The Audition

An Unexpected Journey


Taeyang and Daesung arrived at GD’s early in the morning and we were immediately off to JYP Ent.
GD was obviously incredibly nervous so Taeyang kept cracking jokes in an attempt to cheer him up and Dae continuously kept repeating various soothing words, however none of those things seemed to help calm his nerves.

Upon our arrival at the company everyone filed out of the car until it was just me and GD left. Before he got out of his seat I grabbed his shoulder and stopped him from leaving. As he turned back to me I just smiled, as brightly as I could.

‘You’ll do great GD, I know you will’ I cooed as I lightly fixed his hair. The boy seemed to blush as he pushed my hand away and left. God he was cute. As I left the car I cursed myself for thinking of the boy in such an unsavoury way.

Once we entered the company, Daesung and Taeyang dragged GD and I to the dance studio where they were holding auditions. Before we entered we had to get GD’s audition number and line up for what seemed a life time. Once we entered the studio it was huge, with had wooden floors and the walls were made up of massive floor length mirrors. There was a rectangle table at the front of the room with 3 people sitting at it and a camera set up on a tripod overlooking the entire studio.

As we walked in Daesung and Taeyang new them and bowed respectfully to them as they dragged me to the side of the room. GD began to nervously introduce himself when he was interrupted by the man sitting in the middle.

‘Please relax, the fact that you’re at the final round of auditions in front of me, the CEO already shows that you must have great talent. So please, just do your thing.’ The man in the white suit said in an attempt to ease GD’s nerves. For some reason he looked familiar, even that suit.

The Director of choreography spoke next, ‘GD is it? I’m gonna play a song and I want you to freestyle to it, I want you to feel the music and be in sync with the beats and to try and show off your personality through the dance, all idols must be able to at least do this much through a simple dance.’ And with that SE7EN’s song Better Together began playing.

GD seemed to know the song for as soon as it began playing a grin spread across his face and he immediately got into the mood of the song then once the intro was over and the real song began he pulled out moves I had never seen before. He was smooth and teasing in his movements. He was confident and challenging in his routine and indescribably hot with those seductive expressions. Sure those cute faces were aimed at the female fans but I couldn’t help but smile and squeal a little internally when he would wink or do a body wave. Ugh, What was I thinking?! I was meant to be here as a supportive friend and all the while I was having impure thoughts about him.

GD finished the song with a fierce gaze while breathing heavily. The choreographer beamed at him while the CEO and the lady, who I assumed was the vocal coach sat there with wide jaws. Daesung and Taeyang immediately erupted into cheers and claps for GD while I just sat there in awe of his stage presence. Normally he was a timid and shy boy but once he was out there doing what he loved his attitude and personality completely changed and I liked it.

After the Choreographer was done complimenting GD the CEO smirked. He obviously liked GD’s promise and knew he would deliver in the next category too. Once GD had a sip of water it was time for the singing audition. GD began singing a song he had already rehearsed, I’M COMING   by Bi Rain, he had told me earlier that he wanted to show off his English, signing and rapping so it was the perfect song.

This was the first time I had ever heard GD sing and he was amazing, it was cool and easy to listen to and his English flowed in perfectly. Once again I was in awe, was this guy bad at anything? I guess not. Once the he finished signing the CEO began clapping. You could tell he was pleased by what he had just heard, what CEO wouldn’t be? A guy that can sing, rap, dance and knows English; GD would easily sell in Korea and even be able to transition into the international market easily too.

The vocal coach was also visibly impressed, she said GD needed to work on his higher notes more but overall it was good. The CEO whispered to his colleges for a minute and then turned back towards GD to talk.

‘We are fully confident in your abilities and pleased with what we’ve seen, I’d like to offer to a place in our new group alongside Daesung and Taeyang. What do you think?’

‘Yes! Yes! Thank you! You won’t be disappointed!’ GD rambled on happily. Taeyang and Daesung ran over to him whooping with excitement and began thanking the CEO as well. As I began to walk over to the celebrating group the CEO’s eyes moved to me. Our eyes locked and in that instant I remembered where I had met him.

‘T.O.P what a pleasant surprise, don’t you remember me? It’s Park Jin Young, I never thought I would see you again to be honest.’ The man in the white suit spoke with a smirk on his face.

The studio grew quiet as everyone turned to look at me. I dropped my gaze and cursed under my breath. What horrible luck. To think that the drug dealer from that night was the CEO of an Entertainment company. However it explained why the three boys had been there that night, maybe a company outing?

‘Yeah same here, I especially never expected to see you here’ I snapped back at him challenging his gaze.

The mood in the studio got tense and GD had a look filled with worry on his face.

‘How do you two know each other?’ quizzed Daesung.

‘Oh, just around, we’re acquaintances of sorts’ the CEO responded.

‘Now that you’re here TOP wouldn’t you audition? I know how good of a dancer you are, I wonder if you can sing?’ The CEO sneered.

How could I refuse him in front of everyone here, he was the boss and I was just a lowly spectator…

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i hope u'll update soon :)
spicylemon #2
Chapter 9: cool! I love this chapter
hobuttlover #3
Chapter 8: Yehey! Now, top, it's your turn to confess!
hobuttlover #4
Chapter 7: Is JYP his father?
choitabiland #5
Chapter 8: Wow their relationship is a bit complicated but i didn't expect that top will forgive seungri that fast, but it's okayy and yesss /Let the romance begin/ *drumrolls*
Chapter 6: I'm so curious OMG and u r the fast writer ever seriously! Love the plot! :)
choitabiland #7
Chapter 6: Wooww you updated really fastt!!! Thank youu!! I'm curious what's the relationship between jyp and top?? Ughh this is getting more interesting!! Can't wait for more :D
choitabiland #8
Wow this is really good :) i love this!! please keep updating!!