then the bustling of light feet coming down the hallway. It was GD.

‘W-Wh-Where’? I pleaded while having great difficulty to speak.

He handed me a glass of water and said ‘Drink this, you’re dehydrated, your throats just dry and sore’.

I did as he said, downing the entire glass in a manner of seconds. He took the glass from my shaking hands and once he saw me struggling to move into a seated position, he grabbed me by the arm and sat me up.

‘Where are they?! Did you take them?! Where the ARE THEY?!!’ I screamed, I was getting shakier by the minutes and the lack of drugs in my system was driving me mental, I couldn’t relax, I felt as if little hands were pulling my brain in thousands of different directions.

He stood there shocked for a moment before he regained his composure.

‘H-Hyung, I-I threw them out. They made you sick’ as he saw me tense up to his words and glare at him he began to defend his actions. ‘Hyung, you nearly DIED, your eyes were rolling, you-you were shaking. I was so scared. I couldn’t even get help! I had to shove my fingers down your throat until you threw it all up! Why would you want to take them again?! Why do that to yourself?!’ He stammered while gradually getting angrier and breathless.

‘I NEED THEM!!! YOU WOULDN’T UNDERSTAND…’ I screamed back at him. No one understood. Without them I didn’t feel like I was living anymore. Without my pills it was like I was self-destructing, and my Mollies were the safety switch.

All of a sudden tears streamed down my face, I began sobbing profusely as I crumpled to the floor. There I lay on some strangers floor, crying and sobbing over my drugs, this was a new low.

‘JUST-JUST GIVE THEM BACK! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE!’ I urged at the top of my lungs.

After that I felt a gentle, warm hand grasp mine as I clung to the carpet. GD, the boy I had just met that night pulled me into a warm embrace. An embrace that held so much intensity that I began to break down again. I had never been this vulnerable in front of anyone and it only made my tears flow quicker.

G-Dragon – POV

After what seemed like hours of TOP sobbing he ended up falling asleep in my arms. He was tired, his body was rejecting the fact that the drugs were leaving his system. For the next two days I didn’t go to work and TOP went in and out of consciousness, screaming for drugs, crying for help, begging and pleading even. He promised me with vomit coming out of his mouth that he would become my servant if it meant he only got one more pill.

I barely got any sleep during those two days, I sat with him as his body shook. When he was terrified thinking he was going to die I even sang to him until he fell asleep. His body sweated out the toxins as I held his hand all through those nights. And by the third morning he woke up and didn’t lose consciousness again. He was regaining himself again. The drugs had left his body and when he awoke he shoved me away, knocking me over. He curled up and hugged his knees just staring into space, not even blinking. This continued for hours until about 4 in the afternoon when he finally decided to speak.

‘Thank you.’ Is all I heard, as faint as a whisper, but he had said it.


I was clean, I was clean thanks to this boy. He had saved me, a perfect stranger from death and from my future self-destruction. I had sat there for hours not thinking about a single thing. Too in shock over the situation. I didn’t even remember what it felt like being clean. The craving was still there, screaming at me but it was not to the point where I felt like I was dying without it. Now what?

I hadn’t been clean for a good 3 years, I had started drugs at the age of only 14, a mere child and I had never stopped since. Do I know why I did it? No. I just felt as if my world had no meaning, that my existence and no impact. I thought I had no future, no life, no possible joy in life. It is not like anything had happened to me to make me turn to drugs, I was plain and simple depression.

I would feel numb all the time till I forget what having emotions was like. It was my only as to feel human again. It gave me a reason to keep going. I kept living to get my next hit, to feel those feelings it would give me. So now without it I didn’t know how to feel, what to do with myself or how to express my gratitude to this boy.

‘I-I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused you, thank you, thank you very much. Do you perhaps know what day it is?’

‘No, it’s okay. I’m just happy that you’re fine!’ He beamed at me, ‘Oh and it’s been about 3 days ahha’

‘What?! Really?!... woah. I’m really very sorry for everything I’ve put you through. Thank you. Thank you so much.’ Was all I said, I wanted to truly thank him but I didn’t know what to say.

‘I-I think I should take my leave now, I’ve inconvenienced you enough these past couple days, I’m sure you haven’t even been going to work, uh?’ I stuttered.

All of a sudden GD grabbed my shoulder and gazed directly into my eyes. It was a safe feeling, a comfortable one, and then he spoke, words that would change everything. ‘Hyung, you’re not leaving. I decided that I’m going to take care of you from now on. You’re my responsibility. I’m sure you don’t even have a proper place to stay and all those pills must have cost a fortune. Stay here. Let me protect you’ 

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!