Chapter Five

An Infinite dream come true.

I go to bed early that night as I have a slight headache. I lay there and no matter what, I just can't get to sleep. I finally manage to fall asleep but after a while I wake up when I feel Dongwoo getting in bed. I open my eyes and he is laying on his side facing me. He smiles and says "How is your head?" I smile back and say "It feels better now, thank you for asking." I look over at Hoya's bed and it is empty. I say "What time is it?" Dongwoo says "It's 1am, the others are not here so we are the only ones in the hotel suite." I say "Where are they?" He says "Sunggyu got a message from someone then they went out to meet up with a couple of people and have some chicken." I smile a little at that then say "How come you didn't go with them?" He says "I just wanted to come to bed."

We talk for a few minutes then he says "Are you having fun being here with us?" I smile and say "Of course I am, this is a dream come true for any Inspirit and on top of that I get to share a bed with my bias." He blushes slightly at that which I think is really cute. I then say "Apart from that I have got to learn so much about you all that none of your other fans would even know. Especially about you." He says "Name one thing" so I smile and say "Okay, hmmm I have learnt how much of a sweet guy you are." He laughs and says "Try again, all our fans know that." I say "Okay something your other fans don't know is.... that you like to snuggle in bed, especially when it's cold." I see him smile slightly and I continue with "Also I know where your most ticklish spot is" and I reach out my hand and tickle him. He starts to laugh which makes me tickle him more. He begs me to stop but when I finally stop he gets an evil look on his face and starts to tickle me. In between laughs I say "Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry" and I try to move away from him but he is too quick and I find myself pinned to the bed with him sat on top of me. I beg him to stop as I can't take anymore and eventually he stops. He is just climbing off me when I grin and start to tickle him again. He grabs my hands and pins them to the bed either side of my head and this time lays on top of me to stop me from moving. I say "Okay I am really sorry this time, I won't do it again." He smiles and says "I don't believe you." I make the mistake of looking into those mesmerizing eyes of his and I just can't look away. My smile disappears as I realise the position we are in and just how close his face is to mine. His eyes finally move away from mine and I find that I can finally look away from them. He is still looking at my face and I realise he is not smiling anymore. He has got a strange look on his face. I say softly "Dongwoo, what's wrong?" He is quiet for a few seconds then he says "I don't know, I just have a sudden need to kiss you." My lips have gone dry so I stick my tongue out a bit to wet them. I see his eyes move to my lips. I see his eyes close for a few seconds then he opens his eyes and says "I should get off you, I have all these feelings going through me and I might do something." He then moves his hands off mine and attempts to get off me but stops when I touch his arm and say his name. He doesn't look in my eyes so I say again "Dongwoo?" He finally says "I have had these feelings growing inside of me since last night when you snuggled up to me and slept in my arms. I really badly want to kiss you and....." he then goes quiet so I say "And what?" He says "It doesn't matter as you have someone waiting for you at home."

To be honest I have all these thoughts going through my head of what I would love him to do to me. I say "Dongwoo I..." but he puts his finger against my lips to stop me from saying anything else. He says "Don't say anything, I don't want to hear rejection. I can't hear it" I lift my hand up to gently grab his hand to stop him from moving it and I kiss his finger which leaves him wide eyed. Then I move his hand away from my mouth. I let go and touch his lips before I simply say "Dongwoo, kiss me." He looks shocked and says "Really? Are you serious? Are you sure?" I slowly nod my head then as I get lost in his eyes again he bends his head down and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck as I kiss him back and he deepens the kiss.

After what seems like ages he brings his head back up and just looks in my eyes. We hear talking coming from another part of the hotel suite meaning the others are back. Dongwoo lets out a groan then slides off me and pulls me round so that my back is to him. He slides closer behind me and I feel his hardness against my . I let out a gasp and he quickly says "Sorry" and starts to move away. I quickly turn round to face him and grab him to stop him from moving then snuggle up close to his body with my arm round him. I know that he is smiling as he wraps his arm round me and pulls me as close as possible. I can feel that my pj top has slid up so I remove my arm from him and put my hand between us to pull it back down. But as I am doing so my hand accidentally brushes against his hardness. This time it is Dongwoo's turn to gasp. I quietly say "Sorry" and put my arm back round him. He says "See how my body reacts to you? The things that are going through my head right now would shock you." I smile and say "I would love to find out what those things are." He chuckles as he says "Oh really?" so I nod and look into his eyes. Just as I am about to say something we hear Hoya outside the door. I snuggle into Dongwoo's chest and we pretend to be asleep. We hear Hoya come in then a slight chuckle from him when we hear him get in bed. I carefully pull the cover up further over us then I move my hand onto Dongwoo's abs and just run my fingers gently up and down over his abs. I hear a little noise come from Dongwoo so I slowly lift my head up to look at his face. Our eyes meet and he seems to have that hold on me again as I can't look away. We lay there for a few minutes just looking into each others eyes while I still slide my fingers up and down over his abs. Eventually as my hand goes slightly lower he closes his eyes for a second or two which is long enough to break the spell he has on me and I see him bite his lip which looks y as hell. He opens his eyes and says "You have to stop." I say "Do you really want me to stop?" He whispers back "No, but you have to are making all kinds of thoughts go through my head and I can't act on my thoughts cos Hoya is just there." I smile and say "You really have those sort of thoughts about me?" He nods and whispers "Ne." I smile and kiss his lips then I turn round so that my back is against him and he wraps his arm round me and pulls me close to his body. As I close my eyes with a smile on my face I hear him whisper in my ear "I will find a way to get you to myself." I then feel him place a soft kiss on my neck before he says goodnight. I say goodnight then drift off to sleep in his arms.


A/N: So how is it so far? I was bored so I did a double update. I hope you are enjoying reading this :)

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Chapter One updated :)


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wongLXN #1
i love these
Chapter 10: aaaw, sweet ending ^^
Chapter 10: Noooo~! :'(
Why?I like this story!!
Chapter 9: Merry Christmas! Hope you have a wonderful time! :)
Happy New Year! in case I won't be able to say it to you ;)
Chapter 9: Nooo!!I want moreee! XD
PLEASE update soon!!!
Chapter 8: I want her with Dongwoo! *.*
Please update soon!
Chapter 7: are you talking to me? *points to self* :D *feels like royalty* xD
The scene was nice ;) I mean, it couldn't be just any , it had to be romantic cause of the situation. I felt this chapter had a very romantic and warm atmosphere :) I think the amount of was right for this kind of story ;) *thumbs up*
Txs for the chapter!!! :D
Whooa!I like this story!
I love you author!Please update soon!
Chapter 5: I am ^^ tehehe.... they're naughty :D the question is...was this part of your dream? :P
Chapter 3: hehehe, so you dreamed this? *^*