There is no HAPPY ENDING

"Namgyu-ah!!!" A piercing voice welcomed me as I opened the door of our classroom. Who to expect. Of course it's my buddy. Sora. Running towards and immediately dragged me to our seat. She is surely a hyper type of person. I wonder where she gets all of her energy. "Why so hype up?" I asked her as I took my seat. "Nothing. Really.. Nah. Kidding. I am just so happy that you will take the lead role for the play! And what makes me more happy and giddy is because the leading man of yours will be from Seoul UniversityUni! Isn't thay great!!?" Sora said in one breathing. It is too obvious that she is happy. 


I growled in response because I know, someone's will be on rage again. "To be frank, I am so nervous. This will be the biggest okay? I mean. Ugh. It's just pressured me too much. I said in frustration. "Oh right! Do you know who will be the actor??" Sora asked as her twinkle in excitement.  I shrugged my shoulder and made a face. "Unfortunately no." I replied and her face went down. Hahahaha. Sora's face is so funny! 


The bell rings as a sign of the teachers is on their way and the class will start. How I wish our teacher in history won't use his monotone voice that makes everyone sleepy. 



After a long seating and listening to the discussions, it is time!! Time to go home! For somesome, not for me. It is because I still habe to attend our meeting for the musical and some stuffs for the foundation day. I told Sora that I have dozens of meeting to attend and maybe I won't go home together with her. 


"Naaaah~ I will wait for you. Taemin asked me too to join their dance troupe. And I know that you will participate too right?" Sora said as we walked on the hallways. "Maybe not now. I want to try joining the cheering~" I cheekily said. "WHAT?!" She uttered in surprise making people in the hallway looked at us surprisingly. "YA!" I retorted back and facepalm myself. I dragged her away from the hallway as fast as I could to keep out from the eyes of those people. 


"Are you even aware that when they are having a practice is they wear shorts? For all I know you don't like wearing one." She has a point. "Duh. Of course whatbis the use of cycling." I mockingly replied. "Does Jinki oppa aware of this?" Teasingly asked me. "And why he should be aware of this?" Raising an eyebrow at her. "Duh. Of course he is your "oppa"." She emphasized the word "oppa" with a meaning behind her voice. I rolled my eyes at her and stop at the most familiar door ever. "Text me later if you are done. Bye~" 



For hours of attending meeting in different rooms and topictopic, my day already end at 7pm. Gafd. I am so tired. Sora texted me an hour a while ago saying she couldn't wait for me because her mom needs her help. I guess it will be me and myself alone. Walking towards the gate, I saw a familiar figure. I got the clearer image as I walked closer. He waved his hand to me and smiled lightly. 


"Oppa, why are you here?" I stop infront of him and asked as I got closer. "Fetching you of course. What else?" He goofily replied. "How long have you been waiting there?" We started to walk. "Not that long. But I'm hungry. Want to grab something? Or maybe we should take out? You choose." Jinki oppa hold me in one arm and grab my bag from me. I widened my eyes and look around to see if someone saw us. Gah. This will probably be a big news! Duh. This guy over here beside have lots of fans. 


"It's late. Don't worry." He assured and I sigh. I looked up to him and smiled a little. "To your suggestion earlier, I choose the 2nd one." He smiled back at me and continued to walk to the nearesr fast food on our bus stop. 


After buying our food, we quickly went to the bus stop to catch the bus who was just about to leave. Thankfully, it waited us. Seating at the right end of the bus, we made ourselves comfortable.. Well yea. Until he broke the silence between us. 


"When will you allow me to court you seriously and labelled our status?" 

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Omg. That should be oppa not opps! Hahahahahaahhahaha omg i laugh so hard bc of that XD
Chapter 4: 9th para, 3rd line, somewhere in the middle, did anyone notice the 'opps'???? Im thinking of using it in my upcoming story... hahahahaha.... nice nickname!! Jinki opps!!!!
Chapter 9: hehhehehheheheh
afiercesong #4
Oh my feels!
Chapter 8: kising scene? with jinkii?
Chapter 6: woooo she master gymnast woaaah
Chapter 5: uwaaaaa jinki how sweet you are
Chapter 4: wow wow wow jinki trying to make a move to namgyu who didnt know anything at all
Chapter 3: weeeeeee namgyu was so lucky to have 2 handsome oppa
Chapter 2: uwaaaa jinki knight in armor saving his princess