What Song?

An Unexpected Journey

I'm really terribly sorry for the late update, I had exams but I've finally finished so I should be updating regularly again!!  So don't hate me~



I woke up with swollen eyes and aching muscles. After my ‘uncle’ had told me I was his brother’s illegitimate son I had begged him to tell me who my father was. All the websites and articles said that JYP with an only child, I had no idea that president even had a brother, no one did.

I cried and screamed for answers but he wouldn’t give them to me, he couldn’t. I understood that, however when all the answers are dangling in front of you yet you cannot grasp them, it leads you to become a little manic and frustrated.

The CEO decided to give us all the day off after my little episode last night in his office. He wanted us all to go out and find some inspiration and complete our songs that were to be submitted to my unknown father. I had to do a good job, I had to impress him and I had to make sure everyone did the same.

As I walked into the kitchen I found GD sitting at the table bobbing his head and tapping his foot to a rhythm as he flicked a pen through his fingers. His shoulders were slouched over his notebook and he didn’t even realise my entering the kitchen. He was completely immersed in what he was doing so I decided to just wait at the entry and observe him.

It was hard to believe that this guy had just confessed to me the other day and declared that he would make me feel the same way about him, for when I looked at him now he just looked like an average kid, not one that was in love or one that was on a mission. GD placed the pen on the table and smiled as he looked over his completed work.

His smile always took my breath away, he was bright and dazzling and earnest in his expressions. It made me want to reach out and his cheeks, feel the warmth of his skin as he would blush from my touch. However I couldn’t do that, I didn’t want to lead the poor boy on. Yes I was attracted to him and wanted to touch him but that was all because I admired him. I couldn’t possibly have feelings for him. It was plain and simple admiration.


G-Dragon – POV

This song would convey everything; it was my masterpiece and my confession to TOP. These lyrics held my fears, my desires, my hope and my promises. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more proud of a piece I’ve written, I have been writing songs since I was 10 and nothing has been executed as well as this. I suppose it’s for the fact that nothing else I ever wrote had so much feeling in it, this song was special to me.

As I looked up from the dining table I was TOP’s gaze upon me. He was standing at the entry way leaning against the wall. Looking at me, and smiling. Those moments when he smiled were beautiful, but the moments when he smiled because of me were more precious to me than oxygen. Those moments were the ones I played over and over again as I fell asleep at night.

I got up from my chair wand walked directly over to him. I could not waver from my mission and I could never show any weakness, for I needed him to know I was serious about him. I stood a mere 2 inches from him, I placed my arms on the wall on each side of him. I would not let this opportunity to escape.

‘Have you been thinking about what I told you?’ I quizzed with a smirk clearly displayed on my face. I loved watching him squirm, it was so completely adorable.

‘I-I have’ He stuttered as he looked down avoiding my gaze.

‘And what is your response?’ I asked, though I already knew the answer. It was too soon to expect anything yet but it was still fun to .

He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, he was apologetic at least for not being able to return my feelings, yet. He moved to open his mouth and answer my question but I cut him off with a kiss.

As his mouth opened my lips met his and my tongue began to explore every inch of his mouth. He struggled and tried to push my away but he was not aware of the fact the I was stronger than him.

Yes I was small in build but I was stronger than anyone my age. I grabbed his wrists and slammed them against the wall, pinning him in position as I slid my leg in between his groin. He was visibly startled by how forward I was and as he opened his mouth to protest, I drew my leg back, rubbing my thigh against his jeans.

A soft moan escaped his lips and his muscles began to relax. I never thought TOP to be the type that got so easily but I was enjoying it.

I moved my lips to his neck and grazed my teeth against his skin, lightly as I left a mark. His body shuddered and as he groaned. I drew his arms high above his head and clasped them with one hand. I the inside of his neck until I reached his jawline then drew him in for a passionate kiss, he did not struggle, instead I found him struggling for dominance. His tongue was in my mouth and as I teasingly bit him to put him back in his place I moved my free hand to the belt on his pants.

As I grinded against him his slight groans increased in measure, and his body melted with my touch. Then just as I managed to un do the zip on his TOP seemed to snap back to reality. His eyes opened and he moved his head to the side to break my kiss, but it was too late.

‘TOP hyung and GD hyung, I never would have thought’ Taeyang exclaimed while Daesung stood open mouthed and in shock.Song?

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!