Chapter Six

An Infinite dream come true.
The next day seems to go really quick and they have a concert that night. So as usual I help out Unni by rubbing oil into Dongwoo's arms and chest. As I am carefully rubbing the oil in making sure I don't miss anywhere I keep looking at Dongwoo's face. He gives me a very y look each time and as we stay looking into each others eyes for a few seconds I can feel that we are being watched. I turn round to look and everyone including unni is staring at us. I quickly turn back round and finish what I am doing then it is time for them to go out on stage.
While I am watching the show from the wings, thoughts go through my head. I have really loved having the chance to spend this time with them. I have loved the night times in bed snuggled up in Dongwoo's arms. But I only have about 3 days left with them then I have to go back home and they will leave and the only time I will ever see them again is on YouTube. I have all these feelings for Dongwoo and I will never see him again and they will probably just forget me. With all these thoughts going through my head, I hadn't realised that the show had finished until I see them coming towards me off the stage. Then I feel the tears slide down my face. I can't let them see me like this, they can't see me cry so I quickly turn round and run off. I hear them calling me with concern in their voices but I keep going. Then I feel a hand on my arm which stops me and pulls me into a pair of arms where I bury my head in a very familiar chest. He my hair as he asks me what's wrong, of course it is Dongwoo. I just shake my head and he says "Come with me, we will go somewhere quiet." He then leads me into where they have their make up done which is empty at the moment. He sits me on a chair then pulls another one up right in front of me and sits. He reaches out and wipes my tears away then says "Why the tears?"
I stay quiet for a few seconds then I say "I was stood watching the show then my mind started thinking. I only have 3 days left then you all move on to where ever you are going next and I go home. I have enjoyed spending time with you all, especially you at night. You told me you have all these thoughts and feelings about me, well I have them about you too. But soon we will never see each other again and I just have this fear that you are all just going to forget about me. I guess I am being silly and selfish to want to mean something to you all, for you all to remember me. I mean I am just one Inspirit and you have so many Inspirits out there." I then hang my head down and look at the floor. I hear Dongwoo say my name then his hand comes under my chin and he lifts my head up so I am looking at him. He then says "I wish it was longer than 3 days but I promise you this, we are never going to forget you. I can never forget you. You have all our numbers in your phone and we all have yours and we are going to stay in contact with each other. I know you are more than just an Inspirit to the others, especially Sungjong. You are definitely more than just an Inspirit to me. We will find a way to see you again and we will always stay in contact with you. So smile and let us enjoy the time we have."I smile and he pulls me in for a hug.
Just then the door opens and Sungjong's head looks through then he shouts out "Found them, they are in here." Then all of them come walking in and I am asked if I am okay. I nod and Dongwoo says "She was just worried that after she goes back home we would all forget her and she would never hear from us again." They all promise that won't happen and Sungjong comes over to me and says "You are my noona, you helped me when that girl was after me in the club. I will never forget you and I will message you every day if I can and we can do video call too." I smile at him and say "Thank you Sungjongie" and I give him a hug. Then Sungjong says "Also, Dongwoo hyung likes noona.... and noona likes Dongwoo hyung so you two will always be in contact." Both me and Dongwoo look at each other then look at Sungjong in shock. Dongwoo opens his mouth to say something when Sungyeol says "There is no point in lying either." Myungsoo then continues "Hoya hyung showed us the picture." My face goes slightly red as I look at Hoya. He just winks at me but when he hears Dongwoo shout his name he runs out the room with Dongwoo chasing after him. Sungjong says to me "It was a cute picture" and I hear Woohyun say "Makes me wish my name was in the bowl and you had picked me." Then I hear him shout "OWW HYUNG" as Sunggyu slaps him across the back of the head which makes me smile. Sunggyu then says to me "We know you like Dongwoo and it's obvious he likes you. As you only have 3 days left we will go back to the hotel, have some chicken then the rest of us are going out for the night and won't be back until late. You and Dongwoo can spend time together." I smile at Sunggyu and say "Thank you."
A/N: This is first chapter of my double update. WARNING!! Next chapter is rated M.
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Chapter One updated :)


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wongLXN #1
i love these
Chapter 10: aaaw, sweet ending ^^
Chapter 10: Noooo~! :'(
Why?I like this story!!
Chapter 9: Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful time! :)
Happy New Year! in case I won't be able to say it to you ;)
Chapter 9: Nooo!!I want moreee! XD
PLEASE update soon!!!
Chapter 8: I want her with Dongwoo! *.*
Please update soon!
Chapter 7: are you talking to me? *points to self* :D *feels like royalty* xD
The scene was nice ;) I mean, it couldn't be just any , it had to be romantic cause of the situation. I felt this chapter had a very romantic and warm atmosphere :) I think the amount of was right for this kind of story ;) *thumbs up*
Txs for the chapter!!! :D
Whooa!I like this story!
I love you author!Please update soon!
Chapter 5: I am ^^ tehehe.... they're naughty :D the question is...was this part of your dream? :P
Chapter 3: hehehe, so you dreamed this? *^*