The First Meeting

An Unexpected Journey
It’s my first night in Korea, I get a room at a love hotel in Seoul, considering it’s cheaper than normal hotels and start to unpack. The last thing I unpack is my silver chain and locket that belonged to my adoptive mother. I had gotten it in the will along with a letter that simply said “My most precious possession, it will guide you as it has guided me.” I carefully place the locket on bed side table and prepare for my first night back in Korea.

I decide to go to a club I had heard about while in Australia, apparently it was the place to go for alternative music and drugs. My kind of place.
It’s now 11:30pm and I’m heading down this dark alley way with blue and red neon signs at the end “Darkest Demise” the club reads. As I enter I get stares from all the women as per usual, someone as tall and blonde as me is sure to stick out in a place filled with short brunettes. I don’t mind it though, it’s a good boost to the ego after all.
As I walk into the club I notice a girl with her back to me at the back of the club, amongst 2 guys sitting at a table. Platinum blonde and shaved on one side, bomber jacket and the tightest in bright red skinny jeans. I knew who my prey would be tonight.
However before the night even begins I needed to get my hit. I go to the VIP section looking for any drug dealers and I’m in luck, amongst a throng of women is one man in a white suite and hand crafted walking cain. He was my guy.
I walk over and make eye contact until he nods to his henchmen to allow me to pass through. I sit down across from him and he cracks a smile.

‘Yang Hyun-Suk is the name, how can I help you?’ the man in the white suite coaxed.

‘Ah, yeah, My name’s T.O.P, was wondering if you would be the guy that might be able to supply me some Mollies.’ I respond.

‘Now what would a pretty buy like you be doing with such harmful things? Why don’t you just have a shot or maybe some green?’ The man questioned.

‘I must have been wrong then, nevermind’ I sneer as I get up to leave.

‘Alright wait, no need to be so rash, I like your frankness through, how much are you looking for?’ he quizzed.
‘Thanks’ I shoot back unimpressed with his business tactics, ‘I about 100 pills’.
‘Woah! Are you dealing this or taking it?!’ The man sputtered.
‘No. They’re mine. So do we have a deal?’
‘Yeah sure, just don’t overdo it, I still need your business in the future’ the man sneered.
Like that the deal was done. I got my 100 pills and he got half my savings. But it was worth it.
I left and went to the bar ordering a shot of vodka. I took 2 pills and so the night began.
I was in euphoria, the club was spinning, the songs were blasting and the girls were easy. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted the girl from earlier dancing in the middle of the floor by herself so I decided to walk up and begin the game.

‘You know, you’re probably the most attractive girl here and definitely the iest’ I whispered in her ear.

She turned around and sneered at me ‘thanks but I’m no girl, but I can be if you want me to be’ he teased.

I knew I was high but I didn’t think I was so far gone as to not realise it until then, all those inappropriate thoughts I had even before I popped those Mollies, What was wrong with me?!
G-Dragon – POV
I cannot believe he thought I was a girl! I know I’m skinny and my hair is quite long but really?!
His face was absolutely priceless though, that stunned face as he stuttered his apology and walked off was incredibly cute. Now I’m not gay and I’ve never been with or been attracted to a man but that guy looked like a greek god with his steal gaze and cute smile and masculine build. I wouldn’t mind experimenting if it was with him.
After he walked off I noticed him go to the bar and take another shot and lean against the bar as he checked out everyone one the dance floor, So I took my chance.
I took off my bomber jacket revealing a see-through black mesh shirt and walked right to the middle of the dance floor, in his direct line of sight. It was time to have some fun.

I dropped to the floor, slowly rising back up into a bent over position and proceeded to pop and lock while throwing in some body waves and winks his way. I noticed his eyes widen and his gaze drop. I couldn’t have him looking away just when things were about to get real. As soon as the bass dropped I hollered ‘ayyyyohhhh’ and got everyone in the club pumped and his attention back. Everyone began to form a circle around me and I pulled out every street move I knew, as the crowd got louder and louder the guy got more and more interested.
All of a sudden he began to walk, not away but towards me. It was me and him in the middle of the dance floor. He eyed me up for a second then gave me a light shove and winked my way as he took over the stage. He was graceful yet masculine, he was y yet cute, he was aggressive yet teasing. He transformed the floor and glided along it, moving as if he didn’t have any bones in his body. He was a god.
After I was done I backed up leaving room for the cute blonde to take back the stage yet he just stood there, stunned. His jaw was dropped and  so was the entire clubs. Nod body was moving or saying anything, maybe I shouldn’t have interrupted his dance?
All of a sudden the club erupted into a roar or cheers and screams and the blonde guy ran up to me, jumped on my back and pulled me out of the club before the crowds began to swarm us.
‘Hyung! That was incredible, I’ve never seen moves like that! Where did you learn to move like that?!’ he yelled excitedly, the boy was cute.
‘What’s your name?’ I responded, ignoring his questions.
‘Huh? Oh Ji- no G-Dragon, just call me GD though’ he answered, a little frustrated that I hadn’t answered his questions.
“I’m T.O.P but people just call me TOP since it’s a little easier’.
All of a sudden the 2 guys that GD had been with when I walked into the club came out, one was smiling with his eyes while the other was wearing loose pants and a cap, the latter was carrying GD’s jacket from before.
As they approached the one in the cap yelled out to GD, ‘C’mon man, if you’re gonna leave don’t dump your stuff on me and Dae like that.’
‘Ah! Sorry bro, I didn’t want to get bombarded by all the girls like last time oh and guys this is TOP, he’s the one with those sick moves’.
‘Hey I’m Taeyang and this is Daesung’ said the one in the cap, the one named Daesung was just smiling happily while his brothers talked without a care in the world, it was quite a funny site.
‘Thanks for the jacket guys, I’m gonna head off with my new friend so I’ll see you guys tomorrow’ Said GD as he grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me away down a side street.
‘Where are we going?’ I quizzed.
‘Hyung I want to show you somewhere’ said GD. And just like that I was following some kid I had just met off into the darkness, in a country I hadn’t been to since I was a baby. 
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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!