The Meeting

An Unexpected Journey

G-Dragon – POV

At that moment our new member Seungri looked up to meet the aggressive voice, his face dropped and he took two steps back. TOP and him must have had a bad relationship in the past judging my the tension in the room.

‘Uh, I’m sorry hyung, I’m sorry I didn’t know, I’m sorry’ Seungri pleaded with TOP slowly walking towards him, his arms out stretched trying to grasp at his hand.

TOP backed away with fury all over his face.

‘You’re not sorry, if you were sorry you would have come back and told everyone the truth but you didn’t. You let me take the blame for your stupidity. Even my parents believed I had done it, they couldn’t look at me for months. My adoptive father beat me till I couldn’t walk for a week! WERE YOU SORRY THEN?!’ TOP screamed at Seungri while breathing heavily.

It was obvious they had a bad past and that Seungri had wronged TOP in some way. I had never seen TOP so distraught, I had no idea he had received such abuse from his old father. It made my insides cry out to help him, but what could I do for him now?  Seungri kneeled on the floor in front of TOP with his head bent facing the floor.

‘I’m sorry, I wanted to help, but I was too scared! I would have been disowned and kicked out! I would have had a criminal record! I’m sorry!’ Seungri cried out as tears streamed down his face.

‘So you thought it was better if those things happened to someone who was innocent instead? I want you gone. I want you to leave right now and never come back. Understand?’ TOP said coldy without even looking at Seungri.

‘Come on TOP hyung aren’t you being just a little too harsh?’ I interrupted.

How could we just get rid of a member we had only gotten today? I thought to myself.

TOP looked up at me and answered, ‘Fine I’ll leave’. And with that he grabbed his jacket and left slamming the door behind him.

The manager began to freak out and left to go after TOP for it would be managers job at stake if our band fell apart before it even began.

Taeyang and Dae helped Seungri off of the floor and onto the couch, the boy looked like he had just seen a ghost. I gave him a glass of water to calm his nerves and asked him what just happened and how he knew TOP. At first Seungri was reluctant to say anything but with some egging on from us he finally decided to spill everything.

Apparently Seungri had met TOP when he had gone to Australia 3 years ago to study abroad. They became incredibly close in only a matter of weeks. They went everywhere together and hung out all the time. Seungri said he had a profound respect for TOP and that TOP had always taken care of him the entire time that he was there. One night they went clubbing together and TOP hadn’t known that Seungri had gotten into dealing. That night Seungri had to pick up a backpack full of the next months supply from a local club so he brought TOP along with him. After TOP had seen Seungri with the backpack full of drugs he had gone crazy at the boy tell him off and even begged him to stop. Seungri said their fight got more and more intense until they ended up punching each other. However TOP suddenly stopped hitting Seungri and pulled out his wallet. He threw all his cash at the boy who lay on the sidewalk and told Seungri to pay the supplier for these drugs and get out. After that TOP had taken the backpack to dump the drugs but on his way to the river police had stopped him and found him with them. TOP was charged with possession and dealing and Seungri had refused to testify for TOP and risk getting charged himself. After that Seungri apparently moved back to Korea and had never heard from TOP again. He only knew that TOP’s adoptive father had bought his sons freedom and the silence of those who knew about the incident as to not ruin the family name.

By the time Seungri had finished tell us all of this, he was crying again, the guilt and shame evident on his face. However I couldn’t help but be more worried for TOP. All I wanted to do was run to him and make sure he was okay. Was it wrong of me to only be concerned about the possibility of being able to hug TOP, my arms embracing his lean figure, just because he was upset? I needed to stop this and think like a real friend.


T.O.P -  POV

To be honest I didn’t even care that he had thrown me under the bus so many years ago. I was upset because I thought we were brothers, I was always going to take the fall for him if something ever got caught but to think he had no respect for me or our friendship to even think to do the same. It hurt.

I missed my cute little brother but he had broken my trust. For me trust was a big thing too, he was the first friend I had whole heartedly trusted and I would have laid my life on the line for him. I considered him to be truer family than my adoptive parents who had raised me. But I guess it was my mistake for thinking that way.

I felt bad for the other guys leaving so fast but I just couldn’t stay there and GD… He had looked so concerned about me. I wish I could tell him I was alright.

After walking for half an hour I found myself in the park where me and GD had spent our first night together. I missed him. God why did I miss him? I just wanted to always be in his presence, he made me feel good, happy and calm. That was it. I just missed him cheering me up since no one else ever attempted to do so.

Before I knew it the sky had turned dark blue and the stars had come out. How had I drifted off into thought so much that I had not even noticed the sun setting? Oh well I guess it was time I left, but where would I go? As I got up and turned around I noticed a group of people. It was the manager and the guys, including Seungri. Did they really care enough about me to come searching for me? I couldn’t believe it.

Seungri walked up to me first he looked horrible, his eyes were puffy and red. He could barely look me in the eyes. At that moment I understood why he had left without saying goodbye to me, he was ashamed, how could I have been so blind? I walked up to him and raised my arm, he flinched and the others behind him tensed.

I grabbed Seungri around the neck and dragged him into a hug. How could I stay angry at someone who so obviously had learnt the error of their ways. Seungri broke down into sobs and apologies, the cute guy. I couldn’t help but laugh over his innocence and soon we were laughing together just like old times.

Once I broke away from Seungri I noticed GD out of the corner of my eye, frown and look away. I wondered what was wrong with him what was wrong with him, would have to ask him later.

Once we arrived back to the apartment I was grateful to everybody as they had acted as if nothing had ever happened though over dinner Taeyang kept cracking jokes over how I had bad pasts with everyone in the industry. The mood seemed to get lighter as the night went on and after it all I was completely exhausted. Only then had I realised how much these guys cared for me. They had unpacked all of my belongings before going out to look for me, I felt as though they really wanted me around.

I would be sharing a room with GD which gave me the perfect chance to ask him what was wrong with him earlier in the park. Our room consisted of two beds, two wardrobes, a bookshelf and a lamp. It was a simple room but I liked it as I didn’t have many belongings, however it seemed to me that GD needed at least 3 rooms to fit all of his stuff inside comfortably.

Everyone went to sleep relatively early as they were exhausted from the long day of moving and arguing between Gri and I. As I began to change into my pyjamas I turned to GD and asked him if we could talk. The moment he turned around and saw me shirtless he gasped. He was an odd boy, I never picked him to be so shy but it was endearing of him.

‘What was wrong at the park today? I saw you frowning and sulking, you know you can talk to me right?’ I said to him reassuringly.

He seemed unsure of whether to answers and after chewing on his lip for a minute he stepped towards me placing his hands on my bare chest.

‘It seems I’ve fallen for you, Hyung’ He cooed as he met my eyes.

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!