Over Before It Began

An Unexpected Journey


This guy was the most bizarre and outrageous person I had ever met, his confidence was compelling and his smile was mystifying. I unknowingly began to follow him down side streets for 10 minutes until he pulled me into a park that was plagued with monumental trees, creating arches around every footpath. It was astounding.

After he dragged me into the middle of the grass he released my hand and collapsed onto the damp ground, as he stared into to the sky above all I would do was marvel at his look of wonder when searching the stars.

‘Hyung, what time is it?’ he asked excitedly.

‘Uh? Oh, it’s 1:30am’ I responded beng caught a little off guard.

‘Woah! Daebak! Hyung, let’s spend tonight together, let’s never go home, let’s run to a new place and make new lives with new memories!’ He raved excitedly.

I had never met a man so excited about life, so positive so memorable. He found wonder and adventure in the simplest of things and a smile spread across my face. The first genuine smile since my adoptive parents had passed away.

‘Okay, let’s.’ was my reply.

He looked at me shocked with an enormous grin slowly spreading across his face but then within a matter of seconds it dropped.

‘We can’t though, right? I wish we could. Hyung, let’s do it someday though, please?!’

The look on his face was filled with pleading and anxiety, as if his future happiness hung on my next few words.

‘It’s a promise’ I said as I crouched down and sat beside him.

This was a boy I had never met until just a few hours ago yet I was making promises to him. Although I am not the most well behaved guy around I was one that followed a promise no matter what it took. I don’t exactly know what compelled me to make such a promise. Maybe it was the feeling I got when I looked at his face, as if he could wipe away my worries and the outside world with a simple smile of his.

G-Dragon – POV

After TOP’s promise we sat in silence staring up at the night sky, hours passed and none of seemed to mind. After a while TOP dosed off and all I could do was stare at his sleeping face. When is eyes were closed and his steel gaze was hidden beneath his lids, there seemed to be a vulnerability and cuteness to his features.

I had the feeling that I had to protect him, I don’t know from what and why but I did. I felt like I had been the only one to ever get to see this vulnerable state of his, it filled me with a sense of responsibility; I had to protect this side of him.

As the hours went on I began to wonder what his true personality was like, what his secrets were, what his direction was in life. Why did I care though? Why was I so curious? I don’t know.

When I looked at my phone I noticed that it was already 5:30am, the sun was going to rise soon and it brought a sadness to me that I had not felt in a long time. I didn’t want this night to end, even though TOP hyung was sleeping, just being in his presence was enough to bring a calmness and a happiness to me that warmed my heart in the sweetest of ways.

All of a sudden TOP hyung began to shake, not from the cold or the breeze but violently. I froze in terror and I didn’t know what was wrong with him. After I regained my composure I shook his shoulders in an attempt to wake him up but there was no reaction to my touch. His body began to convulse on the floor, I screamed begging for anybody to come but we weren’t close to any roads or houses and it was too early in the morning for anybody to be out and about in the park. I grabbed my phone to call the ambulance but it was dead...

I lifted up his eyelid and his eyes were rolling into the back of his head and his pupils were dilated beyond belief, he was about to overdose. I can’t believe I never even picked up on the fact that he was high all night.  How much did he take? What did he take? What should I do?...

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!