The Truth

An Unexpected Journey


‘W-What?’ I stuttered.

Had I honestly just heard those words escape my friends’ lips?

‘Don’t worry TOP hyung, I know you don’t feel the same at least not yet. But know that I will make you fall for me eventually so I’ll wait for you.’ GD replied with clear amusement on his face.

How did this even happen, I had no idea about his feelings for me. And what was this about waiting? Did he honestly like me that much? And as if the boy had read my thoughts he responded.

‘Hyung, I don’t like you. I believe I’ve fallen in love with you. One day you will feel the same about me though so don’t think too much about this confession. I’ve only professed my love so that you would look at me as a man and not as a young boy. I promise you this though, there will come a point where you will need me and think of nothing but me. In order to be happy or to hide you from any pain you will call upon me, and I will be there, waiting.’ GD declared.

This was the most serious I’d ever seen the boy, I mean man…

And with that he turned around and left the room. Now I was sitting on my bed, mulling his words over and over in my mind. Since when did he begin to like me? Would I really fall for him? What made him so confident? How should I act around him? These questions and more stirred in my mind and I lay down to sleep.

I knew I thought he was cute or y at times but I just assumed that was due to the fact that I hadn’t been laid in a while, could there me more to those feelings?


G-Dragon – POV

It was the next morning, I had slept on the couch out of consideration for TOP, I knew he would be feeling awkward and be thinking incessantly of the events that occurred last night so I thought I would give him some space. Though I know given time things will work out just as I want them to. I’ve seen the way he’s looked at me, it’s as if he’s in awe of me or about to pounce on me, I know if I just push him a little in the right direction he’ll understand his feelings eventually. I hope.

I decided it was time to wake the others up since we had a full day of training ahead that began with vocals and signwriting till the afternoon and then choreography until late at night. Not many people understood just how much work went into becoming an idol. We would train every day until early morning the next day and we would have to do this every day of every week for however many years leading up to our debut.

As per usual Taeyand and Dae just groaned as I knocked on their door and refused to get up right away. The new Maknae, Seungri seemed excited about his first day as he got up and came out of his room as soon as he heard me trying to wake up the other two. Now it was time to wake up TOP. I slowly crept into the room quietly shutting the door behind me and locking it. I knew the boys would take at least an hour to get up and wash up before they were ready to have breakfast so I took this opportunity to play around with TOP a little.

He was still sleeping once I reached the side of his bed so I decided to have some fun with him. I climbed on top of him and he began to stir from his slumber. As his eyes opened and looked up at me he turned a bright crimson red and he realised I was straddling him. He tried to sit up due to the embarrassment which was quite a cute site. So I grabbed his wrists and pinned his arms above his head. There was a look of confusion and panic settling into his face and I had never known anybody to be that seductive while looking like a trapped little deer.

I slowly drew my face closer to his until I was an inch away from his lips, I could feel his pulse accelerate through my grip on his wrists. This was the reaction I had been hoping for. I looked down at his body and as seductively as I could, drew my gaze to his lips as I bit down on my lower lip. With that his breath hitched and I slowly locked gazes with him. We stayed like that, looking into each others eyes for what seemed like an eternity. It made me content just looking at him but I wasn’t teasing him just so that I could look at him, I was teasing him so that he would begin to look at me in a physical and ual way.

With that I drew my gaze down back towards his lips, moving closer and closer to him. He was obviously panicking at this point but he still did not struggle to push me away. I moved my lips as to kiss him and brushed my lips against his. His heart beat erratically as he held his breath. He lifted his chin towards me, he wanted that kiss but I wasn’t going to give it to him, at least not yet.

‘Well it seems you’ve woken up now, let’s get washed up and have some breakfast, we have a long day ahead of us’ I declared as I got up and left the room.

He looked stunned as I left, almost wounded. But I had to make him realise his feelings for me were not just those of friendship. That he wanted me too.



After the incident with GD in the morning the day had been completely uneventful. GD acted as if nothing had happened and I just followed suit, not wanting to make things awkward between us and for the group. However my mind kept drifting back to this morning and my shock at how this sweet and shy guy could be so wild and animalistic all of a sudden.

It was now 12am and we had been dancing for the past 8 hours, we were exhausted. As the night came to a close we got our things and decided to call it a night. As we left JYP stood in the hall way.

‘TOP, I’d like you to come with me, we have some things to discuss.’ He said as he turned his back and walked towards his office.

The others looked at me in confusion and said they would see me at home. I couldn’t expect them to wait when they were already incredibly tired and I didn’t even know how long this meeting would take.

As I entered his office he sat down and stared at me. Why on earth did he bring me here if he wasn’t even going to say anything? I wondered.

‘Today you kids received assignments to write a song by the weekend, am I correct’ He quizzed.

‘Yes sir, but why would you be asking about that?’ I responded. Honestly I had no idea what this conversation was really about.

‘Well as you know I have some connection to your past, that connection is that I am your uncle. Infact your father is my elder brother. I have not told your father about your coming back to Korea or the fact that you are working for me and I will not tell you who he is, yet. Anyway these songs that you boys will write shall be submitted to him, if he likes what he sees then you may meet him.’ JYP answered.

‘W-What? What are you talking about? Why won’t you tell me? Are you testing me?!’ I demanded.

‘The truth is, your father is a very famous man, and your father also does not know you exist. He and everybody else can never know who you really are, understand?’ He replied simply, though he had a sad look on his face as if he felt sorry for me.

‘Then tell me, who am I?’ I asked, hoping he would reveal something, anything.

He answered sombrely as if he pitied me for what he was about to say. ‘You my nephew are my brothers illegitimate son that could ruin everything he’s built if word was to get out about you.’ 

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!